Monday, December 16, 2013

Religion: The Church of the Sacred Dagger:

Jandur has many followers, primarily those in power or those seeking justice against thieves, but some explorers also will focus on him for his aid.  The Church of the Sacred Dagger is a group of his followers that explore their world and the realms in search of new lands, sending back information to their nearest temple, which spreads to all of them.  Should they come across an injustice or lack of governmental control, they will seek to honor Jandur by righting this as efficiently as possible.  The Sacred Dagger is their primary tool, being a blessed silver and gold dagger with a ruby in its hilt and markings along its length, being designed to guide his followers where needed and to slay evil more effectively as Jandur's judgement burns those that touch it or are attacked by it who are not considered worthy.  In their iconography, the standard bowl of sand with a dagger upright in it specifically has the sacred dagger, albeit simplified in imagery.

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