Wednesday, October 28, 2015

System Mechanics: Sustenance and Diet:

As one might have noticed in the past post, sustenance has also been altered, and split into two parts, each a general guideline if a GM chooses to utilize them, with increasing complexity by adding the diet variations, though less complexity than was originally created when the sustenance mechanic was introduced. Certainly, the old complexity may be revisited on a digital platform standalone RPG using The FARAD System or MMORPG utilizing it, but for ease of the players and GMs using the pen and paper version, sustenance and diet has been simplified. Every living creature needs some kind of liquid and food, even plants requiring nutrients, mold needing a moist surface and something to spread upon, etc. As such, both are needed, regardless of the species, though there is some variation on how long a character or creature can go without food or liquid, and likewise, how much they can consume without not only gaining weight but getting sick from the sheer amount. As long as a character stays within the range of sufficiently full on both food and liquid, it doesn't matter what times they eat at, except for RP reasons a GM might create. A GM and player may decide together to alter the ranges as befitting a character in particular, but overall the ranges, as well as the dietary variation are tied to genetics, and average out among the sustenance requirements and dietary variation of the grandparents and parents.

Dietary variation doesn't change massively between individuals of the same species, though some might be more susceptible to certain things such as rot, or more resistant to others, such as poison, beyond what their species is even normally found to have in its averages. Overall, the dietary variation lets a GM easily utilize any form of food and liquid in the game to determine if it is safe to eat, let alone if it offers a decent benefit worth the effort of acquiring it...

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