Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Religion: The Church of The Golden Apple:

Urgendur has many followers, most being farmers, but there are those even more devoted to her than they.  The Church of The Golden Apple is an ancient group of followers of Urgendur that protect her most sacred of groves and orchards, places where her most special of flora grow: The Golden Apple Trees.  These trees have bark of bronze hue, leaves with golden sheen which may be distilled for gold itself, flowers that are harvested by bees for the sweetest ambrosia, and the most important, the golden apples of immortality, which grow once at each temple per century and preserve for a decade after falling.  She charges her followers to guard them but never to eat them, for the taste causes years of insanity in those not blessed by her to eat it.  Some have, in the past, defied her and tried to split it between several people to lessen the effect, causing the temple to become cursed as their minds were warped, saved eventually by Urgendur's champions to be put to rest.  A few still exist which used magic to try to protect themselves, becoming long-lived guardians of her temples despite their defiance, but the vast majority of her followers in this church have thankfully listened and kept the apples safe for her.  None save Urgendur and those she has blessed with immortality know how one would eat the golden apples without becoming insane, but there are a few who have, though their names are mostly either lost to history or shrouded in mystery.  The Church of The Golden Apple is also charged to send its newest members across the reaches of their planet and other realms to spread a seed far and wide, usually that of an ordinary apple, but sometimes others depending on where it needs to be planted.  The icon of The Church of The Golden Apple is a golden apple with two crossed feathers and golden leaves underneath it.

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