Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Population Center: Perkam:

East of Karnuk, built surrounding a large oasis of freshwater, Perkam rests between two curving leylines.  North of Perkam, the mountain line is high enough to buffet any strong ocean winds, and while not high enough for snow, its stone collects condensation in enough concentration to keep feeding the oasis through underground rivers and small streams on the surface.  As such, the Weeping Mountains earn their name.  Few have ascended their heights due to a lack of reason, as the mountains have been mined into with little to discover other than quartz and assorted stones and minerals of little value, as well as the previously mentioned underground rivers.

The city of Perkam was one of the last settlements created on Rhydarcus as it was the furthest away from the initial settlement in Karnuk when traveling solely over the land.  However, due to its easy access from many directions on the ocean, its many piers are frequently as filled if not more filled than that of Karnuk, as the ocean waters are calmer there.  However, transport from Perkam to the capital city Rhin, as well as other cities, still requires transport over mountains and open desert and rocky terrain over vast distances.  As such, the felinae and kenthri population have a high number of delivery services.  The goblin and gitwerg populations primarily are busy trying to get permission to mine underneath the city due to an mining accident collapsing part of the initial settlement, but rarely are given permission, and the requirements being as restrictive as they are, they have also worked to create bridges and tunnels to other parts of Rhydarcus, as well as to mine further away from the city in the neighboring area.  The cubi and naiad populations busy themselves with managing the piers, the fishing and import export businesses primarily, though some are also employed ensuring the oasis maintains a level of purity and depth to maintain the city, controlling the rationing of freshwater and working on many different systems to convert the ocean water into usable water as well.  There isn't a large reynix, pixie, or gnome population in Karnuk, though most are employed trying to manage the leyline pulses to protect the city from possible magical damage.  The few Draconis Dragon-Kin and Gargoyles living in Perkam tend to live more toward The Weeping Mountains, keeping watch over the mountain passages to ensure no one is mining them without supervision, as well as to keep watch on the seas to warn the city of any approaching vessels or storms.  The human population is sparse, with many working to study the leyline intersection in The Entropy Drifts, as well as The Buried Tomb.

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