Thursday, June 12, 2014

Materials: Enigmatic Materials Charting:

While this listing is in no means complete for the final core book version of the system, this charting does include a lot of more unusual and enigmatic materials that are hard to classify in just one category.

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description.

Amber | Translucent Orange | 1 Toughness | 2 EP | 1.07 g/cm^3 | 3 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, + 1/2 Genetic Sample if anything previously living trapped within it, + 1/4th FP, + Any Remaining FP from the creature trapped in it if unused. | Amber is resin from trees that has fossilized and hardened, trapping whatever was within the sticky sap forever.  They may be used for gathering genetic samples from long-dead creatures, but also used in magical applications, as they contain a small fragmented echo of that creature's soul, and amber retains the focus of the creature, as well as recharging from leyline rifts like Focus Crystals.

Baneyelle Tree | Pale Blue with Green Vein Leafs, Bright Orange and White with Red Flecks Flowers, and Light Brown Bark and Pulp | 2 Toughness | 7 EP | 5.85 g/cm^3 | 1 Silver Piece | Per 15 grams, + 1/2 Fire Resistance. | Baneyelle Tree is a type of tree that grows in Mazek on the surface, in the Undermaze, and even underground, seeming to draw nutrients and moisture not only from the soil, but also the air and rocks.  It feels warm to the touch when found near sources of heat, seeming to flourish most when within 4 squares of a source of 30 MaL degrees or more, resisting 40 fire damage with ease.  Its bark is flaky and makes for good seasoning when properly ground or shaved, and its wood center is very fibrous and useful for rope or fabrics when properly woven.  Its leaves are a pale blue with red veining and green surrounding that, and its flowers are a bright orange and white with flecks of red.  If properly treated it remains flexible but strong, making it useful for bows, clubs, even basic armor.  Transplanting Baneyelle Trees is difficult due to the speed of their decay when uprooted being only 3 days to fully die and dry up.  If it is not replanted within a day and a half, the tree may not recover, let alone become healthy and flowering again.

Blotstone | Black | 1 Toughness | 2 EP | 2.02 g/cm^3 | 34 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, + 50g/cm^3 of extractable ink. | Blotstone is a type of rock that occasionally flies out of the torrential winds under Serseki to either imbed into the floating islands' structure or land on its surface.  It is a highly compressed mixture of stone and biological matter, its center densely filled with a soft tar-like substance that, when the blotstone is heated, pours out of even the smallest crack slowly as pitch-black ink.  As a result, they are highly sought for academics seeking a portable source of ink, or used by rogues and other individuals for stealthy purposes.

Deafstone | Gray with White Speckling | 1 Toughness | 4 EP | 0.056  g/cm^3 | 2 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, + 5 Stealth against making Noise, but at a cost of -5 Observation to Noise, range of 7 m^2.  If one charges it with 2 FP, they invert it to provide -5 Stealth against making Noise with a + 5 Observation to Noise at a cost of 1 SP damage if sensitive to Noise or if the sound is itself of noise-pollution levels and one does not shut if off within two turns. | Deafstone is a type of rock that is found easily in Serseki, being one of the primary materials used to make the temples and much of the structure of the islands themselves.

Diffusing Pillar | Refractive Translucent | 1 Toughness | 2 EP | 3.42 g/cm^3 | 17 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, any Light related attacks cause it to faintly glow, diminishing their strength by 2, and splitting it to hit a curve opposite the attacker with that lower attack to each. | A Diffusing Pillar is a crystal or glass pillar that has been faceted in a special way to give it special properties.  Some will utilize these for defensive purposes as a result, but the forewarned individual knows that the pillar allows these attacks from any direction.

Dreamsand | White | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.15 g/cm^3 | 2 Silver Pieces, 3 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams (50 Units), 10 units for a trip of up to 100 Kg (scaling accordingly) into The Somnium Bleed can be made with the right ritual, or 10 units over a pillow for to ensure good dreams and give full EP and FP recovery while at rest, or 2 units to be thrown at someone to make them do make them need a Sleep Check and a Hallucination Check as well even if they pass the sleep check, or 1 unit may be used as a distraction to force an Observation Check, or 1 unit to purify water strained through it by absorbing up to 4 points of Poison, toxicity or other contaminants of a non-biological nature.  | Dreamsand is found in much of the surface of The Somnium Bleed, making one think that it is too abundant to be of much value, however, the pure white Dreamsand when outside of The Somnium Bleed can be used in for a multitude of uses that it doesn't have within The Somnium Bleed.

Endata Cubes | Shifting Rainbow Pulse when charged, Desaturating to pure Gray when uncharged | 1 Toughness | 4 EP | 0.003 g/cm^3 | Average Cost for 5 grams | For every 15 grams, (1/10th Small Endata Cube, 1/30th Large Endata Cube) 2 Electric Hazard point storage, storage of memory of every device it has been used or recharged in, and a holographic image of a 1/5th m2 radius of use or recharge location. | Endata Cubes are condensed data and energy that fuel any portable digital device equipped to take their power.  Each large Endata Cube cubic inch stores 20 electric hazard points, which powers devices for quite some time.  The smallest Endata Cubes are 150 cm^3 and the largest are 450 cm^3 in size.  Endata Cubes may be used in any realm, but only recharged in The Silicon Fields.

Fraglith Crystals | White with mostly Purple Refraction | 9 Toughness | 2 EP | 0.006 g/cm^3 | 5 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, a spherical tear four times its size may be made when it is shattered or destroyed by heat, light or electrical damage, creating a tear which will open in its place for 1 hour in one direction only, leading to whatever non-radiation shielded location it has been attuned to. | Fraglith Crystals are found adjacent to or near tears between The Silicon Fields and other realms, or from one portion of The Silicon Fields to another.  While tears do occur naturally and are shut down when the Fraglith is removed from them, they may also be caused by tuning the Fraglith with harmonic resonance to a particular location.  Fraglith grows only from absorbing melted Albacon, Silicon and Copper, and an equal portion to its size will grow it by 2 cubic centimeters per week.  Putting more than equal batches of melted Albacon, Silicon and Copper will cause the Fraglith to dissolve.

Gorgust Powder | Blue Powder | 0 Toughness | 1 EP | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | 3 Silver Pieces, 12 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, + 3/2 Toughness is granted to anything it is rubbed on while dealing 1/8th EP damage to the object, if put into part of cast metal it will grant it + 5/4th toughness without the EP damage, additionally if given plants alongside a nutrient mix they will have 3 days of weed-free life per m2 it is applied to per 113.398 grams of Gorgust Powder.  | Gorgust Powder is made from the ground up ancient bones found in Ostiel as well as diamond dust mixed together to a fine blue flour.

Gretho Lichen | Faint Orange Glow in the Underdark, Pale Blue when on the surface of Mazek | 1 Toughness | 3 EP | 0.1 g/cm^3 | 1 Silver Piece | Per 15 grams, up to 150 points of frost and fire damage negation, and 150 doses of + 20 Charm effect making it used often as a truth serum ingredient, and if over-consumed or injected with 6 doses in a day a Sanity Check is required, it also absorbs a air amount of moisture in additon to its endurance to varying heat. | Gretho Lichen is a type of lichen that grows on some portions of Wyrdstone, being a strong moisture absorbent and yet still grows in the dryness of the maze walls, glowing in the Underdark a faint orange, and on the surface a pale blue due to the constant exposure to sunlight.

Jilcuskon | Dark Gray | 9 Toughness | 5 EP | 0.86 g/cm^3 | 3 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, the Jilcuskon rock can absorb 45 Vibration Damage or 45 Electricity Damage (or combination of the two) to increase its EP by 30, reducing its Toughness to 2 & 1/2 Toughness and increasing its weight by 2 grams.  If one deals damage to it faster than it absorbs (45 points of Damage per turn at 15 grams) then it will shatter and once a day it will reduce by 30 EP if it is not recieving vibrations or electricity during that time. | Jilcuskon is a type of rock found in Feluk that anchors the humming crystals used by the Bodels, as well as sometimes lining walls where Vennerkun rocks are found.  It absorbs vibrations and electricity to become more dense, but as a result becomes less tough, and leaks out the vibrations slowly over time.

Memory Crystals | Pale Purple Translucent | 3 Toughness | 3 EP | 0.72 g/cm^3) | 1 Gold Piece | Per 15 grams, if a character uses 5 FP while holding one it all of their memories will be copied into it.  If one uses 1 FP, they can replay any one day from a crystal in one minute's time.  If one uses 25 FP, they will put themselves into a day-long coma with no EP or FP regain during it, taking 10 HP damage, but they will be able to download everything from a memory crystal into their own mind and clear the memory crystal without losing their own memories.  If they wish to clear it, they may submerge the memory crystal in an equal portion of water for a day, letting it dissolve and form a new blank memory crystal.  | Memory Crystals store the lifespan of one individual thus far into them, growing in Serseki under the many temples, being able to harvest the tips of to seed more memory crystals or use for storing one's memories.

Moonstone | Pale Gray and White | 1 Toughness | 3 EP | 0.22 g/cm^3 | 24 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, Moonstone may store up to 90 FP and replenish half its FP without assistance at night when it is able. | Moonstone is a type of stone sometimes found in babbling brooks of Tirae, meteor pieces smoothed and absorbing magic the most when the water is at its coldest, meaning less of the magical energy is being pulled away by the current.  Each night a Moonstone exposed to the night air and land in which magic isn't severely dampened will find a large amount of magic absorbed.

Novana Crystals | Bright Orange and Yellow Translucent with Prismatic Refraction of Blue and Green | 3 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.01 g/cm^3 | 8 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, 50 Light or Fire/Heat Points (or a combination of the two) are able to be stored until 3 points of pressure are put upon it to release a point of each, scaling upward before it is destroyed, unless one uses damage that is not from light, fire/heat or pressure. | Novana Crystals retain light and heat for centuries, needing only a little pressure to release some, though they are extremely light and durable.  Some use them for power generation, others simply for light and warmth, while others harness their power for weaponry.

Sunstone | Yellow and White | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.55 g/cm^3 | 4 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, 360 MaL Degrees may be absorbed and stored to provide a 3 square radius full illumination for 48 turns without dealing Light Damage or deal 48 Light Damage if focused, using 1 Electricity Damage or 2 FP to release the illumination or light damage. | Sunstone is a type of rock that absorbs visible light, growing warm and faintly glowing at night, but a little bit of focus or the application of electric current will make it release all of its heat and light at once in the direction opposite the electricity or foci.

Tioneb Goo | Green, Milky | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.69 g/cm^3 | 6 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, Tioneb Goo disolves 15 grams of any material that is not more of the goo, flesh (regardless of species), arsenic, copper or glass.  If consumed it will provide 20 HP, 12 Protein, 12 Carbs, 9 Umami, 3 Fatty, 3 Liquid, 3 Soft, 3 Sweet, 3 Salty, 3 Cold and 3 Pure sustenance.  Additionally it will cover one medium character with enough Tioneb Goo that a Fractaldactyl will ignore their non-hostile actions for one day. | Tioneb Goo is the extracted center of a Fractaldactyl egg, first found by the human Tioneb Troblednam found within his time adventuring when he was trapped with the creatures of The White Void before retiring to become a mathematician.  For nearly a year he studied the creatures and survived by eating some of the Fractaldactyl eggs which left him with a scent that made the parent terrors leave him alone for a few days each time and left him feeling full enough for the period of time until it wore off.  Tioneb Goo was named after him as he managed to bring a few of the unfertilized eggs back with him when he was finally rescued, and studied its composition, finding that despite being unable to hatch while unfertilized, the goo in the eggs would dissolve most materials, save more of the goo, flesh, arsenic, copper, and glass.

Vennerkun | Dark, Chalky Red with Pink Crystals | 1 Toughness | 52 EP | 2.77 g/cm^3 | 2 Gold Pieces | Per 15 grams, the Vennerkun rock has 30 Pressure Damage absorption per EP (520 EP for 15 grams), and withstands 10 Electrical Damage per EP.  | Vennerkun is a type of rock found in Feluk that absorbs pressure, trapping it as a faint glimmer in the crystal flecks running through it.  When electricity is applied to one end of Vennerkun, the entire rock vibrates in any direction opposite the electrical leads until it has released its contained pressure.  If one runs electricity into it for too long they risk shattering it, but applying pressure to it again will give a bit more vibration to use before it shatters.  As a result, it is highly valued by miners when put into focused machines to ensure it directs only in one convex direction.

Warpstone | Silver with White and Rainbow Prismatic Refraction of a Location's Appearance | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 3  g/cm^3 | 12 Gold Pieces | Per 15 grams, Teleport an Item, Character or Creature fully within 0.25 squares in the direction light shines through it at them if fully within the light.  If not fully within the light it will deal 1 EP damage and hold them in place for 1 turn before pushing them out of the range of its beam. | Warpstone hums faintly, warm in the hand even when laying in cold darkness for centuries.  It holds a peculiar habit of linking to the nearest piece of warpstone of the same frequency despite dimensional travel being necessary to reach it, warping light even when unworked from one to the other to form a visible, if distorted, image of the other location.  It also is capable of teleporting materials from one to the other if light shines through it to land fully on something else.  Those wishing to tune two warpstones together need only cleave the two to a similar size and then run a light through the back of each toward the other, then move the two to whatever location is desired.

Whisper Leaf | Pale Blue with Black Speckling | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.01 g/cm^3 | 12 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, Whisper Leaf repeats all Sounds within 5 squares heard within the last two hours if the wind did not rustle the leaves too much, if one uses 1 FP on it. | Whisper Leaf is a type of material that rustles lightly in the wind, repeating all that it has heard within 5 squares through the past two hours if the wind did not rustle the leaves too much.  Whisper Leaf may be made into many different items as long as it can still rustle later, making it very useful for espionage, or just simply keeping track of conversations.  It does, however, take as long for it to repeat what it has heard as it takes for it to hear it.  However, strategic placement of more than one cubic inch makes it more useful if more is used.

White Matter | Glowing White | 1 Toughness | 40 EP | 0.0003 g/cm^3 | 9 Gold Pieces | Per 15 grams, White Matter will produce a 30 square spherical pocket dimensional space, create 15 dimensional bag's pocket dimensions.  If attacked with 45 Chaotic Damage it will produce and explosion of 36 Frost and 32 Fire/Heat Damage in a radius of 25 squares. | White Matter is a strange wisp so soft most move through it without noticing it.  This material comprises most of the White Void, its structure always displacing as things move through it, not causing any sensory data to analyze except a feeling of weightlessness and a light warmth.  White Matter if scooped up by most materials will just shift out of the way, but a bit of temporal mechanics or magic to create a bubble of frozen time will allow one to trap some and take it with them out of The White Void, though High Ordered Beings will quickly move toward that spot if within fifty miles of it.  Outside of The White Void, White Matter maintains a spherical shape, and may be altered and used to create a pocket dimension home once reinserted into The White Void, for use in temporal machines, to create a dimensional bag's pocket dimension, as part of a weapon against High Chaotic Beings, or if attacked with enough chaotic force will create an explosion of frost and fire/heat damage.

 Xhunfo Sand | Black | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.028 g/cm^3 | 34 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, if melted into glass it will show a centuries into the past looking into the convex side, or future looking into the concave side per 2.5 cm thickness with a radius of 82 cm.  It will also tear through many materials with 2 Piercing Damage per minute in a sandstorm if not close enough to maintain its magnetic attraction to metal.  | Xhunfo Sand is a type of black sand that is magnetic and drawn to large quantities of metal, as well as being highly toxic.  Xhunfo Sandstorms rarely happen, but they are dangerous when they happened due to their high attraction to metal, including within a creature's body.  It also may also be used in temporal machines.

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