Saturday, August 29, 2015

Region: The Twilight Woods:

North of Dunklestadt, beyond The Ghost Grove, The Twilight Woods and its inhabitants reside.  The Twilight Lake is in the center of it all, which shimmers in the twilight hours with an eerie green glow.  Its waters are normal in the day and most of the night, but those that enter it when it is glowing swear to see figures moving on the Island of Voices which lays within the lake.  Some theorize that due to the number of people who have died there and in The Ghost Grove, that it is haunted as well.  Others believe it to be a bridge to another realm, though to what and why it only would be working a select few hours, none can answer for certain.  None who have stepped foot onto it during those hours has been seen since.  Further north, The Mist Grove and Dusk Sanctuary can be found, with the former always shrouded in mist as per its name, and many a strange creature which only resides within its boundaries.  The Dusk Sanctuary, on the other hand, is a temple which has devoted itself to the study of The Twilight Lake, all creatures and terrors of the night both in The Twilight Woods and elsewhere, and to ensure all sentient beings across the globe have at least shelter during those dangerous hours...

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