Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Population Center: Thosisi:

Located near Tesaria's center, Thosisi is the jewel of Jurak Desert.  The city proper was built by investors who left Dagger Crest over two hundred years ago, but it was constructed amidst the dunes atop the pre-existing ruins of an ancient failed human settlement.  While there have not been any significant technological artifacts recovered from the ruins, and the nearest leyline is dozens of miles away, still there are signs that at some time both technology and magical power were in abundant supply due to the wondrous way that some of the buildings appear to have been constructed, and the large number of shattered foci recovered, some of which still held stored magic in more minute quantities than their whole form would have contained.

The deep mystery of the Jurak Desert and the ancient humans draws many to the city of Thosisi, though others come for other reasons.  As dry and overbearingly hot as the desert is, Naiads, Cubi and Gitwerg are rarely found on its surface, though there are quite a few to be found in underground ruins and more-recently constructed passageways, many helping the city maintain both its water supply lines and sewage reclamation.  However, there are murmurs about the back alleys of the city that the trio of species are frequently in disagreement with each other and how they do business with the city, some individuals proposing that they be more stringent on the services they offer unless they receive even more profit.  Pixies and Gnomes are rare in Thosisi, though some make a living off of exploring collapsed tunnels in ruins whose openings are too small for larger species to squeeze through.  The Felinae and Reynix tend to stay on the side of the city closest to New Hollowstone, many working to maintain trade relations, farms, and hunting expeditions.  Most Kenthri tend to live on the outskirts of Thosisi, as the sands offer much to the freedom-loving people.  Draconis Dragon-Kin and Gargoyles are typically found fortifying defenses for the city, primarily against some of the desert creatures, but also on the off chance that anything from underground ends up rising to the surface.  So far, their attempts have managed to drive or expire multiple terrors hiding in the desert...  Goblins and Humans are the two most common species in Thosisi, being two of the oldest species to have settled in the Jurak Desert, and the Goblin population is responsible for the majority of the underground design of much of the city, which helps diminish the heat.

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