Monday, June 30, 2014

Abilities: Low-Level Elemental Self Spells:

Previously we touched upon some various abilities, including low-level elemental touch spells.  Now we'll deal with a few low-level elemental self spells, those which can only be used on the caster.  Again, here is the format:

Ability Name (Cost for First Uses/Uses per First Use/Cost after First Use per use)(Time per use/Rounds per use)(Required Stats Minimum/Required Stats Mastered)(Ability Source/Ability Range/Ability Modifiers): Ability Description.  Prerequisites for usage.

That reminded, let's continue.

Self-Immolation (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Heat, Fuel and Oxidizer/1 Range/Self, Fire): The user of this ability uses heat, fuel and an oxidizer to set themselves on fire or alternatively creates heat from within, drawing upon magical energies to set themselves on fire.  Generally this is a very little practiced and utilized spell due to the self-destructive power it holds.  It is typically an ability of last resort, but perhaps worth learning just in case.  This may be used outside of combat for certain purposes, but within it causes 4 heat/fire damage if successful to any grappling with the character and provides a +4 to Distraction on any species that can see or feel heat.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I...  And perhaps foolishness.

Self-Purifying (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Water): The user of this ability condenses humidity from their body and gear, drawing moisture out and into a drinkable amount to make their thirst if at -2 thirst or higher become fully replenished.  This will have a 1d6 chance of purifying any liquid-related toxin or disease out of their system at a cost of 1 HP and 1 EP from the pain of some bodily cells going with the liquid as a result.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it may be useful for trying to remove certain influences.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Solar-Sustenance (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Plant): The user of this ability temporarily causes their body to be able to absorb nutrients more efficiently as it utilizes light and heat to be able to replenish 3 Sustenance to any missing from its current daily requirements.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it may help rebuff against abilities that distract by causing hunger.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Cooling Wind (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Air): The user of this ability causes the air around themselves to lessen heat by 20 MaL degrees in order to cool themselves off.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it serves to provide +1 resistance to heat/fire if the fuel source is not thrown at them..  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Temporary Stasis (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Ice): The user of this ability their body temperature to lower as they enter a state of temporary stasis, slowing the effect of some poisons or making time pass quicker to their perspective, but causing 1 frost damage to them and passing a turn without movement.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it may also lock another grappling with them into stasis with them if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Metal Skin (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Sourc or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Metal): The user of this ability causes their skin to be coated in a layer of metal, providing an additional +2 EP for the duration of its use or until it is removed from strong enough attacking damage.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it provides some additional defensive capabilities at a cost of -1 Speed.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Static Cling (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Electric): The user of this ability causes static electricity to gather in their body to attract light objects with magnetic attraction, as well as providing +2 to Climb Checks on any non-liquid surface.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it opens up some tactical options.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Stonefall (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Stone): The user of this ability causes their skin to temporarily turn to stone as they gain twice their mass and will fall much faster as a result.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it causes an extra 4 Physical damage to foes they land on from above if successful.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Stigmatic Hemorrhage (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Blood): The user of this ability causes blood to seep out of their body through the skin or an orifice in order to give a 1/d6 chance of removing blood-borne diseases and 1d4 chance of removing the berserk status effect, at a cost of 2 HP.  This may be used outside of combat, but is rarely used within it.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Grit Removal (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Sand/Dust): The user of this ability causes sand and dust to be removed from their skin, gear and orifices that might otherwise be a distraction to themselves or others.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it a +1 REA, and either way removes any negative Beauty effects caused by sand or dust.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Bone Knitting (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Bone): The user of this ability causes their own bones to repair, speeding up healing by 200% for its duration if any bones are broken or fractured.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it may allow the user to better focus on combat than their pain.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Slime Removal (1 FP/3 Uses/1 FP After)(5 Minutes/1 Turn)(1 INT/3 INT)(Any Magic Source or Gear with this ability/1 Range/Self, Slime/Ink): The user of this ability causes any slime or ink in or on their body and gear to come out if not intentionally contained, removing its influences and also having a 1d6 chance of removing spectral possession.  This may be used outside of combat, but within it removes any FIN effects caused from slime or ink on them.  Prerequisites: Elemental Knowledge I.

Of the various abilities listed above, some are more obviously suited to combat than others in a wider range of use, while some are better suited to non-combat uses while having only a touch modifier, and others still are incredibly useful regardless of whether used in combat or outside it. Fiery touch is useful for lighting many torches, watery touch to gather something to drink, metal touch to possibly damage locks for breaking and entering, stone touch for climbing, slime touch for setting traps, and so forth.  The possibilities for play with them are multitude even at so low a level and so limited in range.  It all depends on how creative the players and GM are with how they can be used.

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