Thursday, February 12, 2015

Population Center: Lythane:

Resting atop the wide Gusho River, Lythane is a city North of The Sinister Swamp, separated from it by the Ajan Ridgeline and Yital Forest, as well as being South of the Western Divide of the Krendak Ridges and small Eastern Fields of the city of Sanctarrei.  While Lythane itself primarily makes its living from the varied aquatic wildlife in the Gusho River, Junyit Sea and Vapor Ocean, it also keeps some land for livestock, farms and other purposes on its Northern and Southern edges, with some dispute with the Reynix of Sanctarrei about the total disappearance of said livestock and some individuals disappearing as well for periods of time with no recollection of what happened during that period.

There are no Reynix living in Lythane due to the distrust the city population has on average of the species due to the disputes with the Reynix of Sanctarrei.  Pixies are few in number, mostly keeping to the Southern edge, and most attempting to keep Yital Forest from being harvested due to its small but diverse ecosystem and claims that its purity is keeping The Sinister Swamp from spreading further North toward Lythane.  Most scoff at such claims, but with the number of disappearances of those who have entered The Sinister Swamp, or those who have returned being near catatonic at its mention, few pressure the Pixies about logging prospects in Yital Forest as a result.  The Draconis Dragon-Kin living in Lythane are mostly Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin, and most tend to settle at the base of either the Ajan Ridgeline or the Western Divide of the Krendak Ridges, preferring to keep guard over the city's most vulnerable roads and resources.

The Gnomes, Gitwerg and Goblins are few in number, but the long stretches of mountain and rocky soil along its Northern and Southern edges make for a large number of mining operations and fungal farms, as well as a small population dedicated to other employment fields.  The Felinae and Kenthri mostly hunt dangerous beasts in the Ajan Ridgeline or the Western Divide of the Krendak Ridges, but a few also tend to some of the scarce fields Lythane has.  The Gargoyles and Humans mostly try to keep out of trouble, having little to offer the populous aside from individual skills and experiences, and with the scarcity of room to expand, Lythane has little use for those that do not prove their value quickly.  The Naiads and Cubi mostly tend to various fishing enterprises, but there are also quite a few diving expeditions to gain aquatic resources such as special types of medicinal seaweed and pearl harvesting.

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