Friday, February 12, 2016

Population Center: Feldurre:

In the northeast end of Hokare, the city of Feldurre stands.  Built atop mesas among the Spurnwood Forest and the Crimsonwane Fields, Feldurre is a city surrounded by miles of predatory creatures and environmental hazards.  The Spurnwood Forest is heavily infested with Mykra Spiders, and only the defenses of the city and streams through the forest offer any real protection from their danger.  Unfortunately, the streams are tainted from the blood and poison to soak into their waters, and are often home to specters haunting the areas nearest to their soul-echo was first created.  There are flora and fauna that survive in The Spurnwood Forest despite the dangers, though most tend to drink from ponds more toward the center of the forest, instead of near the borders where many foolish explorers have fallen.  The Crimsonwane Fields, however, have red-tinted wheat caused by not only all the blood soaking into the water table, but from all the iron underground.  Unfortunately for the brave miners in Feldurre, the are is riddled with anthropophagi dens, making harvesting the ore difficult without a small militia present during any mining expedition for defense, which cuts into profits...  The wheat, however, tends to back into very distinctive bread, pasteries and other doughy creations, so much of the population works to either harvest the wheat, defend the town, or create new, safer and more efficient ways to harvest the wheat and iron.  As space is rather limited in Feldurre, each mesa has a large groupe of structures build atop and into the mesa, and none of these structures are divided into cultural or species groupings, making for quite an experience for visitors, seeing the blending of cultures as it has occurred for a thousand years.

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