Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Population Center: Billuta

Poised at the Southeastern corner of The Sinister Swamp, Billuta keeps close watch on it, preventing the dangers within from spreading toward the fields that it and Haversham share.  Spread from Mount Traynor to The Sinister Swamp and curving down to the shore, Billuta is not a city for the timid.  Avalanches from Mount Traynor, the high tide and rocky shore and the dangers of The Sinister Swamp tend to keep all but the heartiest of individuals from residing there long.  Built on columns of stone and metal, the city has a slow expansion and small but dedicated population that cares little for outside investors attempting to join its markets and little for the Guard representatives sent from the empire as few but the most veteran remain there for long, if they even survive.

The Draconis Dragon-Kin of assorted races mostly live in begrudging truce in Billuta, their squabbles overshadowed by the dangers surrounding the city on three sides.  They mostly work as part of the watch, tho ugh some have taken to various craftsmanship vocations as well in their off-time to the extent that their former side-business has become their primary source of income.  The Reynix tend to stay away from Billuta primarily, though some have taken positions as scouts darting into and back out of The Sinister Swamp barely beyond the sight of the watch's gaze, gathering information and samples that help aid in the city's defense as well as being of scientific curiosity.

For the most part Pixies do their best to help slow the spread of The Sinister Swamp with the help of the Gnomes, Goblins and Gitwerg to ensure not even an underground root passes unseen, creating great stone and metal tunnels bordering its edge which are warded with both magic and machinery that repair its wall and destroy any sign of intrusion with great proficiency.  Some say that these tunnels are also being used cunningly by the quartet of fey species to also serve as entrance to other cities for smuggling and refugee operations, as well as joint mining ventures despite the distrust the species tend to have in each other usually.

The Gargoyles mostly live on Mount Traynor, trying to minimize the avalanches and help with various mining operations into its depths.  The Felinae and Kenthri mostly keep watch of the shared fields, trying to ensure no rare escaped creature of The Sinister Swamp manages to slip past areas in the West of Mount Traynor where the watch is thin.  Humans are a rare sight in Billuta, most doing their best to tend the fields and stay away from The Sinister Swamp.  Cubi and Naiads mostly manage the port as their expertise in the dangerous waters is much appreciated with so much of the city's focus spent guarding against The Sinister Swamp's Southern border, while the Cubi and Naiads also patrol its Eastern edge where its vile hand spreads to the ocean.

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