Thursday, April 21, 2016

Magic, Matter, and The Known Cosmology:

Previously there has been a great many sections on the various realms and their overall ecology.  However, little has been said about their relation to one another and to the primary realm in terms of location and influence, as well as to how the different forms of magic operate in relation to their sources.  First, let's go into magic and the different forms of matter.

Primal Magic is that which comes from The Expanse and into a universe.  Typically this will come from a top-down sort of perspective through The White Void as other universes are adjacent which minimize it coming from more horizontal angles as well as The Somnium Bleed absorbing a great deal from those angles when they do occur, and Pral does not typically release primal magic, feasting upon it.  Primal magic is usually too raw for most individuals to access, more-so than wild magic, and even Numina have to be careful to use it properly, with the help of their followers focusing their devotion to them.  In this manner, Numina may wield it briefly and transmute it into soul magic.  Likewise, the Adecrea and Pragur may wield it directly, or transmute it into soul magic.  Primal magic as it falls and bleeds through the realms causes localized warping of the physics of the area, far more than that of wild magic.

Soul Magic requires a great deal of favor with a Numina, Adecrea or Pragur to wield, but is second in power to primal magic.  It is more difficult to use, but the ability to access it without a foci even in areas of no magic makes it very useful indeed.  That is, when their chosen higher power permits it.  As such, devotion is almost always a requirement of most powers to wield it, though some are amused and may for a time permit it without devotion if they are favorable in the power's eyes.

Wild Magic is what happens when primal magic has filtered itself and left a remnant behind in a realm.  It is not as powerful or fierce as primal magic, but it is still erratic and wild, pulsing up from the heart of whatever planet, star or other cosmic body it radiates from.  High concentrations of wild magic create arcane storms and natural dimensional rifts, as well as being difficult to wield.  Typically, those who can wield wild magic are those that have either grown up next to such a source as a leyline, or whose lineage lays claim to such a heritage even if they have since moved away from such a location.  There are also others who may have access without these genetic ties, but more-often they will not know of a branch in their lineage which had a high affinity for wild magic.  As wild magic spreads out, some of it becomes foci magic.

Foci Magic is more refined than wild magic, but also harder to access from a distance.  When wild magic spreads, certain materials absorb and retain it such as crystals.  These materials are known as foci, and unless an area actively pushes away magic forcefully enough, foci may even be brought into areas without any primal or wild magic to be wielded.  However, without being reintroduced to an area of wild magic, these foci will not recharge in such an area.

Leech Magic is a curious, relatively misunderstood form of magic.  Technically, it is soul magic, in that it pulls from another being who can access other forms of magic, but is is of a rarer sort in that it takes forcefully or willingly from those who either have inadequate willpower to resist the one utilizing it, or willingly make a pact with them.  Few beings learn how to access leech magic even if they have the affinity as it is a rarer genetic trait than the affinity for wild magic.  Most often, it is caused by a direct interaction with a dark spore or a lineage who had.  As dark spores dissolve, they do not leave behind wild magic, but occasionally some of their power lingers in the form of Sporestones.

Spore Magic is extremely rare.  Those who are able to utilize it have been directly exposed to a dark spore within their life before it passed through their realm, and touched it, not passing down through lineages.  This typically drives many into homicidal and then suicidal insanity, but those who survive these stages have the taint of a dark spore upon them.  Often this causes mutations, but it does allow them to sense the presence of sporestone, which is the material taint of a dark spore on a realm.  If a sporestone is not exposed to a wild magic or, even better, primal magic source within a moon cycle, it will wither and its power will wane.  However, if it is regularly fed blood and magic, it works very similarly to foci but with an intensity higher than wild magic but lesser than primal magic directly.

Psionics are not technically magic and operate without the intervention of a higher power even in areas without magic, however, the mutation that creates psionic capabilities typically occurs after exposure to a dark spore without touching it, and such mutation does pass down through genetics often as it mutates the dna.  As such, we briefly bring it up as the manipulation of matter, energy and minds via the power of the user's mind, but without the use of a magical source being necessary.

White Matter is matter that has been massively suffused by primal magic, but does not retain it as a magical source.  Instead, it may be manipulated with magic to create pocket realms, regular matter, or even be transmuted into the most powerful sorts of foci.  White matter is found natively in The White Void, and does not last long within a particular realm without being transmuted into regular matter or foci.  Pocket realms are formed using it as a shell to protect the space while it buoys either in The Aether properly or for a brief time within another realm while maintaining a different set of physics from that of the realm in question.

Dark Essence is matter that has been massively suffused by primal magic as well, but it is a living thing, collected from Pral itself.  Those directly exposed to it typically go mad if they survive the occurrence.  Over time it dissolves into regular matter unless suffused by a dark spore or primal magic.  While it may be used to create pocket realms, and was used by some species initially to create their realm, it is even more unstable than white matter, and as such is best avoided when possible.

A Dark Spore is a mixture of primal magic and dark essence, a fragment of Pral itself in its attempt to seed a universe or fire it off through one toward The White Void in order to inflict harm upon the Adecrea.  It dissolves quickly, but may taint normal matter and create things such as sporestone.

Now that we've covered that, here is the currently known cosmology.  That is not to say that a hidden or even popular pocket realm might not one day become a fully fledged realm with the right modifications, but currently few exist that have lived beyond the death of their creators.

The Expanse encompasses all possible universes, past, present and future and is the forge of all creation.  It is there were the collision and destruction of universes creates the wellspring of primal energy and white matter.  The space above these universes is known as The White Void, the space even with them is known as The Aether, and the space below them is known as Pral.

The Last Station travels through The Expanse as one universe ends to take survivors able to find it into a new universe.  Its location within the universe is unknown currently.

The White Void is above all current universes, holding the concentration of white matter, and is the birthplace of the Adecrea.  As white matter and primal energy bleed into universes and their various realms, it is drawn to the space below all universes, Pral, where the energies of dying universes primarily flow.  The Adecrea are warded from directly entering most universes, but not all.  Thankfully, this universe is one which most Adecrea are unable to enter directly.

The Somnium Bleed is the second oldest universe in creation, having been born as a twin to the first before latching on to it through strands of metaphysical connection, eventually absorbing it.  Over time it has stretched out and latched on to each new universe through astral travel and the power of dreams, though it has not been able to absorb other universes in their entirety according to its inhabitants mythology and history.

Serseki is the highest realm within the universe itself, being closest to The White Void and primal energy that flows down through it to lower realms.  It is at the heart of Serseki that the secrets to the pantheons of Numina are said to be held, as it has the highest concentration of primal magical energy, of which only the Numina may transmute directly into Soul Magic without it passing first through The Aether, and even the Numina require the focus of their followers to allow more efficient transmutation of Primal Magic while in Serseki.  An attempt by any other to access primal magic in Serseki that is not already on their way to becoming part of a new Pantheon has never led to more than death for the one who attempted, as well as consequence to the environment around the place they sought to tap into it.  That is not to say that are not other beings that may access primal magic in other realms, but the closer one is to its source, the more potent and more dangerous it is even than wild magic.  For wild magic is unchained but guided through the environment, becoming part of it.  Primal magic, however, is the power before the environment's existence, and is raw, unchained but also unfocused, radiating out equally in all directions until it fades to a lower realm, and its use draws its dangerous power to those who use it with even greater potential for unintended consequences that not only bend but break the laws of physics.

Ragsendi is the home realm of the Celestials, as created by them.  As the Celestials were created by the Adecrea and that while they fear them, they are more easily able to channel primal magic, wild magic and soul magic than many other kingdoms of life.  They have more difficulty with foci magic curiously despite the presence of many focusing materials, which has caused many theories to rise, though none have been conclusively confirmed.  It is no wonder that when the First Celestials created their realm from White Matter and Primal Magic that they would position it as close to Serseki as they could in order to keep it readily replenished with primal magic.  However, even the royal bloodlines have difficulty with Primal Magic directly when it has immediately passed from Serseki to Ragsendi, and as a result many ancient celestial ruins exist of attempts to control the flow of Primal Magic away from other realms.

Tirae is the home realm of the Fey, positioned wisely lower than Ragsendi, as well as being constructed not only out of white matter and primal magic, but also out of the former homes of the First Fey, an entire galaxy from the primary realm.  In their construction of Tirae, the first fey managed to create more stable conduits from primal magic into wild magic and foci magic in their realm, and as such some fey species are able to channel all three to varying success, but most have difficulty channeling soul magic without the aid of a higher power such as a Numina, Adecrea or Pragur.

Thelatos is the home realm of the Infernals, positioned lower than Tirae as it does not hold as much primal magic, but still more than the primary realm or those lower than it.  Formed by the First Infernals from pieces of the primary realm and Dark Essence, which is drawn from Pral as white matter is drawn from The White Void, it is able to absorb and quickly shunt a great deal of primal magic out as strong wild magic and lower to the primary realm as a smaller portion of primal magic.  As a result of its means of construction, some infernal species are able to channel wild and soul magic in their realm quite well, though as it has fewer foci in it they have more difficulty using it, and fewer still are able to channel primal magic directly despite its diminished amount, largely due to how devastating and distracting the arcane environment is with wild magic even.  Those that are able to utilize primal magic tend to be of lineages stretching back to the leadership of the first infernals, though some rare beings have it develop separately from those lineages.

The Primary Realm is that which is in the universe that is accessible and detectable via scientific tools from any point within it, without the need to use a dimensional rift.  While many means of travel may shortcut into other realms and back into the primary realm to shorten the time used traveling vast distances, it is theoretically possible to explore the length and breadth of the primary realm without such means and without exceeding the speed of light...  If one were an immortal with a starship capable of refueling itself from the stars themselves.  To most species within the primary realm, however, travel across vast galactic distances and further requires skimming the uppermost ocean of Quantil, known as Slipspace.  Other more magical means are possible as well, but the greater the distance, the more magic is needed to power the travel methods, and there are a great many variables that may alter the effectiveness of such travel methods.

The Pocket Realms are those that are created within The Aether in the space between other realms that are of a small nature, utilizing White Matter or a Dark Essence as its primary building material, though some may also pull material from other realms as well in the process of their creation.  Some are accessible from multiple realms by their creators or those who have the means, but most are locked to their creator's will, and after they pass from the mortal coil their pocket realm will fade back into The Aether, imploding back into white matter or dark essence, and all other matter forcibly ejected into whichever realms it was last connected to.  There are rumors of pocket realms created from both white matter and a dark essence, though none have been conclusively proven.  Though cultures may have different names for the categorizing of a pocket realm if they even recognize its difference to a fully-fledged realm, most have the same meaning: A realm that may be accessed by a means within another realm without traveling through or creating a dimensional rift to travel through.  While the other realms were created in the same means as a pocket realm originally, they have grown with the ability to absorb primal magic being woven into their creation, whereas pocket realms are unable to withstand the impact of primal magic and are designed to move out of its path.  Perhaps the most well known pocket realm is the Mirrorzone, whose ancient construction linked it to all reflections.  It is a constantly expanding pocket realm whose existence is out of phase with the other realms and yet overlapping those within The Aether through any new reflection created, and still maintaining any that previously existed.  However, it does not connect to The White Void or Pral, and its structure is a grey wispy substance that may be manipulated, but not easily damaged.  In addition, there are a great many denizens of the Mirrorzone who were trapped within it or otherwise bound their soul to it, but do not age within it as time has a curious stagnation within it...  But those who leave it and sever their tie in order to be free of it will age rapidly to whatever age they would have been if not within it.

The Aether surrounds all realms and all universes below The White Void and above Pral.  It is the wellspring of all souls and the source of spectral beings as souls pass through it.  Those who have a religion tend to have their soul travel through it to the realm they subconsciously believe they belong to as a result of their dedication to their religion, fragmenting partially and drawing in fragments of new potential souls in the process.  Those who do not have a religion will still typically have a subconscious longing for a different sort of life, many traveling to other realms in this manner after death.  However, some have deeper urges of destruction of their being, and depending on their mentality may have their soul pass through The Aether to either reach The White Void to be be consumed by the Adecrea, Pral to be consumed by the Pragur, or to fragment entirely and become one with the ectoplasmic waves.  Every time a soul or cor passes through The Aether, however, as previously mentioned, a specter may be potentially born in the realm they died in, as well as in each realm they passed through toward their destination.

Quantil was created by infernals who left Thelatos, and utilized a dark essence, primal magic and matter from the primary realm in its creation.  Its oceans are layered and undulating, with the outermost ocean being known as Slipspace, upon which starships traveling vast distances often skim across.  To those within Quantil fully, slipspace is the roof of their realm, the reflected ocean of primal magic and stars that keeps the ocean surface illuminated.  To skim slipspace is to not fully enter the realm, and those doing so will see a strange warping of the realm they left above them, with a line of The Aether seen as between the two distortions.  Due to the velocity one must reach to skim slipspace, specters created by threading the needle within The Aether are typically unable to retain form due to the stresses of following in the wake of such vessels.  However, those who hear ghostly wails in slipspace are not traveling efficiently enough to outpace them as massively and it is often unnerving.  The specters that are formed when skimming slipspace are typically torn asunder as they fall toward Quantil, and re-enter The Aether.  Those that do have enough essence to fall through slipspace tend to either dissolve into ectoplasmic storms which mutate those who are not sheltered during them, or to become a spectral echo that usually does not last long in the realm.  The inner oceans are home to the denizens of Quantil primarily, with some rare creatures able to survive in slipspace and occasionally able to enter other realms following in the wake of starships skimming it.  Due to the means most other realms have for travel through dimensional rifts directly to their destination or through a series of rifts, it is mostly those of the primary realm who skim slipspace, using it as a shortcut without the need for magic to do so.  Many who live within Quantil are able to use wild magic and soul magic, however foci are widespread and only those near them have much affinity for them.  As for primal magic, only those with great affinity are able to utilize it, despite its weakened state in their realm, as it passes through so infrequently and often causing physical devastation to the region without having much to slow it down as it passes to lower realms.

Jahneer was formed by early celestials and infernals who left Ragsendi and Thelatos to form a new realm, one built upon primal magic, dark essence and matter from the primary realm.  As a result of the slow blending of those early species and others that would come to it later, few species are able to use primal magic directly, with the Derenjin being one most notable exception able to wield it, as well as tap into the occasional dark spore as it passes near their realm.  Primal energy is far weaker in Jahneer than higher realms, and as such it is not only specific bloodlines that are able to access it, however, the Derenjin are able to sense it at the edge of their realm's upper surface, allowing them to better safeguard and utilize it than those who are unable to detect it until it has already collided with Jahneer and is slowly bleeding out and down to lower realms.  Foci are very widespread though small in size, so most beings are better able to utilize wild magic and soul magic than it.

The Silicon Fields were formed by several early Numina pantheons long forgotten and it is the youngest of the realms, still expanding but its creation shrouded in secrecy.  What is known of it is that it was made with techniques similar to that of The Somnium Bleed and the Mirrorzone, though far more limited in scope to either, while retaining a solidity and passing of time that the Mirrorzone does not.  A dark spore was used in its creation as well as dark essence, matter from the primary realm and a great deal of primal magic.  Due to the use of the dark spore, it is denizens are less able to use primal magic directly, and wild magic is weak within the realm, but foci magic and soul magic are very prevalent.

Mazek's creation is a mystery to which none seem to have the answer.  Even many of Numina are obsessed with studying and understanding it, while others have given up on the notion of such clarity.  That it has foci and wild magic is of no doubt, weak as the wild magic itself is due to the sheer amount of foci.  However, soul magic is far weaker as most of the Numina themselves do not understand much of the realm's nature.  Primal magic seems to pass through it without much alteration to the realm, save an increase in the wild magic for a period of time.  As such, there are those who may access any form of magic within it, but foci magic is the most prevalent use of magic within the realm.

Feluk is home to the sentient crystals known as the Bodels.  First creations of the Adecrea, they did not obey their creators when they traveled into the primary realm, instead seeking to distance themselves from them despite their own very ordered nature.  The Bodels constructed Feluk ou t of dark essence, primal magic and a dark spore, and due to its use they and its other denizens are mostly able to access primary magic, foci magic and wild magic, however soul magic is rather difficult for those who have not become part of a cult which worships the warded Pragur or Adecrea.

Pral is where the energy of dying universes primarily goes.  It is the birthplace and home of the Pragur, though in many universes they are warded from entry, much as the Adecrea are.  As universes are destroyed, Pral focuses what the Pragur do not feed on and it becomes a Dark Spore which is sent deeper into The Expanse before curving back up into The White Void.  The very structure of Pral itself is formed of Dark Essence, much as The White Void is comprised of White Matter, and it is alike to The Somnium Bleed in that it latches on to every universe as one slumbering interconnected cosmic being, with the Pragur being its kingdom of macroscopic cells.  In many universes, including the one the primary realm is within, Pral's tendrils clutching hold to The Aether and realms within it are almost paralyzed, barely able to move even on a galactic scale of time and space.  These nodes are regularly combated with dark spores, in order to cause the denizens of its realm to become more attuned to its needs and desires, as well as that of the Pragur.  As the oldest and most powerful of Pragur to enter this universe are now trapped on the surface of the node, it seems that at least it is safe for now from more direct means of infestation.

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