Saturday, March 21, 2015

Population Center: Crestfall:

Northwest of Ashencry, Crestfall is a city resting atop a myriad of mesas and canyons nestled up against the Vapor Ocean on its southern border with sheer cliffs and rocky shores upon which waves harshly beat their ire.  Having no true port and poor mining conditions, many species outright avoid settling in its neighborhoods if they have any other choice, though some individuals find the fertile soil and high amount of shade in the lower reaches ideal for growing certain crops that are difficult to cultivate elsewhere.  To its east are fields of poppies and grains, and to its north are forests with plentiful wood, though most of the inhabitants build tend to have large tents for their domiciles.

Due to the ill-suited nature of the landscape for their species, Naiads, Cubi, Gitwerg and Goblins are rare in Crestfall.  Draconis Dragon-Kin typically work for the Guard or in various hunting and trapping specializations alongside the Felinae population there.  The Kenthri mostly work the fields and live close to them, enjoying the freedom of movement and relative lack of demand to their way of life.  Gnomes and Pixies usually tend to the various plants that grow in the shade and underground.

Gargoyles are most often found living along the cliffs facing the sea, usually working in salvage operations or in gathering undersea resources.  Reynix most often stick toward the forest and fields, working sometimes with the hunting and trapping individuals and groups, but most often running the logging businesses.  Humans are quite common in Crestfall, though most content themselves with odd jobs and relatively menial careers without a significant population of them focusing on one craft or trade.

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