Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Status Effects: Diseases:

There are many different dangers that characters have to face within Myths and Legends, but sometimes the danger is less apparent than one might ordinarily recognize.  In addition to all the environmental hazards, the flora, fauna, and other living dangers briefly mentioned before, there are also dangers from within...  Diseases which can affect most species, some quite annoying but not life-threatening and some quite deadly.  There are a number of diseases from real life which may also be applied to MaL by a GM with relative ease either as they are or with modification, but here are some of the stranger diseases within the system currently:

Akerpy:  A virus that infests the host's nerves, brain and heart, removing the pain limiter and keeping the heart pumping to prevent shock, strengthening it.  One infected with the Akerpy Virus will gain +2 EP daily, and will not lose EP from physical pain resistance, having a 19d20 chance of not losing EP from exertion as well.  They will, however, still feel the pain, and for every 1 EP not lost they will have a 1d20 chance of losing 1 SP.

Berkonnen:  A virus that produces excess testosterone among other hormones to induce a berserk rage state daily from three hours after waking to three hours before sleeping.  The infected will deal an extra 20% damage, but cannot use active defensive abilities until the state wears off, immediately taking 2 EP damage regardless of how limited their actions were during the day.  This disease can effect any of the starter species, but does only 1 EP damage to Gitwerg, and does 3 EP damage to Pixies.

Bradysvolo: A disease that affects the joints, breaking them down over time painfully and crippling the infected area, not only slowing down that individual, but limiting the amount of weight they can carry as well, or making it impossible for them to do more than limp unaided.  For each infected joint used for a movement action, speed is reduced by 1 per 50% of a joint infected if that joint would be used (i.e. arms and legs for climbing, legs mostly for walking or running, etc), as well as 1 HP damage per day if not treated with medication or other healing methods.  Felinae are affected an extra 50% more than normal, and Centaurs are affected an extra 80% more than normal, as well as having 25% less effectiveness on Cubi.

Bubonic Plague:  This disease strikes most species in areas of poor hygienic safety and high rat populations, lessening the resistance to any other disease by 20%, as well as having a 2/3rd chance of killing the host within 4 days if not treated.

Burnrot:  This disease is a type of mold originally from The Barren Wastes of Thelatos which infects any species to deal a daily 3 Dehydration Damage, dehydrating them until cured, but additionally causes Cubi and Draconis Dragon-Kin to catch fire spontaneously as their abilities to create fire or other effects spark a mild gas which the mold exudes.  A character vulnerable to Fire will take 1 damage per turn beyond the initial damage until the fire is put out, or 2 damage per turn if a character is specifically weak against Fire.  This typically is relatively harmless to Cubi and Draconis Dragon-Kin, but may damage any carried or worn gear significantly, and additionally may still ignite on other species if they get too close to a source of heat or sparks.

Conduleth:  A character infected with this parasite originally from The Endless Labyrinth of Mazek will enter a state of confusion, being unable to tell friend from foe and has an equal chance to hit his or her fellow party members or allies as they are to hit their enemies or creatures they are fighting while infected, as well as having a -2 to any INT or WIS check.  Additionally they will find themselves having a 3d4 chance of needing an INT and WIS check on any subject even those which they ordinarily would find simple enough to do without the check.  It can affect any of the starter species, but will be far easier to see in a Naiad and be easier to remove.

Cordycellaphis:  A fungus that infests all species, forcing 10 Hunger and 10 Thirst every day beyond the need of the host normally as it uses the extra food and water to spread faster, as well as causing a berserk rage every time the hunger and thirst are not satisfied, and a scent which makes the host recognize other infected and ignoring them as a potential source of food.

Charming Sores:  A character infected with this type of bacteria becomes slowly covered in sores which ooze out a thin layer of pus which contains not only more of the bacteria, but a by-product of the infection, a type of pheromone cocktail which is strongest on the infected's own species, but also has trace amounts of another pheromone which may affect other species, gaining +4 Charisma against their own species and +2 Charisma against other species.  Additionally, it lowers the WIL of a character -3 daily, making them much more susceptible to suggestion as well.  This serves to help it spread more easily and makes it quite dangerous.  It affects all starter species except the Naiads as they are immune to pheromones and do not produce any, and the bacteria needs some to be able to feed upon to spread throughout the body.

Convoko:  This parasitic tick originally from The Hallowed Mists of Ragsendi infests characters that it burrows into, its larvae squirming up to the brain of the creature and rooting down.  A normal infected individual has dark bags under their eyes and grows thin with purple veins, but before maturing the larvae vibrate in response to a certain ultrasonic frequency unique to each lineage of the tick, making the infected have a -5 WIL to any producing the sound, and a +3 WIL against all others.  However, as a result of this controlled state, the infected are unable to think clearly enough for anything more complex than a 1 FP ability.  This disease infects most species, but is unable to enter Draconis Dragon-Kin due to their scales being too hard to penetrate, and Naiads which don't have a more flesh and bone structure.

Dalygi's Disease:  A character infected with this bacteria has their oxygen-supply to the brain thinned but not cut-off, having a dazed affect until cured, with -3 Finesse for the duration of its infection.  It is named after a very clumsy gitwerg who was first diagnosed with it after eating some meat tainted with it.  Can affect any of the starter species.

Dermecron: A disease that causes the skin of many species to age drastically, making it wrinkle and sag, as well as shedding off as it progresses.  In some species, such as those with scales, fur or feathers, more than just the skin itself will fall off.  In most species this deals -1 Charisma per 20% infection stage except to those in cultures where individuals with old age are not only equal but greater in importance than youth or middle age individuals..  In Draconis-Dragon Kin, for example, scales will fall off and not only diminish 1 EP per infection stage, but also deal 1 HP damage per 2 stages as their tough scales also serve as part of their immune system.  Pixies may find their flight speed diminished by 1 per infection stage as well due to the scales on their wings will start slowly falling off.  Felinae will lose 2 points of cold resistance per infection stage as well.

Dunnerkig:  This virus attacks the cells in most species, slowly weakening their ability to absorb nutrients, giving them a -1 EP recovery from their normal rate, as well as a -1 on every stamina check.  It can affect any of the starter species, though Gitwerg are less likely to contract it due to its typical habitat being in fish.

Eladre's Disease:  This disease comes from a type of fungus found in The Glens of Tirae, causing rapid dehydration and aging, one year for every day until cured.  Most Gitwerg, Goblins and Pixies have a knowledge of the fungus itself, though some have forgotten their past if their lineage has been away from it for too long.  Those without the knowledge of what the fungus looks like are recommended by travel guides to not eat anything from The Glens of Tirae as its spores may be on or in other foods as well, and the cure only grows in The Glens of Tirae and in very controlled greenhouses over leyline intersection in the primary realm or other realms.  It can affect any species, but it is rare to affect Gitwerg, Goblins and Pixies.

Hailvein Disease:  A rare viral infection, more common to Cubi than other species, hailvein disease spreads from the coldest point on a body during infection and begins compressing blood and other liquids in order to cause them to freeze and further harm the immune system.  Those with the disease will find their sense of touch numbing in general with occasional sharpness from the pressure of the spreading ice, their veins turning blue and skin chalky, flaking off.  The oxygen and other gasses to their brain and other organs will be diminished severely, also causing disorientation, confusion, and if the virus spreads to the brain, total empathic break, becoming sociopaths by their altered brain chemistry.

Insolmortes: A magic-driven disease that pulls 1 FP from an infected creature to spread 5% daily, dealing 1 HP damage per 5% of infection, being unable to be cured by common healing magic.  Pixies have an additional 5% daily spread of infection unless their FP is being drained constantly by some magic-suppressive means, due to their very strong link to wild magic causing them to draw it in more easily than many other species.  When someone is infected, the veins and nerves turn black and start glowing red every few seconds as it tries to absorb magic from the infected.

Kulyrden Disease:  This waterborne virus from The Shifting Sands of Jhaneer is primarily dormant in its dry arid environment, but in cold, dark and damp places it spreads quickly in moisture, causing those who drink its infected waters to become hosts to the virus where it lies dormant for three months.  If the temperature is above 70 MaL degrees, the virus remain dormant for an additional three months, and if still above 70 MaL degrees it will break apart and die.  If it is below 70 MaL degrees during either of the two points it will cause the body to drink excessive amounts of liquid whether they are normally consumed or even if they are toxic until finally the kidneys fail and the bladder bursts, killing the host and letting the virus seep from their decomposing corpse's juices into the nearest waterway.  This virus can affect all species, though with Naiads it is rarer as they are mostly made of water and therefore regularly check their various water sources for purity.

Muckrot:  A type of fungal infection that grows in polluted waters along muddy shores and infects those that drink or bathe in it, causing irritation of the exposed surfaces, clotting of blood, a burning sensation if ingested, and the breakdown of muscle and fat into more fungus and mud.  This infection deals 1 HP damage per day per 10% of the body infected if not cured.  It affects most species that do not have fungal defenses, being doubly strong against naiads due to how easily the fungus spreads within them, but has half effectiveness against Gitwerg and Goblins due to their early exposure to similar dirt and mud dwelling diseases in small amounts so that their body builds resistance.

Nultikra Disease:  A parasitic wasp which stabs its stinger into potential hosts or their food source, laying eggs and dying causes this disease.  The eggs suck up magical energies and grow larger, pushing the host to draw even more into themselves, but preventing them from utilizing it themselves until they are cured.  Found by a medical autopsy of the high mage Nultikra Karn, who in later years lost all use of her magic due to this parasite.  Can affect any of the starter species, and is cured by consuming an excess of 6 Bitter sustenance beyond that which a species needs for its maximum consumption average.  This will make them violently ill, vomiting and diuretic for a week, but it will also drive the eggs out with a 90% success rate.

Omanum:  This disease is caused by flecks of crystalline parasites from The Crystal Slumber getting into the blood, eating testosterone and adrenaline, slowly pushing peace and serenity into the subject to the point of completely suppressing their fight or flight instinct and responses to allow the parasite to be consumed alongside its host and spread to more and more creatures.  Every day the infected has a 1d6 chance of losing 1 WIL if their WIL does not exceed their current EP.  Due to the very calming nature of the infection and their suppression of fear, they gain 1 SP per 2 WIL lost, however, as they take small or large risks to understand the universe.  This can apply to any starter species but it is rarer to apply to Gitwerg as they regularly deal with crystals in general and are more likely to notice which crystals are infected than other species.

Phantom Pox:  A sign of failed attempts of possession from a weak immune system but strong will, Phantom Pox appears as small pale green spots all over the body.  For every day uncured, the individual infected has a 1d4 chance of a WIL check against their remaining EP.  If their WIL is equal or greater than half the EP, the character will lose 1 EP, but retain their WIL.  If it does not, they will lose 1 WIL, 1 HP and 2 EP.  The more they succumb to the Phantom Pox, the more it will spread until finally they expire and their body becomes infested with a multitude of weak specters, or one powerful enough to control the body on their own.  Those who are infected also have a 1d100 chance per day of randomly phasing through up to 1/4th meter of matter during a single turn, or 1d100 chance per day of turning invisible for a single turn.  It can apply to any starter species with a 1d4 chance when resisting spectral possession, though has a 1d12 chance of applying to Cubi due to some specters still having a fear of infernal species they may have had in life being more common than specters being afraid of other starter species.

Pexahgra Virus:  This virus originating from The Forgotten Prison of Pral strikes most species, causing dehydration, excess calcification and heavy metal poisoning, slowly driving a character to consume foods that have an abundance of calcium and heavy metals, slowly replacing their skin and bones into metal and rock.  Any starter species can get this infection, though Gitwerg and Goblins are more resistant to it than most other species, with Naiads being highly susceptible as their core rapidly expands and dehydration shrinks their volume, creating a dusty outer layer which slowly contracts to join the expanding core.  Those infected with this virus take a daily 3 Dehydration Damage as well as having -4 Speed, -3 REA and -2 FIN until cured.

Qualvarus: A disease which infests the host, producing warts and boils, which when burst from excessive pressure or poor attempts to alleviate it will help spread the disease.  It forces the body to produce excess pus with which it can multiply much more easily and spread further throughout the body.  With many species this is easily treatable by proper medication, but species with strong immune systems will have its symptoms suppressed, being unaffected by most immune systems itself.  This will cause it to be even harder to cure by the time the immune system is too compromised to suppress the wart and boil symptoms anymore.  Goblins are especially susceptible to this disease, being two and a half times more dangerous to them.  It also causes 2 points of dehydration per 10% of infection, as well as random headaches, migraines, and frequent urination.

Rabies:  Those infected with rabies gain a fear of water as well as fever, excessive drooling and aggression.  Those with rabies will enter a berserk rage with a 1d4 chance daily after 1d20 days, and will die after 1d90 + 20 days if not treated.  It spreads quickly in mammals and birds primarily, being effective against all starter species except Draconis Dragon-Kin and Naiads.

Reoan:  This bacteria originally from The Ascended Isles of Serseki causes an extreme boost to the immune system and bodily repair systems of most species, however it has a draining effect on the stamina and sanity.  Every day the infected gains an extra 1 HP, regardless of their current maximum recoverable HP.  If they exceed this maximum they lose 1/2 EP and 1/4th SP per hour, and when their EP reaches 0 they will lose -2 HP per hour.  This can affect all starter species.

Sakja Virus:  This virus originally from The Stary Oceans of Quantil infests the nerves and bladder of most species, shocking them over and over as it tries to force them into suicidal actions.  This virus spreads even faster through necrotic tissue putrefying, and becomes a festering breeding ground for the virus, which is then released into the purge fluid which may drain into waterways where it will survive for one month of dormancy, or into the released gas where it will survive for three days of dormancy.  It deals 1 Electric/Lightning Damage per shock, which occurs with a 1d4 chance every hour for most infected species, and a 1d2 chance every hour for Naiads.

Sleeping Sickness:  This parasitical disease comes from the bite of a sand-flea within The Somnium Bleed which rarely is found outside it.  The parasite squirms up from the point of infection to the brain where it stimulates sleep so as to feed on the serotonin produced. Those infected end up have a 1d20 check against WIL per hour, and a 1d12 check against depression.  For every failure to exceed half their EP, they will fall asleep for 12 hours and lose 1 WIL and 1 EP.  Every time they succumb the number of hours they sleep next due to the disease will increase by 6 hours.  If they resist they have a 1d4 chance of losing 1 EP.  When an individual finally has no WIL left they will enter a coma which will not cease until either they die or are cured.  It can apply to any starter species, but has a 1d2 chance of not infecting a Cubi initially.

Vreem Virus:  Named after Vreem Par, a Naiad explorer of The Silicon Fields, this strange retrovirus infects materials, flora, fauna and sentient creatures, slowly breaking them down into energy in cubic chunks which may cause living things to start taking damage, having a 1d20 chance per day of taking 1d4 HP Damage, 1d6 EP Damage and 1d40 chance of a random organ failing.  The virus itself is cured with a single turn excess of electricity being applied 2 points beyond the total EP of the material, flora, fauna or sentient creature, forcibly causing them 2 HP damage regardless of whatever additional weakness they may have to electricity causing them further damage.  It can apply to any starter species.

Zhaqua Disease:  This parasite infects various species and drives up their libido and desire for a wider variety of food than they normally consume, using genetic samples to help it mutate to be able to infect other species more easily.  A month after infection the parasite starts pumping a genetic retrovirus into the host once per day based on the samples it absorbed, using these changes to drive the infected host to be quickly killed by its own species, or the host to commit suicide, or for the changes to cause total organ failure.  Once the host has died the parasite burrows out of the body and launches capsules containing eggs over a 1 kilometer radius which will remain dormant for eleven months before hatching and climbing onto whatever mobile creature it can in order to test them.  If a single bite from the parasite finds a sample it has adapted to already, it will burrow itself into the potential host to start the process its parent enacted.  If the bite finds an entirely new sample it will try to find its way in through any available orifice when the potential host is sleeping, latching on until it feels the creature is at rest.  A character with this status effect is not in their native form but instead another for the duration of its effect.  This can affect any starter species, but it is much more visible in a Naiad and thus more easily able to be removed.

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