Sunday, December 8, 2013

Religion: The Church of the Emerald Nautilus:

The Church of the Emerald Nautilus are a religious group that worships Hexen, their holy icon being a large Nautilus shell that has been metaled with copper and had six emeralds embedded in it.  Each of the churches has this icon and will do anything to get it back if missing.  The followers constantly fish and gather shells and other items for their temple feasts, never eating anything that has not been found in the body of water their temple is nearest to or its beaches.  Its followers to travel from time to time, but even whilst traveling will always eat something aquatic, forsaking everything else, even if it means starving.  Their devotion to doing so and not giving in to temptation is rewarded by Hexen most times, though those that seek a reward for it will not receive even the culinary bounty he would have served to them for their devotion, instead forcing them to choose between several poisonous aquatic creatures and plants, hoping that one was prepared properly so as to remove the poison either entirely or to a tolerable degree.

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