Thursday, January 15, 2015

Population Center: Dekan City:

Nestled in the swamps ten miles Southeast of Obana Village, Dekan City is an thriving center of commerce in the Northeast corner of the Adslein Continent.  Running from Alnaka Bay to Green Line Hills, Dekan City is home to people of many different species.  The most common, as it is part of the Great Suarn Empire, is of course the Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin, but unlike Obana Village it is more welcoming to newcomers, especially if they have ample funds to invest.

Pixies, Reynix, Gargoyles and Naiads are rarely ever seen in Dekan City, but those that are tend to be all the locals will talk about for days, and the gossip certainly flows through the city like blood through its veins.  Gitwerg run a few small mining operations in the Green Line Hills, as well as businesses centered at the needs of travelers, though rumor has it that there may be something sinister festering beneath at least a couple of them.  Felinae and Kenthri loggers and huntsmen working in the southern reaches are greatly appreciated as they clear out some of the dangerous flora and fauna while the city expands, however, their careers do tend to be very dangerous ones.  Gnomes living in the northern quarter where the ground is more stable purchase as much quality wood and metal as they can from the logging and mining operations, and despite the cost of their investment tend to make a hefty profit on their furniture, agriculture and horticulture businesses that flourish in the city.  

Goblins tend to work along the bay alongside the Cubi most often, creating machinery and ships to keep the fishing industry booming, though there is a fair bit of competition from Gitwerg and Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin businesses as well.  Humans and others seeking employment without a home are given sanctuary by the Aduron Draconis Dragon-Kin Father Gregor at the local chapel, which despite the acolyte's best efforts is in dire need of repair from not only The Church of The Golden Claw but outside help as well.  Several children run rampant through the markets, typically causing mere mischief, but some may need more than a stern conversation to set them on the right path before something terrible happens to them.

A local human author, G. W. Shell, made a profit a couple decades ago off of stories about a dystopian future set only a few months away, describing a great war between two galactic empires and a mechanical swarm attacking both, with the fate of several planets including one that seems to mirror recent events on Lenida in the first few chapters.  As someone in the Guard thought there was a possible connection he became hounded in an attempt test him for precognition, but after a while he has been left alone to tend to the family graveyard and his small farm.  However, some local children claim they've seen him working on a new book, and have heard strange noises coming from his barn.

The locals tend not to go out at night very far from the market, and will not answer questions about the chanting heard deeper in the swampland to the west.  Not even the few Guard put there by the empire will search there when questioned by travelers as several have come back strangely different in ways that necessitated their replacements being assigned to their posts.  It is said that beyond the Green Line Hills a few wizards have settled, as well as roaming traders who seem curiously odd in the variety of merchandise that they sell at such prices with expedience to unload certain objects even at prices far lower than they initially ask.  Almost directly south, far beyond the logging operations, lays the ruins of an settlement attempt along the Krendak Ridges.  There few will dare to tread as spectral visages have been seen to wander, and magical foci of low quality burst from the abundant of wild magic present.

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