Monday, June 2, 2014

Materials: Hazardous Materials Charting:

While this listing is no way complete, it does, however, have a good charting of several hazardous materials within the system.

Material Name | Most Common Appearance | Toughness | Durability | Density (Room Temperature g/cm^3) | Average Cost for 5 grams | Special Effect(s) | Description. 

Acid | Translucent, Fizzing, Clear Typically | 0 Toughness | 0 EP | Varies, 1.46 g/cm^3 average | 15 Copper Pieces Average | For every 15 grams, + 1/4th Acid Damage per MaL PH. | While there exist many types of acid, hazardous acid is strong enough harm most species severely, having an MaL PH of 5 or lower (remembering that MaL PH is 3 points higher than true PH due to extending the ends).

Cracklestone | Gray with Cracks that glow faintly Blue | 2 Toughness | 5 EP | 3.48 g/cm^3 | 14 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, for every 5 Electric Damage dealt Cracklestone only 1 EP Damage is received and any other Damage modifier from the attack is negated.  For any attack not containing Electric Damage, Cracklestone deals 5 Electric Damage back at the attacker per 1 EP damage done to it as it releases its stored electricity to its own square, each adjacent square, the dealer's square and any square directly adjacent to the dealer. | Cracklestone is a type of rock that is extremely conductive and capacitive, absorbing lightning and electric attacks with ease.

Everburn Slime | Forest Green | 0 Toughness | 3 EP | 1.27 g/cm^3 | 2 Silver Pieces, 24 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, Everburn Slime has -40 Resistance to Heat/Fire, but only takes 1/40th EP Damage per turn from Heat/Fire. | Everburn Slime is a sticky substance that some creatures leave trails of, being a sign of either prior or current infestation as it clings to many substances but dust and cobwebs dissolve in it, keeping its outer surface still glistening after decades until it hardens.  This slime is extremely flammable with a long burn time, hence its name, and well worth collecting for use in torches or other lighting instruments, though best done with some manner of ventilation, as it produces a non-toxic but noxious dark red smoke.

Frightstone | Purple with Red Flecking | 2 Toughness | 16 EP | 55,360 g/cm^3 | 3 Silver Pieces | Per 15 grams, any sleeping creature or character capable of dreams within 40 movement squares will have a nightmare except those that are within 2 movement squares of it. | Frightstone is a type of rock found in The Somnium Bleed in areas filled with terrifying creatures, landscape warped by the nightmares of sleeping individuals.

Harglesplerk Crystals | Translucent Red and Green Refraction | 17 Toughness | 4 EP | 3.46 g/cm^3 | 34 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams, 1/2 Physical Damage and 1/3rd Heat/Fire Damage when exposed to more than Dim Light for more than a minute. | Harglesplerk Crystals are a type of crystal that only grows in total darkness, named after its Gitwerg discoverer with an unfortunate rite-of-passage last name meaning "lucky-stumbling-bastard" due to his barely passing the test due to his poor navigation and balance skills but still finding his hidden challenge statuette after falling down a hole onto another individual returning from their own rite-of-passage.  Harglesplerk Crystals were found under similar circumstances in Feluk, whose caverns are rich with Harglesplerk deep in the dark, but so are other dangers

Lava | Bright Red and Orage | 4 Toughness | 5 EP | 2.6 g/cm^3 | 3 Gold Pieces | Per 15 grams, Lava deals 80 Heat/Fire Damage to its square and adjactent squares, and further damage decreasing at 10 Heat/Fire Damage per square further out in radius from the Lava. | Lava is superheated rock typically found in volcanoes and deep within a planet.  It is not recommended to go swimming in it, but it is a good place to dispose of most unwanted items such as certain magical rings.

Munzotan | Light Green Rock | 2 Toughness | 4 EP | 1.81 g/cm^3 | 2 Gold Pieces | Per 15 grams, unless shielded by Gold, Munzotan deals radiation to its square and all squares within a radius of 10 squares which has a 1d10 chance per 5 turns in range of causing 3 simultaneous mutations from nearby genetic material or genetic material from one's own ancestry, each having a 50/50 chance of being beneficial or negative. | Munzotan is a type of rock that emits mutating radiation, being safe within a gold shield or abilities that block radiation, but otherwise affecting nearby characters and creatures.  Its true power lies in using it in conjunction with gold to focus its radiation, or in finding a way to cause it to break apart through explosions or other ways of turning it into an easily spread powder that guarantees the 3 simultaneous mutations occur on exposure.  Intentionally adding genetic material samples to this powder for a day before exposing someone to it guarantees that all 3 mutations will occur with those as their base, but not which mutation of their genetics will arise.  However, if Munzotan is outside of Pral for more than 5 days, it turns into worthless dust, regardless of its form beforehand.

Shatterstrom | Translucent, Purple and Gray | 1 Toughness | 1 EP |  0.0003 Room Temperature g/cm^3 | Average Cost for 5 grams | Per 15 grams, Shatterstrom deals 1/2 HP damage to whomever touches it per turn they touch it, as well as requiring a sanity check (only one regardless of the size) per turn within 4 squares of it and an additional sanity check per turn they are touching it. | Shatterstrom is a type of crystal that grows alongside the prison crystals that hold the pral but is not containing a pral within it.  As a result of its close proximity, it has absorbed their agony and insanity.  This is contained and focused by gold around the crystal except in the direction one wishes to aim it.

Syndak | Glistening Rainbow shifting evenly unless contaminated | 1 Toughness | 1 EP | 0.001 g/cm^3 | 12 Copper Pieces | Per 15 grams (1/1000th dose of Syndak), the user gains 1/6000th addiction, and + 1/200th Happiness Mood, + 1/400th Arousal Mood, + 1/500th Hallucinations of veins, lines, cracks and any other visible division of a creature, character or item's surface glows bright purple and throbs in their vision.  When addicted they will have a sugar crash every morning and the need for hot and acidic consumables every two hours until they get a fix with a lasting fever and slight purple around their irises as symptoms of their addiction.  Additionally they gain 1/5000th chance of infection from the digital dna within it or other contamination. | Syndak is an addictive substance formed from digital dna, synthol, sugar, and a mixture of ingredients each creator keeps to themselves.  It can be liquified and injected, glazed over something, re-hardened within baked candies, or kept crystallized and broken into powder.  As it contains digital dna, it has the potential to carry infections if not prepared properly, but it also can temporarily bestow traits of the source and secret ingredients to the individual using it.  Its addiction starts as a simple craving, if using enough to cause a usable response (1 dose) it becomes an addiction after 6 doses per month.

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