Friday, April 1, 2016

Terror: Sarok Hasora:

"Four squads of the imperial army were sent in to investigate the disappearances.  This close to one of the most traveled shipping and passenger lines, the Great Suarn Empire could not afford to leave such a mystery unanswered, such danger unchallenged.  Half a squad never made it to port, but their advance passage and the astral passenger with them allowed the others to realize that the Sarok Sitera had made a roost there.  With the knowledge of their existence, their terrifying call was answered with cunning and preparation.  A squad perished, but the rest made it to shore.  To little, too late for the inhabitants of the isle, the others scoured the forest and cliffs for the likest den of the Bayerga and roost of the Sitera.  Another squad perished in the ensuing hunt, but it was finally over.  Or so we thought.  We had wondered why the Bayerga had been so spread apart, rather than in dens together as their usual tactic.  Here, on the island, they were not the cunning predators whose call lulled many to their grave.  They were the interlopers, and had we not found them first, they too would have been prey, and knew it well.  Still, both they and the Sitera gave a call that continued beyond our hearing as they were being wiped out.  We had thought it was a mere anguish, a cry of pain before death took them.  Even as interlopers though...  The Bayerga instinctively knew their  species must continue.  Even if it meant calling their rival, their alpha, for vengeance upon their killers.

We unlucky few who had still survived returned to port, believing ourselves victorious heroes of the empire.  There we saw it, ramming our last vessel and scuttling it before diving back into the water, surging into the darkness under the wrecks.  Fearful, I stayed at the back as the others rushed in...  Watching in horror as they stepped into the water only to have the Sarok young leaping out at them, spitting out their toxins and chewing through flesh and bone.  Retreat was not enough, as the Sarok Hasora rose out of the water.  The Bayerga had seemed imposing but a worthy challenge before...  The Hasora was as if an entirely different animal.  Not imposing, but horrifically impossible.  Its wings shed as it reached full maturity, the Hasora had become less a creature of cunning and more a monster of madness.  Its size had doubled compared to that of the interloping Bayerga.  Its teeth had grown longer, serrations accentuated, its horns thicker and clearly capable of not only skewering but ramming hard enough to break the hull of our ships.  Its claws had brown longer, been sharped to hone their edge, mud still clinging to its body from wherever offshore it had been last slumbering.  And the sounds, the sounds!  It cared naught of charm or guile, of seduction or entrancement.  Its roar and echoing cry drove staggering fear though each of those remaining.  And the sound was interwoven with the shrieks of its spawn, glued to its back by the Sarok Sitera clutch we had slain with its skin having grown over them to hide and protect them.  It was sinew and hatred exemplified, and the stench of death wafted over the beach.  Its young that were almost ready to leave and find their own territories were wriggling around its head, snapping at our comrades and spitting their toxins.  And for every one of them we cut, for every cut in the Hasora's flesh, another egg burst open, another spawn trying to kill us all.

The last of its enemies alive, it advanced slowly toward me, a throaty low call bringing other Sarok Sitera we had not seen in the ocean to burst out and come to its side.  It nuzzled him and gave a questioning call before it answered by biting onto my arm.  The toxins in its drool turned it to stone which it broke off.  Below the severed, shattered stone, my hand remained on the ground, until it picked it up and tossed it to its new mate.  And as for me...  You see what it did to me.  Please...  For the love of all that is good and noble in this world, you have my tale, now kill me and flee this place!" -A tale told by a Sarok Gorna to the Mage Arellun Karthis of Lythane before the confirmed destruction of a Sarok infestation.
Terror: Sarok Hasora: The Sarok Hasora is the mature alpha male Bayerga of the Sarok species.  Having killed the other two of its trio, the Bayerga that becomes a Hasora will slaughter any other Bayerga it finds in its territory, including its own offspring once they have grown, if they do not flee its territory fast enough..  Their ten-meter wide armpan makes them even more frightening than the Bayerga, shedding their wing membrane and feathers as they grow.  Still amphibious by nature, it will hunt along the ocean shelf up to its beaches, leaving the center of its territory alone for its spawn to feed off of until they are old enough to hunt alone.  From egg to hatchling, the Hasora keeps its spawn on its back and neck, ensuring their safety, and should its own be in danger, its cry and pheromones can trigger an early hatching to let them aid in killing any would be adventurer seeking to slay them.  Their spawn do, unfortunately, draw much of the material needed for their toxins out of the Hasora's bloodstream, but that does not end their toxicity entirely.  Instead it remains concentrated in the tail and in their drool.  Hasora will not abduct other species as food for its young until they are ready to hatch,  even prior to this, they will abduct individuals and convert them to become Sarok Gorna, incubators and servants to the Sarok Sitera.  Due to their amphibious nature, all Sarok are capable of hibernating if frozen for a period of time, though decreasing temperatures to near freezing will cause them to slow their speed by 10% per turn in those temperatures.

HP: 75 /  EP: 18 / LP: 1 / SP: 2 / FP: 25

Reaction: 16 / Finesse: 15 / Intelligence: 12 Wisdom: 18 / Willpower: 18 / Strength: 55
Speed: 31 on land, 31 in water, 25 while climbing
Elemental Strengths: Water, Stone, Blood, Toxin
Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, Ice, Slime, Spectral
Common Drops:  Victim's Bones, Victim's Rags, Sarok Hasora Cadaver, Unfinished Victim, Victim's Other Belongings, Sarok Spawn, Sarok Egg.

Arm Block III (0 FP Each): +3 defense on success. -1 EP per use until EP is gone or recovered by rest or other means.

Barbed Hold IV (1 FP Each):  Attempts to hold an opponent or a part of their opponent so as to prevent offensive attack from that part while it is held.  While held, unless an opponent is able to stalemate the hold or break free, additional attacks may be dealt afterward either by the one holding or by fellow companions and allies of the one holding.  Reflexes vs. reflexes to see if hold succeeds.  Strength vs. Sarok Strength + 4 for resisting and breaking free of hold if succeeds.  Deals 4 damage on the turn the hold is successful and any future holds if broken free.  Will often attempt to follow up with other attacks while held. 

Beheading Bite VII (3 FP):  21 damage on success against armor-less targetsDeals 10 crushing and 10 penetration damage if target is still armored or has other natural defenses still.

Bite VII (0 FP Each): 7 damage on success against armor-less targets.  Will also soak the wound in Sarok Toxin.  [Toxin: Sarok Toxin (Liquid)]
Dig IV (1 FP Each):  Digs its body height in a single turn.

Hatching Call (0 FP Each): For every time the Sarok Hasora is injured or one of its spawn are killed, another will hatch from its back to come to its aid.

Roar VIII (0 FP Each): Roars to intimidate and call for reinforcements.  If any are within 5 miles and sound is not dampened, more Sarok will come to the aid of the one roaring.  Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 18, -1 SP.  May only be used once per combat per Sarok Hasora to affect sanity, subsequent roaring does not affect sanity further.

Run (1 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Slash V (0 FP Each):  10 damage on success against armor-less targets.

Sprint II (2 FP Each):  Moving at a character's current max speed + 2 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Sting III (1 FP): Stabs its tail or other applicable appendage into its foe, injecting any toxin or venom it may have within it.  Deals one dose per sting, penetrating up to 6 EP worth of armor or natural defense.  [Toxin: Sarok Toxin (Liquid)]

Swim III (1 FP): Any species that lives in water as an aquatic or amphibious culture does not need to use focus to swim.  Moves 120% its land speed while in water.

Tackle and Choke III (0 FP):  6 damage on success against armor-less targets.  Attempts to knock an opponent down and choke the life out of them.

Toxic Spit (1 FP): Spits any toxin or venom it may have within it.  Deals one dose per spit, penetrating up to 2 EP worth of armor or natural defense.  [Toxin: Sarok Toxin (Gaseous)]

Walk (0 FP Each):  Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

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