Tuesday, October 13, 2015

System Mechanics: Zodiac and Moon Phase Bonuses

     Every character has a day they were born, and the time of year has different connotations for what bonus they may have as a result.  A player may choose their zodiac and week bonus if a GM permits, or it may be rolled at random.  The zodiacs are always tied to the realm and planet the individual came from, and the bonuses always apply to them, but as a result of the placement of the stars from different planets or in different realms, the zodiac cycle is unique per planet (though by position some may share a few), and should either be set by the GM or by the book if using an expansion planet or location within another realm.  Specifically on Lenida, the following details exist:

     Zivta = Start of Winter.  Has an extra day.

     Greme = 2nd month of Winter.  Has a leap day once every three years.

     Luberin = Start of Spring.

     Pasku = 2nd month of Spring.

     Vort = 3rd month of Spring.

     Eteno = Start of Summer.  Has an extra day.

     Ahnith = 2nd month of Summer.

     Ugsky = Start of Autumn.  Start of Year.

     Herrgis = 2nd month of Autumn.

     Ogst = 3rd month of Autumn.

     35 days to almost all months.

     Moon one takes 15 hours to cycle.

     Moon two takes 40 hours to cycle.

     Taeli "The Mace" = From Ogst 32nd to Zivta 31st = "The Conqueror" Highly egocentric and aggressive.  +1 Order/Void.  +1 STR.

     Prash "The Gem" = From Zivta 32nd to Greme 31st = "The Perfectionist" High security, pragmatist.  +1 Senses.  +1 WIS.

     Eha "The Triad" = From Greme 32nd to Luberin 31st = "The Nurturer" Low egocentric, submissive.  +1 Life/Renewal.  +1 FP.

     Sahtre "The Ladle" = From Luberin 32nd to Pasku 31st = "The Mediator" High Manipulative, dynamic.  +1 Vibrations.  +1 EP.

     Badok "The Refuge" = From Pasku 32nd to Vort 31st = "The Romantic" Low security, adventurous.  +1 Emotions.  +1  FIN.

     Obonn "The Snake" = From Vort 32nd to Eteno 31st = "The Thinker" High self-actualizing, normal.  +1 Chaos/Entropy. +1 WIL.

     Korraf "The Fount" = From Eteno 32nd to Ahnith 31st = "The Optimist" High sociocentric, sociable.  +1 Intuition.  +1 LP.

     Tambaj "The Scythe" = From Ahnith 32nd to Ugsky 31st = "The Bargainer" Low manipulative, static.  +1 Death/Decay.  +1 HP.

     Rutol "The Hunt" = From Ugsky 32nd to Herrgis 31st = "The Cautious" Low sociocentric, asocial.  +1 Logic.  +1 SP.

     Dasil "The Boot" = From Herrgis 32nd to Ogst 31st = "The Runner" Low self-actualizing, neurotic.  +1 Luminosity.  +1 Speed.

     The character's zodiac ties to the more frequently 'stereotypical' personalities for people born during that period.  Those born in the first seven days of the period have a +1 to Psionic Abilities.  Those born in the last seven days of the period have a +1 to Magic Abilities.  Those born in the second seven days of the period have +1 to Physical Abilities.  Those born in the third seven days have a +1 to Non-Combative RP Abilities.  Those in the fourth seven days have +1 to other Combat Abilities.  If a character is born on the leap day, then they get a +3 LP on their actual birthday, versus a +1 LP on other character's birthdays, as they only get one every three years (though they can celebrate it the day after and get a regular +1 on years without the Leap Day).

     Likewise, during a character's day of birth the phases of the moon also have a potential affect on their lives.  With regard to planet Lenida in the primary realm, the following details apply.

     Any Luniis infected character has the traits appropriate to their infection come forth every time the second moon is full in the sky and a 50% chance if the first moon is full in the sky.  If both moons are full, they also gain +1 HP and +1 EP each hour both are in the sky, but return to their normal HP and EP at the end, unless they have taken damage that puts them lower than their normal HP and/or EP appropriately.  During any Lunar Eclipse they must resist bloodrage every hour with 50% chance.  If contained during that period they must attempt to free themselves, risking damage to themselves, their confinement or others.  If they are not sedated during it, they will lose 1 SP if properly contained, and if not properly contained may lose SP depending on actions during it.  If both moons eclipse together, then the resistance is only a 25% chance and they lose 2 SP instead if not sedated but contained.  A Solar Eclipse does not affect a Luniis infected character.  When regarding travelling to other planets or other realms, a character still operates under their old biorhythms for forty days before adjusting to the new.  Hence a Luniis infected individual may have their benefit occur on a time different from the time of natives on a different planet which they are visiting.  Additionally, those infected by someone else with a Luniis infection or through a different vector will turn into their other form when they have periods of intense negative emotions, as well as the more ritualistic time periods.

     Any Vilru infected character has their traits 100% of the time at night, and takes -1 HP every five minutes under sunlight or UV lighting if *any* skin is exposed.  It does not kill them immediately, but they do have to be wary of the damage.  During any Solar Eclipse they are able to walk without covering during the day without damage for that period.  If both moons eclipse the sun, they gain an additional +3 HP and +3 EP for that day, even after either eclipse ends.  A Lunar Eclipse does not affect a Vilru infected character.

     A Ghoul is not affected by the sun or moon, except during eclipses.  During any Solar Eclipse they gain +2 speed during it, and if both moons eclipse the sun they also gain +1 EP as well.  During any Lunar Eclipse they gain +2 FP during it, and if both moons are eclipsed they also gain +1 HP during it.

     All characters born during a full moon gain +1 LP.  All characters born during a lunar eclipse gain +1 SP.  All characters born during a solar eclipse gain +1 FP.  All characters born during a new moon gain +1 EP.


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