Monday, November 9, 2015

Population Center: Karnuk:

In Northern Rhydarcus the city of Karnuk stands amid the rock and waves, spiraling up from its cliff-side port to the stone hills above.  Carved into the rock are the city's many support beams, reinforcing its multi-tiered design, pipes and wires running throughout its many columns.  As an ancient and forgotten settlement of humanity long ago, it was rediscovered six-hundred years ago when a gitwerg and human business endeavor to mine the ocean bottom far south of Adslein led to the discovery of the Averline Plate.  Following its slow rise as they harvested ocean materials and creatures, eventually they came to find Rhydarcus, and already present, the ruins of Karnuk.  Dedicating the metal city to Kaesot, the gitwerg and human venture reported back their findings and an exploration of it and the newly discovered continent began five years later.  After the expedition found a great number of leyline intersections and foci crystals, among other valuable resources, individuals of many species and cultures came to Karnuk to start the process of colonizing the city, and later the continent.  Though their trials were severe, the city still stands and has grown even more over time, spreading onto the rocky hills above it even more.

While Rhydarcus primarily is a mosaic city of different species, it does have different Levels and Sectors which were labeled in an ancient human language before other species translated and added the names in other languages below the oldest of the signs, and the expansion over the centuries has led to newer sectors being named in a similar fashion.  The lowest levels were designed for power generation from geothermal and wave generators, as well as the harbor's submarine docking.  Slightly higher are its locks and canals, which allow vessels the ability to dock with and leave the city safely despite the waves that slam against the cliffs.  The middle levels are primarily used for the growing of plants, with the levels above them used for raising domesticated animals.  The highest levels of the original city are used for business and residential, and the levels have grown even higher as the city has expanded further onto the rocky hills, with additional support struts in place to bear the increased weight.  As well, further spiraling structures have been dug into the rock just inside the western border of Karnuk, allowing for further space to grow plants and raise animals, as well as to perform experiments in a controlled environment.

While any species is welcome to live on Rhydarcus and within Karnuk itself, the majority of the population is Gitwerg, Human, Felinae and Goblin, as Naiads and Cubi prefer to live on or near calmer waters generally, Pixies and Gnomes prefer softer soil and forests usually, and the Kenthri and Reynix prefer wide open land to run through.  Draconis Dragon-Kin are seen in Karnuk, though most tend to dislike the inhospitable nature of Rhydarcus, as well as its lack of any Draconis Dragon habitats, current or remnant signs.  Most seem to think Rhydarcus may be cursed and that is why the dragons kept away from it, but the few known living dragons to be asked about Rhydarcus' location and details after its rediscovery knew nothing of the continent...  Gargoyles, on the other hand, usually prefer architecture primarily made of stone and not metal, most tending to live on the outskirts of Karnuk, rather than inside it.  Additionally, it seems that while Karnuk itself is centered amid a lot of leylines and their intersections, none run near it, perhaps diverted by an ancient human device hidden away and forgotten in the labyrinth of pipes underneath the city, whose passages have been known from time to time to have allowed strange beings from other realms entry into Karnuk...

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