Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Religion: The Church of the Eternal Word:

Dyndar has many who focus on it that are writers or seeking inspiration or balance in their life, but rarely do they form religions around Dyndar specifically, instead focusing on it when convenient.  There is, however, a shifting assembly of individuals that seek to have immortality of their own, in a manner of speaking.  The Church of the Eternal Word seeks to have its members' lives and works chronicled with the use of magic to bind their lives to their stories.  So long as their stories are still read or told, a small measure of their essence comes back as a faint specter that fades away soon after, but may use its time to inspire others, or to try to take over an individual that is weak-willed and be alive again.  In actuality, their souls have moved on to wherever they end up, but according to their religion even an echo that continues on is better than fading away from their home realm completely.  Some even bind their echo to a specific copy of their works, usually their favorite one, and are able to have a much higher will to utilize in taking over someone else's body.

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