Saturday, June 13, 2015

Population Center: Oak Hill:

Oak Hill was the second successful large settlement on Tesaria, built East of the ruins of Old Hollowstone.  Originally named for the massive oak forest within which the city was constructed, Oak Hill was literally built onto the trees.  As there had been many dangerous predatory animals spotted in the area when it was settled, the city architect was given the task of designing the settlement in a way that would protect the most frail of its citizens with ease.  Seeing as the elevation of the forest canopy kept all but a handful of these predators from reaching climbing prey, the city was build with a tiered design that took into consideration the needs of its citizens.

Constructed primarily out of oaken wood, every grid of nine blocks has one block with stone structures in the center with the purpose of allowing any conceivable use of fire to be accomplished in a contained nature, with redundant aqueducts used to put out any potential spread of fire to the trees and wooden buildings.  While Oak Hill may have been modest in its original design, as it has steadily grew taller and broader, new oak trees have been planted and guided along to support the weight of newer tiers, with a great many scientific and arcane achievements accomplished in order to ensure that the city's support structure can handle all the weight.

Oak Hill had originally been started primarily by Felinae immigrants, but its population has widely diversified and bred with one another to the point that there are few pure bloodlines in the city that are not recent immigrants to it.  In fact, its diversification led to vast knowledge from the different cultures in its population being shared, which helped increase the efficiency of most industries which the city occupies itself with, the most prevalent being accelerated tree growth and harvest.  Over time, many wealthy investors from Oak Hill desired to find newer land to claim, most going East to The Ghost Grove and after much hardship forming Dunklestadt.


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