Friday, January 9, 2015

Creatures: Geist Specters:

While Ghosts and Phantoms may originate as an echo of an individual and differentiate as they degrade, Geists come to be when multiple specters have faded to the point of losing identity while curiously gathering together instead of trying to fight each other.  While most of the specters' echoing personalities are faded beyond recognition, some tend to bond together over similar circumstances in origin, and gesalt into geists.  The most commonly recognized geist is the poltergeist, a specter that moves objects around a dwelling or location to which they are deeply linked.  While they typically cannot move something already animate, the stronger they are not only the larger and more numerous the objects may be that they can move, but also the complexity of their manipulation, including of dead bodies or even living ones in rare occasions.  The dunkelgeist is another type of geist that has degraded into a mere shadow, but is capable of climbing surfaces and reaching up hands or concealing obstacles so as to try to stall or even kill whomever they are bothering.  The bildgeist is a type of geist that may alter the way a painting or other image appears to one or multiple individuals viewing it, as well as playing back imagery of what had recently or distantly happened in the area the influenced are in that they are affected.  This tends to be for the purpose of stirring up emotions that lead to violence or despair, but on rare occasion they are helpful to individuals such as investigators or families whom they have taken a keen interest in.  The nebelgeist is a type of geist that stirs up moisture in an area while lowering the temperature, forming mist or fog to disorient those it is bothering, as well as being able to make areas damp and cause black water, fungal rot and other putrificating juices to run down walls or pool up from one source or another.

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