Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Shattering:

Wenba has many digital infernal and chaotic followers, but The Cult of The Shattering is perhaps her most troublesome group of followers.  They are almost nihilistic except for the fact that they worship her, finding all other religions, all forms of government, all forms of power beyond that of their natural bodies to be abhorrent and only to be used for the sake of destroying others.  They believe that all forms of prophecy, all forms of enhancement magic, all forms of time or space travel and all forms of self-improvement are ultimately useless as the universe is flawed and will eventually be destroyed in favor of a more perfect universe after, seeking to speed up the process, only cooperating with each other because Wenba's perspective is greater than their own and therefore she can put them to the best use where she sees fit to direct them.  Their icon is a completely shattered crystal ball with a star-field on its inner surface and a skull in the middle.

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