Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Population Center: Hadgre City:

Resting nine miles Southwest of Obana Village, Hadgre City lays at the foothills of the Garshen Mountain Range, rolling over part of the Green Line Hills as it sweeps to the delta of the Sishane River.  The majority of the city market is underground, dug into the ravines and canyons dotting the hills and mountains with the uppermost layers being residences and farms with lush golden seas of wheat swaying in the ocean breeze whose harvests feed a large portion of The Great Suarn Empire.

While the majority of the residents are Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin, Gitwerg, Goblins and Gnomes are also in high population here, with each strongly competing in the ship-building, construction and mining businesses.  Kenthri tend to many of the larger farms with the help of hired-hand Humans and Gargoyles.  Naiads and Reynix are rarely seen in Hadgre City, but those that are tend to compete with the Glacias Draconis Dragon-Kin and Cubi in the fishing and ship-chartering industry primarily.  The Felinae climb the rocky peaks of the Garshen Mountain Range and frostline of Mount Runda while hunting and trapping, and the other Draconis Dragon-Kin are frequently seen hunting together with them, or checking their own traps.  The Pixies frequently entertain children and travelers alike with their trained flocks of crows and scurries of squirrels performing regularly, though some of the locals chase them off as vulnerable fruits, vegetables and shiny objects tend to disappear when they are about.  Additionally, while the wheat harvested rarely makes its way to the Human Ulnae Colony, there is a strong trade agreement between the cities, and many other goods and services are exchanged between them.

The hills further to the east are littered with the graves of fallen warriors from ancient times and those more recently slain as part of the guard or in small wars over the centuries.  Living at the Eastern end of The Road of The Fallen, which runs amongst the graves, is the town's primary mortician, Myra Sholeencraft Wyllesolt, who some say has been seen suspiciously walking along The Road of The Fallen with dirt covering her clothing and her horse pulling boxes back toward her family estate.  Far beneath the city uneasily rest collapsed catacombs and crypts  which some say the Gitwerg or Goblins constructed as part of their trade routes before the Sishane flooded them after an earthquake, but their designs are unlike anything known in architecture from either species, making scholars puzzle over the matter.  Some living in the depths of the city say they hear strange noises there, coming from the catacombs below, but no investigations have ever turned up anything concrete.  Those that have ascended Mount Runda say they have seen shimmering lights there and most have stayed away from its peaks, however, a few brave souls have ascended its unforgiving slopes and never been seen again, though one who waited as their friend climbed swore that they heard a loud roar quite unlike the breaking of ice that climbers are accustomed to.

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