Sunday, February 28, 2016

Population Center: Mellstova:

Mellstova is the capital of Hokare, constructed among the rolling hills of the main continent between the Estova Lake and Perd Lake.  The capital itself is primarily built atop the hills, though some extends onto the lakes, and into the ground.  The draconis dragon-kin tend to live in some of the caves on the eastern side of Mellstova, by the ancient hatcheries of the wrede draconis dragons.  Keeping the hatcheries well maintained as grand sites of historical and cultural significance, the wrede draconis dragon-kin tend to have more respect for them than other races of draconis dragon-kin, though even some wrede draconis dragon-kin are known to attempt to trick pilgrims and tourists alike into buying fake relics supposedly from the hatcheries.  The majority of other draconis dragon-kins, however, usually live south of the hatchery grounds, along with the gargoyles and goblins, delving deeper into the ground, though forbidden from digging directly under the hatcheries unless under extreme scrutiny and standards.  To the west of the lakes, the pixies live on the side bordering the forest, with the reynix, kenthri and felinae being prominent there as well.  North, on and by Estova Lake, the naiad and gitwerg tend to work together in their neighborhoods and businesses, while to the south the humans, gnomes and cubi tend to live next to and on Perd Lake.

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