Saturday, March 14, 2015

Population Center: Ashencry:

Over three hundred years ago, the Unar Forest on the Southern tip of the Adslein continent was ravaged during a massive battle between two armies wielding their science and magic against each other, the desecration covering the forest in meter deep ash that took decades to be washed away by the rain even with the aid of those who helped gather some for purposes elsewhere.  Eventually though, as the soil recovered, the forest returned once again, taller, stronger and more dense than ever before due to the fertility the ash put back into it once the land was able to overcome its suffocation.  People who had fled the forest when the battle began returned once again with joy in their hearts as the Unar Forest became ripe for settling again, the population helping the forest to grow with tender care, not allowing one notch on any of the trees without days of deliberation first from their council.  In honor of the damage to the forest before its healing and in remembrance of the horror that brought it about its ravaging, the city that was built there took on the name Ashencry.  Bringing logs that had fallen into the ocean shelf to the surface, the people of Ashencry were able to make a tidy profit without allowing any logging within their borders.  On the outer edge they allow Haversham less than a mile of land to log due to political and practical reasons, not having enough of a police force to patrol that great a distance frequently enough on their own being chief among them, but the trade and logging agreement ensures that Haversham keeps the border delineated clearly.

The Draconis Dragon-Kin and Kenthri mostly keep to the Southwest corner of Ashencry, watching the Kunkar Colony in the distance to ensure no vessels enter or leave its grounds save the single ship that throws new prisoners and supplies overboard with flotation devices so that they do not sink to the ocean bottom, but do not have a pre-existing boat to attempt to use in an escape attempt.  Alternating the watch of the Kunkar Colony, those paid by The Great Suarn Empire also tend to small gardens and storehouses of food for themselves and the few Guard posted in the region.  The Naiads keep their vessels mostly docked on the Northwest corner of Ashencry, delivering goods and travelers to Ashencry from far off cities as well as taking those who wish to leave Ashencry or ship goods from it to another city on their multiple routes as well.  The Cubi and Gargoyles mostly operate a fishing industry though a sizable portion are also tied up in an ocean floor exploration and salvage business.

The Pixies and Gnomes tend to organize most of the checks on the health of the Unar Forest, as well as managing many food storehouses and warehouses for not only their own population and sale to the larger city population, but also for storing some of the seafood from the fishing industry.  The Felinae and Gitwerg usually tend to avoid Ashencry due to the limited space and the number of toxic pools in caverns still deep underneath Ashencry as a result of the battle over three hundred years ago.  Goblins, on the other hand, cautiously live close to these toxic pools and mine out a few rare materials that can be found there, as well as processing what is usable from these pools that other businesses might purchase.  The Reynix and Humans are few in number in Ashencry, but most tend to manage the underwater logging operation.

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