Monday, February 16, 2015

Region: The Sinister Swamp:

South of Lythane, beyond the Ajan Ridgeline and the Yital Forest festers The Sinister Swamp.  Covering forty-eight square miles of the Adslein Continent, The Sinister Swamp rarely lets those that enter it return, and those that do become catatonic at its mere mention.  While none in the last few centuries have claimed to made it from one end to the other, even at its smallest point two miles wide, there are legends that Estelon Korrik, Glacias Dragon-Kin founder of The Church of The Golden Claw, braved its gloom and crossed its longest span of ten miles though none of his troop nor the quarry they were ordered to recapture made it out alive.  As a result of whatever happened there he became reclusive for a decade before starting the framework of the church over three millennia ago.  There are rumors that both he and a healer who treated him kept journals about what he described of his perilous journey through The Sinister Swamp, though if it truly does exist it may be lost to time.

While little is known about it, Billuta and Lythane do keep watch over its borders due to some of the creatures that come out of it and pose a danger to both populations.  Mutant wolves and tigers twisted by some dark force in the swamp raid the farms of both villages if given the chance, their sheer size and ferocity matched only by the hideousness of their visage, teeth other bones protruding through their mottled fur, their tails almost skeletal and yet armored by their mutations.  Giant insects have been captured on the edge of the swampland that quickly die outside it, and reptiles and amphibians with extra limbs and even genetic atavism have been found, as well as sightings of species thought long extinct.

Some swear to have seen a mutilated Wrende Dragon trying to fly out of The Sinister Swamp, but none have been able to capture conclusive proof and little is capable of damaging a true dragon in the manner of its described wounds, especially as they do not seem to have healed over the centuries of its sightings.  Trapped quoma brought near the edge of the swamp always show disdain for its presence, attempting to fly away from it, even though they will ordinarily swarm over leylines, their intersections and other sources of magic, even amidst the battlefields and arcane wastelands that dot the planet Lenida.  Tests over the years have shown that even the leylines themselves seem to rebound off of the region after decades of slow drift toward it, as if some force within denies the presence of all but the most powerful of magics.

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