Thursday, January 29, 2015

Population Center: Gadje Village:

Twelve miles Southwest of Hadgre City, sprawling along the shore of Sahka Bay amongst the Ilyasa Fields, seven miles North of the ancient Temple of the Night, rests Gadje Village.  While Gadje Village may not thresh as much wheat from its fields as Hadgre City, it is most famous for the many herbs and spices that grow there, as well as the numerous dangers.  The many cliffs along its bayside shore are filled with clefts filled with all manner of predatory dens from arthropod, avian, mammalian, and reptilian species which are danger enough, but the strong tides and numerous aquatic species of predatory and defensively hazardous nature make few seek attempting cliff-diving or otherwise swimming in the bay.  Additionally, while it is Southeast of the human Ulnae Colony, the whirlpools and currents make approach from Gadje Village suicidal, and there are many shipwrecks of unfortunate vessels beneath the deadly waters.

Unlike most of the populations in Northern Adslein, Gadje Village has almost no Draconis Dragon-Kin living in it, as almost all have a great fear of living so near to The Temple of the Night, far greater than fear of the dangers around the village itself.  After the ancient desecration of The Temple of the Night, the Numen Turosh placed many curses upon the land, primarily, 'That no dragon, nor its spawn shall ever hatch within the gaze of the temple's spire'.  Seeing as the highest peak of the temple's highest spire allows one to survey the fields and swampland for nearly ten miles before obstructions get in the way, the curse seems to have that range, which drove the Draconis Dragon-Kin to flee that radius.  On rare occasion when other obstructions have gotten in the way, some have claimed that there are some Draconis Dragon-Kin who have been hatched within that radius, but due to the number of stillbirths that occured and decreased virility and fertility of those that lived in the area after the curse was cast, few Draconis Dragon-Kin live within that range, and the only other population center in the radius is Fallenguard.  However, as a few human deserters and runaways made it home and a lot of the buildings were still standing when other species started coming to the Adslein continent, it became a haven for those who would bear its dangers.

The Humans living in Gadje Village primarily do their best to centralize the efforts to keep support for the human Ulnae Colony and equality for humans in other population centers throughout the Adslein continent, though it is a heavy burden.  The Reynix have begun settling in and have begun the process of attempting to ease the wrath of Turosh on the behalf of the Draconis Dragon-Kin, as well as offering their varied services to those within the temple's gaze.  Some even claim to have seen a few Reynix breaking the longstanding law of the empire and managing to cross the Sahka Bay to examine The Temple of the Night directly while avoiding the warriors of Fallenguard.  The Felinae tend to hunt in the meadows and fields, while the Gnomes set about storing many goods for sale across the continent there as the land is ample and inexpensive.  The Goblins and Gitwerg have no significant interest in Gadje Village, though some have been seen testing soil samples for some unknown purpose, as no mining operation has ever been started despite the decades of visitors of their respective species.  The Naiads are settling in decently in underwater caves along the cliffs and alongside the Cubi there are a few rare salvaged treasures recovered from the shipwrecks that they have found and sold, however, the danger in the waters is still to present to make a more considerable effort in that regard.  The Gargoyles have roosted along the cliffs and live relatively peacefully amongst the dangerous animals there due to their recognizably unpalatable nature.  The Pixies have settled into the fields fairly well and many of the more private Pixie celebrations on the continent are held there.  Kenthri also prefer to shy away from the land around Gadje Village, though the few that do live there do not seem keen to offer any explanation as to why...

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