Thursday, January 29, 2015

Population Center: Gadje Village:

Twelve miles Southwest of Hadgre City, sprawling along the shore of Sahka Bay amongst the Ilyasa Fields, seven miles North of the ancient Temple of the Night, rests Gadje Village.  While Gadje Village may not thresh as much wheat from its fields as Hadgre City, it is most famous for the many herbs and spices that grow there, as well as the numerous dangers.  The many cliffs along its bayside shore are filled with clefts filled with all manner of predatory dens from arthropod, avian, mammalian, and reptilian species which are danger enough, but the strong tides and numerous aquatic species of predatory and defensively hazardous nature make few seek attempting cliff-diving or otherwise swimming in the bay.  Additionally, while it is Southeast of the human Ulnae Colony, the whirlpools and currents make approach from Gadje Village suicidal, and there are many shipwrecks of unfortunate vessels beneath the deadly waters.

Unlike most of the populations in Northern Adslein, Gadje Village has almost no Draconis Dragon-Kin living in it, as almost all have a great fear of living so near to The Temple of the Night, far greater than fear of the dangers around the village itself.  After the ancient desecration of The Temple of the Night, the Numen Turosh placed many curses upon the land, primarily, 'That no dragon, nor its spawn shall ever hatch within the gaze of the temple's spire'.  Seeing as the highest peak of the temple's highest spire allows one to survey the fields and swampland for nearly ten miles before obstructions get in the way, the curse seems to have that range, which drove the Draconis Dragon-Kin to flee that radius.  On rare occasion when other obstructions have gotten in the way, some have claimed that there are some Draconis Dragon-Kin who have been hatched within that radius, but due to the number of stillbirths that occured and decreased virility and fertility of those that lived in the area after the curse was cast, few Draconis Dragon-Kin live within that range, and the only other population center in the radius is Fallenguard.  However, as a few human deserters and runaways made it home and a lot of the buildings were still standing when other species started coming to the Adslein continent, it became a haven for those who would bear its dangers.

The Humans living in Gadje Village primarily do their best to centralize the efforts to keep support for the human Ulnae Colony and equality for humans in other population centers throughout the Adslein continent, though it is a heavy burden.  The Reynix have begun settling in and have begun the process of attempting to ease the wrath of Turosh on the behalf of the Draconis Dragon-Kin, as well as offering their varied services to those within the temple's gaze.  Some even claim to have seen a few Reynix breaking the longstanding law of the empire and managing to cross the Sahka Bay to examine The Temple of the Night directly while avoiding the warriors of Fallenguard.  The Felinae tend to hunt in the meadows and fields, while the Gnomes set about storing many goods for sale across the continent there as the land is ample and inexpensive.  The Goblins and Gitwerg have no significant interest in Gadje Village, though some have been seen testing soil samples for some unknown purpose, as no mining operation has ever been started despite the decades of visitors of their respective species.  The Naiads are settling in decently in underwater caves along the cliffs and alongside the Cubi there are a few rare salvaged treasures recovered from the shipwrecks that they have found and sold, however, the danger in the waters is still to present to make a more considerable effort in that regard.  The Gargoyles have roosted along the cliffs and live relatively peacefully amongst the dangerous animals there due to their recognizably unpalatable nature.  The Pixies have settled into the fields fairly well and many of the more private Pixie celebrations on the continent are held there.  Kenthri also prefer to shy away from the land around Gadje Village, though the few that do live there do not seem keen to offer any explanation as to why...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Population Center: Hadgre City:

Resting nine miles Southwest of Obana Village, Hadgre City lays at the foothills of the Garshen Mountain Range, rolling over part of the Green Line Hills as it sweeps to the delta of the Sishane River.  The majority of the city market is underground, dug into the ravines and canyons dotting the hills and mountains with the uppermost layers being residences and farms with lush golden seas of wheat swaying in the ocean breeze whose harvests feed a large portion of The Great Suarn Empire.

While the majority of the residents are Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin, Gitwerg, Goblins and Gnomes are also in high population here, with each strongly competing in the ship-building, construction and mining businesses.  Kenthri tend to many of the larger farms with the help of hired-hand Humans and Gargoyles.  Naiads and Reynix are rarely seen in Hadgre City, but those that are tend to compete with the Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin and Cubi in the fishing and ship-chartering industry primarily.  The Felinae climb the rocky peaks of the Garshen Mountain Range and frostline of Mount Runda while hunting and trapping, and the other Draconis Dragon-Kin are frequently seen hunting together with them, or checking their own traps.  The Pixies frequently entertain children and travelers alike with their trained flocks of crows and scurries of squirrels performing regularly, though some of the locals chase them off as vulnerable fruits, vegetables and shiny objects tend to disappear when they are about.  Additionally, while the wheat harvested rarely makes its way to the Human Ulnae Colony, there is a strong trade agreement between the cities, and many other goods and services are exchanged between them.

The hills further to the east are littered with the graves of fallen warriors from ancient times and those more recently slain as part of the guard or in small wars over the centuries.  Living at the Eastern end of The Road of The Fallen, which runs amongst the graves, is the town's primary mortician, Myra Sholeencraft Wyllesolt, who some say has been seen suspiciously walking along The Road of The Fallen with dirt covering her clothing and her horse pulling boxes back toward her family estate.  Far beneath the city uneasily rest collapsed catacombs and crypts  which some say the Gitwerg or Goblins constructed as part of their trade routes before the Sishane flooded them after an earthquake, but their designs are unlike anything known in architecture from either species, making scholars puzzle over the matter.  Some living in the depths of the city say they hear strange noises there, coming from the catacombs below, but no investigations have ever turned up anything concrete.  Those that have ascended Mount Runda say they have seen shimmering lights there and most have stayed away from its peaks, however, a few brave souls have ascended its unforgiving slopes and never been seen again, though one who waited as their friend climbed swore that they heard a loud roar quite unlike the breaking of ice that climbers are accustomed to.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Population Center: Dekan City:

Nestled in the swamps ten miles Southeast of Obana Village, Dekan City is an thriving center of commerce in the Northeast corner of the Adslein Continent.  Running from Alnaka Bay to Green Line Hills, Dekan City is home to people of many different species.  The most common, as it is part of the Great Suarn Empire, is of course the Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin, but unlike Obana Village it is more welcoming to newcomers, especially if they have ample funds to invest.

Pixies, Reynix, Gargoyles and Naiads are rarely ever seen in Dekan City, but those that are tend to be all the locals will talk about for days, and the gossip certainly flows through the city like blood through its veins.  Gitwerg run a few small mining operations in the Green Line Hills, as well as businesses centered at the needs of travelers, though rumor has it that there may be something sinister festering beneath at least a couple of them.  Felinae and Kenthri loggers and huntsmen working in the southern reaches are greatly appreciated as they clear out some of the dangerous flora and fauna while the city expands, however, their careers do tend to be very dangerous ones.  Gnomes living in the northern quarter where the ground is more stable purchase as much quality wood and metal as they can from the logging and mining operations, and despite the cost of their investment tend to make a hefty profit on their furniture, agriculture and horticulture businesses that flourish in the city.  

Goblins tend to work along the bay alongside the Cubi most often, creating machinery and ships to keep the fishing industry booming, though there is a fair bit of competition from Gitwerg and Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin businesses as well.  Humans and others seeking employment without a home are given sanctuary by the Aduron Draconis Dragon-Kin Father Gregor at the local chapel, which despite the acolyte's best efforts is in dire need of repair from not only The Church of The Golden Claw but outside help as well.  Several children run rampant through the markets, typically causing mere mischief, but some may need more than a stern conversation to set them on the right path before something terrible happens to them.

A local human author, G. W. Shell, made a profit a couple decades ago off of stories about a dystopian future set only a few months away, describing a great war between two galactic empires and a mechanical swarm attacking both, with the fate of several planets including one that seems to mirror recent events on Lenida in the first few chapters.  As someone in the Guard thought there was a possible connection he became hounded in an attempt test him for precognition, but after a while he has been left alone to tend to the family graveyard and his small farm.  However, some local children claim they've seen him working on a new book, and have heard strange noises coming from his barn.

The locals tend not to go out at night very far from the market, and will not answer questions about the chanting heard deeper in the swampland to the west.  Not even the few Guard put there by the empire will search there when questioned by travelers as several have come back strangely different in ways that necessitated their replacements being assigned to their posts.  It is said that beyond the Green Line Hills a few wizards have settled, as well as roaming traders who seem curiously odd in the variety of merchandise that they sell at such prices with expedience to unload certain objects even at prices far lower than they initially ask.  Almost directly south, far beyond the logging operations, lays the ruins of an settlement attempt along the Krendak Ridges.  There few will dare to tread as spectral visages have been seen to wander, and magical foci of low quality burst from the abundant of wild magic present.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Creatures: Geist Specters:

While Ghosts and Phantoms may originate as an echo of an individual and differentiate as they degrade, Geists come to be when multiple specters have faded to the point of losing identity while curiously gathering together instead of trying to fight each other.  While most of the specters' echoing personalities are faded beyond recognition, some tend to bond together over similar circumstances in origin, and gesalt into geists.  The most commonly recognized geist is the poltergeist, a specter that moves objects around a dwelling or location to which they are deeply linked.  While they typically cannot move something already animate, the stronger they are not only the larger and more numerous the objects may be that they can move, but also the complexity of their manipulation, including of dead bodies or even living ones in rare occasions.  The dunkelgeist is another type of geist that has degraded into a mere shadow, but is capable of climbing surfaces and reaching up hands or concealing obstacles so as to try to stall or even kill whomever they are bothering.  The bildgeist is a type of geist that may alter the way a painting or other image appears to one or multiple individuals viewing it, as well as playing back imagery of what had recently or distantly happened in the area the influenced are in that they are affected.  This tends to be for the purpose of stirring up emotions that lead to violence or despair, but on rare occasion they are helpful to individuals such as investigators or families whom they have taken a keen interest in.  The nebelgeist is a type of geist that stirs up moisture in an area while lowering the temperature, forming mist or fog to disorient those it is bothering, as well as being able to make areas damp and cause black water, fungal rot and other putrificating juices to run down walls or pool up from one source or another.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Creatures: Ghost and Phantom Specters:

As stated many times before, when a soul leaves the body of a sapient being, even if it returns to its own body, it passes through The Aether, drawing ectosplasm and soul energy with them, which becomes an echo of their being known as a Specter.  Depending on the psyche of the individual whose soul was part of the Specter's creation, it may quickly dwindle into nothing, or become stronger depending on conditions that reinforce its mindset and allow it to draw on other ectoplasm to keep itself from fracturing into smaller shards and fading away.  The old tales of ghosts and phantoms haunting a location that claims more victims as it spooks them to death are not as exaggerated as some of the younger generations may believe.  If a ghost or phantom does indeed end up killing a living creature, it is able to attempt to absorb the echo of its Cor in the case of less developed creatures, or the echo of its Soul in the case of sapient species.  This, as well as the fluctuations in the electromagnetic field nearby a specter, is one reason almost all creatures have an instinctual fear of specters.  Despite how the terms ghost and phantoms are used by lay people to mean specters in general, the proper ectobiologist knows the difference.

A ghost is a guardian of a location, item or individual that tries to ward off others from the danger that it possesses.  Typically these are the echos of those who were fairly innocent in their lives and wish others to avoid their fate, or those that felt guilty as they died and wanted, somehow, to make amends to the universe or a specific individual.  Ghosts will absorb the ectoplasm of those that they fail to protect, most typically not caring about creatures coming near the danger (if the creatures are not the danger themselves) as if one does die they can use the echo of their Cor to keep themselves from breaking apart into shards and vanishing from whatever realm they are in.  Ghosts rarely have a pleasant appearance to them, and most have difficulty communicating effectively for a prolonged period of time after their initial appearance in the realm.  As such, they are more often feared than they should be, as only those that are a danger to someone they are protecting tend to feel their wrath.

Phantoms, on the other hand, are another specter altogether.  Phantoms are the festering hatred, fear and last desires or the soul they are echoing, typically being vengeful, jealous, envious, and most of all, extremely violent.  While most phantoms are quite obvious as they spend more time with their desires than trying to stay coherent, the more sophisticated phantoms may try to appear to be helpful ghosts, living beings, other types of specters, or just outright deceitful about what their true goals are even if they admit to being phantoms.  There is little most phantoms will not do as they become even more twisted than the soul they are echoing, more and more over the years, but some incredibly willful individuals who have a fear or aversion to certain activities, objects, individuals or scenarios may have phantom echos that still resist such to the best of their ability, no matter the cost.