Saturday, April 9, 2016

Terror: Sarok Gorna

"The Sarok are all that matters.  All that matters are the Sarok.  The young must be tended to.  The herds must be thinned to feed the young.  The bodies must be made smaller for the young to consume.  The Sarok feed me so that I may feed and tend to their young while the Hasora is gone.  I matter because I have use.  But I am not one of them.  The Sarok are all that matters.  I...  I had a name once?  I...  All that matters are the Sarok.  The young must be tended to.  I had offspring?  Two sons?  The...  The herds must be thinned to feed the young.  The bodies must...  Must be made smaller for the young...  To consume.  I...  I can still feel them, even though you...  What did...  My sons?  Yes...  The young must be tended to.  Oh, Qualo!  What have I done?  Please!  You...  You must kill me.  If I am alive when they return they will...  They will infest me again.  I...  My sons are...  I can hear them coming...  The Sarok...  All that matters...  No!  Kill me now!  Kill me before-" The last words of the Sarok Gorna formerly known as Jank Stravik before the Hunter Yalna Deru of Lythane decapitated him and finished the work she and Mage Arellun Karthis set out to do, destroying a Sarok infestation.
Terror: Sarok Gorna: The Sarok Gorna is the entranced host of Sarok young which Sarok Sitera will utilize for the young of a Sarok Bayerga.  As the Sarok Hasora will slaughter any Bayerga it finds as well as any Sitera it finds has mated with them, the Sitera cannot put their offspring from the lesser males on the back and neck of the Hasora.  When not around sentient species, the Sitera will use any host it can easily contain in an underground chamber with access to water, especially those that are of an aggressive or clever nature.  When they are able to find a sentient host, they first entrance them, bringing them almost to starvation and dehydration over a period of months while they carry the eggs within themselves, regularly pushing hormones into their body to keep the young from hatching, until the potential host has their spirit broken and will do anything to appease the Sitera in order to be fed and given clean water.  The Sitera will then cut the host's back and neck, setting their eggs against the wounds and trilling a song to stir their young into hatching.  As they hatch, the song will change to one which will cause the young to exude a slime which pacifies and addicts the host to the presence of the young, who cling on to them as they heal, digging their spines and tails into their host.  The young Sarok will feed off their host as it is fed, and once old enough will slip off of it and either be taken to a new feeding ground by their Sitera mother, or if they are deprived of food or reach maturity without being taken away, they will turn and eat their former host, as well as their own siblings.  A Sarok Gorna is a thrall of the young Sarok and their mother, both by the compound the young produce and the song of the Sitera mother.  As a result, the Sitera will attempt to occasionally bring minor threats into the lair the Sarok Gorna is in, in order to see how broken they are, as well as whatever means they may have to defend their young.  As a result, abilities that a host once found easy to do may still be accessible to them in their new function, though at twice the cost of focus due to their status.  Some may be stronger or weaker than the average Sarok Gorna, but the majority are kept in a certain physical standard by the Sarok young, with the rest of their energy and nutrition being consumed until either they are of no more use, or they have proven enough use in defending themselves to be allowed a greater portion of their former capabilities.  Slowly over time, the Sarok young dna mingles with that of their host if they have survived bearing more than four clutches, and the host ends up mutating into a Sarok Meynas.  Long before that, however, the host starts taking on the elemental strengths and weaknesses of the young, as well as having the ability to have the young trigger their petrifying toxic spit.

HP: 20 /  EP: 20 / LP: 2 / SP: 1 / FP: 20

Reaction: 10 / Finesse: 10 / Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 10 / Willpower: 10 / Strength: 20
Speed: 20 on land, 15 in water, 15 while climbing
Elemental Strengths: Water, Stone, Blood, Toxin
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Slime, Spectral
Common Drops:  Victim's Bones, Victim's Rags, Sarok Gorna Cadaver, Unfinished Victim, Victim's Other Belongings, Sarok Spawn.

Arm Block I (0 FP Each): +1 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.
 Dig IV (1 FP Each):  Digs its body height in a single turn.

Roar I (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements.  If any are within half a mile and sound is not dampened, more Sarok will come to the aid of the one roaring.  Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 3, -1 SP.  May only be used once per combat per Sarok Gorna to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.  However, if the Sarok Hasora has arrived, it will slaughter the Sarok Gorna on sight unless it is unable to reach it before it escapes.

Run (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Sprint II (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 2 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Swim III (1 FP): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim.  Moves 120% its land speed while in water.

Tackle and Choke III (0 FP):  6 damage on success against armor-less targets.  Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Toxic Spit (1 FP): Spits any toxin or venom it may have within it.  Deals one dose per spit, penetrating up to 2 EP worth of armor or natural defense.  [Toxin: Sarok Toxin (Gaseous)]

Walk (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

[Note: While all Sarok Gorna will have the above abilities, many will have been specifically chosen for exhibiting abilities that could aid in defending the Sarok young.  As such, any ability that does not require a Willpower of 5 or greater, or Sanity of 5 or greater, may also be utilized by a Sarok Gorna who previously had learned it.  The more an adventurer knows about the host, the more prepared they may be toward recognizing what other potential abilities they may have.]

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