Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Population Center: Dulda:

Southwest of Perkam, Dulda rests at the base of a crescent of short mountains next to the Inner Gulf of Rhydarcus.  Due to its relative protection due to the crescent of mountains and the larger mountains further away by Karnuk, the city of Dulda does not suffer strong sandstorms or ocean winds, having a much milder weather overall than most of Rhydarcus, though it is still primarily built upon dry rock and sandy soil due to the heat and lack of underground rivers running by it, the ocean waters too high in salt to make the land fertile.  Instead, its denizens have created great water desalinization structures to filter out the salt from the water they collect, in turn selling the salt off to ocean-going vessels to sell in distant lands.

The Naiad, Cubi and Gitwerg population of Dulda primarily runs the city, having a great influence if not ownership of most of the businesses that use the piers, as well as keeping the secrets of their highly efficient desalinization equipment and ocean-harvesting equipment a trade secret.  This has led to some complaint from the city as a whole, but their obvious value to the city makes most cases filed against them settled rather quickly.  The Kenthri, Pixie, and Draconis Dragon-Kin populations are almost non-existent in Dulda, with the Felinae and Reynix populations tending to stay nearer to the mountains, hunting small animals that call them home.  The Humans and Gnomes tend to live on the other side of the mountains, working to create glass and stone materials for use in the city without risking damage to the city by removing materials from the environment close to it.  The Goblins and Gargoyles are usually toiling away trying to mine the mountains and create trade routes deep underneath the city to other parts of Rhydarcus, but the Gitwerg frequently interrupt their efforts to extort the mining companies, as well as ensure none of the passages are of any risk to the city.  All in all, the city of Dulda is constantly working to maintain a balance of expansion and protection of its current existence, and the population knows this, even if some may dispute how best that may be done.

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