Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Diseases: Vilru and Lunemire Infections:

Vilru infections can be spread through blood, saliva (especially bites) and sexual contact with 1/3rd, 1/40th and 1/10th chance of spreading to a new host through those means of infection respectively.  With any means of infection it has a 3/5th chance of turning the infected into another host after a delirious fever and chills through a three day near-death state, a 1/5th chance of killing the infected within three days without their returning as a host, a 1/10th chance of turning the infected into a carrier instead of exhibiting symptoms, and a 1/10th chance of the infected becoming immune to that particular strain of the virus.  These percentages fluctuate depending on species and genetics.  Humans keep the same percentages with females having a +1/20th chance shift toward death or turning instead of becoming a carrier or immune.  Felinae keep the same percentages with males having a +1/20th chance of becoming a carrier or immune.  Draconis Dragon-Kin have +1/10th chance of becoming a carrier or immune.  Centaurs have a +1/10th chance of death.  Gitwerg have a +1/5th chance of becoming immune.  Goblins have a +1/5th chance of turning into a host.  Pixies have a +1/5th chance of becoming immune.  Cubi have a +1/20th chance of becoming carriers or dying.  Naiads have a +1/8th chance of becoming immune or carriers.

Lunemire infections can be spread through the blood, saliva (especially bites) and sexual contact with 1/2, 1/50th and 1/5th chance of spreading to a new host through those means of infection respectively.  With any means of infection it has a 2/5th chance of turning the infected into another host after massive increases in testosterone and paranoia for twenty days, a 2/5th chance of killing the infected within twenty days without their turning into a host, a 1/10th chance of turning the infected into a carrier without exhibiting more than excessive drool and aggression as a symptom, and a 1/10th chance of being immune to that particular strain of the virus.  Humans keep the same percentages with females having a +1/10th chance of becoming a new host.  Felinae keep the same percentages with females having a +1/20th chance of becoming a new host.  Draconis Dragon-Kin have a +1/4th chance of becoming a carrier or immune.  Centaurs have a +1/4th chance of death.  Gitwerg have a +1/3rd chance of becoming a host or carrier.  Goblins have the same percentages with males having a +1/4th chance of turning into a host or carrier.  Pixies have a +1/4th chance of becoming immune.  Cubi have a +1/3rd chance of dying.  Naiads have a +1/4th chance of becoming immune or carriers.

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