Friday, June 5, 2015

Population Center: Dagger Crest:

After the initial failure of Old Hollowstone, many other colonies were attempted, but the first success was Dagger Crest, its mostly stone buildings nestled atop a plateau in the middle of the Tesarian Badlands.  Heavily fortified, it is nevertheless run with manipulation more than force.  Formed by a multitude of emigrants from Adslein, many were criminals according to the old continent's laws, and sought to escape to a place where they may not be judged for what seemed minor to them...  Or simply to avoid sentencing for those who did not regret either the laws or breaking them, but rather that they had been or were close to being caught.  While Pixies and Naiads are more rare in Dagger Crest due to the region itself being more arid than most prefer, there are many who work to make the city more hospitable to their sensibilities, and they are gladly welcomed for their efforts...  So long as they don't forget to ask permission first.  The other species are likewise very welcome and there does not seem to be any centralization of any species to a specific area.  Dagger Crest is separated out into different Quarters each named after a historical figure of the city which was famous in the region.

The Raddik Quarter is home to most of the weapon-smiths, The Assassin's Guild, The Dagger Crest Enforcers (who are paid well enough that money is rarely useful in trying to bribe them), The Cuts and Guts Weapon Shop among many others, and The Knifetip.  It was named after Sorril Raddik, felinae assassin and one of the founders of Dagger Crest.  She devised most of the various laws and punishments in Dagger Crest which still allow more freedom than most cities on Lenida, while at the same time establishing punishments such as The Knifetip.  Public executions for those who have committed the most heinous crimes to the citizens of Dagger Crest are carried out there on The Knifetip, an extended protrusion in the plateau.  Those sentenced to walk its length are blindfolded and their hands bound, prodded with sticks and thrown stones to encourage them to keep going to the end.  There, if they have not fallen already or died from injuries, they may clasp one of many knifes embedded into a post at the tip.  Should they be able to find one of the few white hilts amongst the others, they are permitted to be unchained and have their blindfold removed so that they may fight their primary accuser on The Knifetip.  If they survive, the crimes they were accused of are considered paid, and the life of their accuser is theirs to utilize, barter, sell or end.  As a result of the stiff penalty for heinous crimes and the likelihood of one trying to exact punishment in private to prevent such a possible reversal of judgement, most do not commit serious crimes within the boundaries of the city and its watch.  Asylum, however, is given for those who commit crimes elsewhere, if the leaders of the various guilds present come to a majority agreement.  Such asylum though, always comes with a price.

The Brodan Quarter is home to most of the archaeologists, geologists, The Miners Guild, The Builder's Guild, and also a great many of the oldest taverns and inns in the city, such as The Shaking Scabbard Inn.  It was named after Brehn Brodan, the gargoyle architect that designed most of Dagger Crest out of large formations present atop the plateau before they were reshaped to form the outer walls and many of the guild halls.  It is also home to Mog, the oldest known Ogre Ghoul on Lenida.  A cunning and violent foe, Mog retired to Dagger Crest forty years ago and has easily dispatched those who have disrespected his abilities and intelligence.  Mostly preferring to be left alone, he tends to his multitude of underground fungi gardens from which he sells some of the best cultivated shrooms on Tesaria, as well as writing to various newspapers across the globe on various mathematical, philosophical, psychological and scientific subjects, as well as riddle and puzzle submissions, and supposedly a few novels over the years.

The Shabah Quarter is home to the many legal prostitution businesses, many of the wine, beer and ale companies, the assorted more unusual perception-altering item businesses, many warehouses, as well as The Mercantile Guild and The Thieves Guild.  It was named after the midicubi Ilyava Shabah, whose business of ill-repute had followed them to Tesaria when driven out of Adslein.  Having been previously connected to so many different businesses and government officials, Ilyava was able to help found the beginning economy of Dagger Crest and ensure that it prospered for all of the quarters, not just the one which would later be named after them.  It is also home to a few specialty shops which trade in goods not common to the region, such as The Best Slice, a butcher shop which serves many delicacies, and supposedly even more which are not on the menu due to the owner's determination that such rarities as dragonmeat be saved either for special occasions or those who have in some way earned their respect.

The Olja Quarter is home to most of the crop and animal farms, animal tamers, The Agriculture Guild, The Dagger Crest Watch, and many of the residences for those who do not themselves own a business.  It was named after Unba Olja, the naiad engineer who designed many of the city's systems which keep it self-sustained despite the low precipitation in the region, as well as ensuring most of its waste was recycled and put to use in a way that directly benefited the citizens of Dagger Crest.  While it may seem less glamorous to tourists, The Olja Quarter is home to many a retired warrior who enjoys working on the various farms or otherwise leading a simpler, more peaceful life...  But few are more fervent than they in defense of the city from outside and internal threats.

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