Monday, February 15, 2016

Population Center: Molnstad:

Northeast of Mellstova, Molnstad stands among the Northern Hokare Forest, whose borders are walled to the west to keep out dangers from the Spurnwood Forest across the ocean waters.  While the population is sparse on the surface of Molnstad, there are a great many homes and businesses in the tree canopies and deep under their roots.  The forest floor level of the city is mostly empty solely because there are quite a few specters that mill around, echos of those who died constructing the city centuries before, when the Spurnwood Forest and Norther Hokare Forest were connected and the channel separating the two hadn't yet been dug.  While most of the specters are fading away finally, some seem to cling on for far longer than normal, and attempts to remove them or help them find peace have only led to more deaths and more recent specters being formed.  Children and the elderly are barred from setting foot on the surface, taking ladders and elevators to go to the underground districts, and few seem willing to investigate or even talk about the specters unless they are present at the time they are mentioned.  Perhaps this city of the living and the dead holds a great secret to why the specters continue on, though none have found the answer yet, or if they have, they have died and added to the ranks of spectral echos...

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