Thursday, December 19, 2013

Religion: The Church of Ink Baptismal:

The Church of Ink Baptismal is a religious sect of Jannae's followers that believes that to fulfill their ascension they must first purge their hearts and lives of all wickedness, repenting for the wrong done to others, be covered in ink and then baptized in a tub or pool of water from which the ink is regathered, carrying with it the darkness within the individual and blotting it out with potential for good.  Those that falter are encouraged to do this again, and try to return to the correct path.  Those that have committed atrocities are still offered forgiveness, but their recollected ink is burned so as to taint nothing else, and the individual is given a period of time in solitude and private meditation before being allowed to commune with the others and continue on their path once more.  Their iconography has several inkwell candle standards, all of which are on or in front of an ink-filled bathtub or basin.

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