Saturday, February 7, 2015

Population Center: Sanctarrei:

Twelve miles Southeast of Dekan City, nestled along the southern-most peaks of the Krendak Ridges away from the ancient ruins of the failed settlement is Sanctarrei.  While few Draconis Dragon-Kin live there due to the proximity to the ruins, it is still a bustling city with a thriving economy.  The headwaters of the Rynell and Sarda Rivers begin just East of Sanctarrei, and their pure waters keep the hills and fields Southwest of the Hulna Desert lush and verdant, and there are a myriad of farms and orchards in that area, though that area is jointly run by individuals from both Sanctarrei and Lythane, which lays ten miles Southeast of Sanctarrei.

The majority of the Pixies living in and around Sanctarrei tend to keep to the swamp East of it, aiding the Kenthri with logging operations while ensuring that the balance of nature is kept, cultivating wild plants with a great many medicinal properties as well as great flavors.  The Felinae and Gargoyles frequently go on expeditions into the ruins, seeking resolution to the spectral wanderers there and aiming to reclaim lost relics and secrets.  The Naiads are usually found protecting the source of the Rynell and Sarda Rivers, though some also live in the swamplands Southeast of Sanctarrei alongside some of the Cubi population, fishing the Junyit Sea and quelling some of the more dangerous magical mutations that reside there.

The Reynix care for a few small fields East of the Rynell River for the most part, though complaints have come from Lythane over missing livestock and individuals who have disappeared for days only to return later with no recollection of what they did while they were gone.  The Gnomes and Gitwerg have a symbiotic relationship of sorts in Sanctarrei, as the rock is too hard in most places for the Gnomes to dig, and yet the soil and cavern structures are too high in sulfur for the traditional Gitwerg crops to grow underground.  As a result, the knowledge of the Gnomes is kept secret, but their own cavern farms manage to produce enough food for both cultures to thrive and blend together significantly.  There have even been rumors that the son of the Gitwerg head miner and the daughter of a Gnome merchant have been seen sneaking off into various forbidden tunnels alone for hours at a time...

The Goblins and Humans are rarely seen in Sanctarrei proper, however, quite a few live along the shores of Lake Kannamir and Lake Arl, Northeast of Lythane, near to the Reynix-run fields.  There feuds between the two cultures are frequent, mostly regarding past botched attempts to work together being foiled in the middle of the night and both sides blaming the other and raising their prices when selling to one another far higher than the prices they offer the Reynix...

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