Friday, November 29, 2013

Religion: The Cult of Lost Treasures:

The Cult of Lost Treasures is a religion that that dedicates itself to raiding any lost temples or other structures and villages that may have items of wealth, and splitting the wealth fifty-fifty between those in the cult and Ehnkilli, the higher powered being they revere most.  They intentionally drop his share into pits filled with traps, beasts and other hazards so that only he may gather them back up, and that he will have it all when they die.  No member leaves an inheritance to their offspring, instead teaching them skills to become wealthy in life but making them have to earn it, even if with thievery and other methods they encourage that outsiders might balk at.  All members of The Cult of Lost Treasures carry a golden knife with a ruby in its hilt on their person at all times they are clothed, as it is the icon of Ehnkilli.  They do encourage charity to beggars, but mostly to teach them how to make money for themselves if they want to be rich, just ensuring they have enough to survive otherwise.

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