Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Population Center: Haversham:

Five miles Southwest of Billuta, Haversham sprawls along the rolling Kiloja Hills where it holds gaze over the fields shared with Billuta.  Having a wide river to its West and the Vapor Ocean to its East, Haversham has miles of irrigation running through and underneath it, hundreds of windmills and waterwheels serving to both transport the water to purification facilities and also for power generation.  While electricity is still somewhat scarce in the city dwellings themselves, every street is lit up at night and many important businesses utilize the city grid running underneath Haversham in order to produce products that fuel the city's economy.  Thankfully most of the residents of Haversham gratefully re-invest into the city and new ventures are cropping up toward not only expanding the power generation and security of the city itself, but spreading outward to its outer neighborhoods and other parts of the Adslein continent.  Crime is low in Haversham, but unfortunately there are still dangerous animals that come from the seas and the forest between it and Ashencry.

The Draconis Dragon-Kin for the most part work in the city Guard and hunting down the wild animals that occasionally attack, as well as exploring parts of the Adslein continent for new ideas, knowledge and resources to bring back to Haversham, having the most freedom to move about the continent and world on the whole.  The Gargoyles tend to make roost in the cliffs along the ocean, diving into the deep waters to explore underwater caves and the rocky ocean shelf.  The Cubi for the most part keep their ships tethered to columns of stone rising up from that ocean shelf a mile out from the shore, trading with the Naiads that live deep in the waters, both disliking the somewhat strict laws of Haversham as the city aims to keep itself a tourist-friendly environment in order to gain more investment.

The Gitwerg and Goblins mostly keep to opposite sides of the city, the Gitwerg preferring to expand their homes down into the ocean, city regulations and law enforcement ensuring that despite the grumbles, the two species never have any intersecting tunnels.  Any ventures in the land between their territories is mostly run by the Gnomes, who not only keep the shares fair between all the workers, but also have no objection to the regulations, though some claim that they both pay the city bribes and receive bribes from the Gitwerg and Goblins to keep things profitable for all involved.  The Pixies on the other hand, tend to settle in two clusters, one staying near the fields and the other living near the forest, each working to harvest from both and minimize the dangers within both.

The Felinae and Reynix settle near the Gitwerg and Goblins respectively, both species having an affection for their respective neighbors and distrust of each other generally in Haversham.  The Felinae rarely work outside the fields with the Human population and Pixies there, while the Reynix mostly stick toward the forest and the lumber operation there which they and the Kenthri keep running at a pace that seems astounding.  However, despite the amount of wood harvested, the science and magic the two wield with the aid of the Pixies there ensure that the trees they plant in place of those logged grow exceedingly fast and it only takes four years for a sapling to be harvestable.  Due to their techniques, however, the majority of this strange-pine has little to no grain which makes it valuable in certain circles, though not as able to hold weight as the natural pine.  With how much demand the strange-pine has, however, its logging has far exceeded that of the natural pine, allowing the forest to easily compensate naturally for those that are not being affected by science and magic.

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