Sunday, March 2, 2014

Religion: The Cult of the Wailing Bones:

 The Cult of the Wailing Bones is a group of The Shrouded One's followers, necromancers, necromongers, necroperiums and lichs being the majority of its fellowship.  Some specters even have joined the cult, and all have one key purpose: To serve The Shrouded One without failure, to slay those that need slaying, to prolong their own deaths through various means so as to help with the cult's goals, and to collect ghosts when possible to warp them into foot-soldiers.  The Cult of the Wailing Bones is not only a religious cult, but also a secret society of those that wish to plunge the realms into an eternal undead state where those mobile would fight all comers in order to prolong their own deaths further and further, believing that The Shrouded One and Ves will reward the last being standing with the ability to write the next reality as they see fit.  Their icon is a flute carved from bone sitting atop a skull covered by a shroud.

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