Friday, August 14, 2015

Region: The Citadel of Memory:

The Citadel of Memory lays on one of the broken shores of The Northern Wastes, a remnant of ages long past.  The citadel itself is a structure pre-dating the first Human settlement on Lenida after the shuttles from The Lost Station deposited the Dragons and Humans on its surface.  Constructed of the same materials and similar design to the shuttles themselves, its towering spires were constructed by the scout ships which discovered and began the terraforming process on Lenida initially for the Dragons before they and later the Humans would arrive to settle on it.  While its inner doors have been sealed off for millennia, many other chambers have been opened to reveal all manner of creatures and monstrous terrors designed by the citadel to populate the planet and make a more balanced ecosystem.  Some chambers held riches, other toxins, and others still little of importance.  Many expeditions have gone into the citadel of memory, but few have come back out, let alone remembered more than scant information about the place, all their recordings, pictures and notes badly deteriorated or otherwise altered to become corrupted...

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