Saturday, August 22, 2015

Region: Mysterious Rocks:

West of The Northern Wastes of Tesaria lays The Mysterious Rocks.  These ancient stones have been warped by the arcane storm that covered Tesaria in ages past, but some have markings on them and patterns to their placement which seems unnatural, even for wild magic.  Some even bare runes and ancient sigils that were clearly moved to their location to form a ritual grounds, though what the rituals were, or who moved them either during the storm's might or as it started to recede is unknown even to the most studied of archaeologists.  Regardless, the region is mostly filled with tall buttes and large boulders, but there are also other features.  Towering ancient trees lay to the north that were warped by the arcane storm, some petrifying, some burning, others mutating but still intact.  To the south orchards thrive though giant insects are occasionally seen feasting upon the fruits of the laborers work.

To the eastern edge, the great Silanu Lake lays placid, clear enough to see bottom, but yet hidden creatures still arise from time to time without warning, and those who ingest its waters feel an arcane tingle, some even mutating from repeated exposure.  One such being is Kallisto Hale, a Naiad who lives and works in a mobile clockwork house and shop typically found south of the lake.  Kallisto's Creations is filled with clockwork and steam-driven machinery, as well as the inventor herself, whose liquid body has mutated to be capable of exuding clinging pink aphrodisiac slime, or an orange slimy strong acid, depending on her mood or inclination toward an individual.  As such, she usually keeps inside a clockwork and glass set of armor, but has been seen at times diving into Silanu Lake.  To the north of the lake,the incubus Kenrick Roam runs Ink to the Brink, a tattoo shop specializing in magical tattoos which may be used to focus and increase the chance a spell's casting will function properly...

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