Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Crystal Skulls:

Zhen has many followers in carnal and infernal businesses, but its most well known followers are part of The Cult of The Crystal Skulls.  They actively collect artifacts of great importance to Zhen, the most significant being crystal skulls left behind by some ancient species across the realms.  Some claim that these skulls were fashioned from regular crystal and indeed many knockoffs have been over the aeons, however those in their possession show no signs of artificial working and the hinting of their organic nature as part of an ancient species.  Some claim Zhen merely wants them collected for how much magic that they can absorb, while others claim that Zhen plans to some day collect enough of them to restore the species they belonged to, as they may have been some of the first infernals in creation and would be very useful to the higher powered being as a group of followers that it can influence from their rebirth and from their strong hatred of the celestials.  This has never been confirmed, but is strongly believed by many in the cult.  Their icon is a pink crystal skull made of rose quartz, and they keep the real crystal skulls hidden and safe within their temples for a decade while absorbing wild magic before Zhen comes to collect them.

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