Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Rhydarcus Continent: City Locations:

While southeast of Adslein and southwest of Tesaria, the continent of Rhydarcus has never been a part of The Great Suarn Empire or any other external government. While not as harsh as The Northern Wastes of Tesaria, the lands of Rhydarcus are not forgiving and dangerous. The majority of the the continent is in the path of multiple leylines and quite close to many others, as well as primarily being made of stone and sand. While there are cities and outposts that shelter its residents, Rhydarcus had provided little strategic or resource value to humans and dragons for many millennia, and even as other species developed or arrived on Lenida it took some digging and undersea exploration to find value in its lands. Now it has become one of the largest exporting countries of foci crystals, as well as other materials rarely found elsewhere on Lenida.

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