Sunday, March 16, 2014

Terror: Lykons:

Chaotic creatures not imprisoned but still wandering The Forgotten Prison of Pral, the Lykons are not to be trifled with by low-level adventurers.  While they are typically found in Pral and not a threat to the stability of the realms, they do feast on the pain of others.  This typically is from that radiating from the Pragur in their prison crystals or by capturing, torturing and consuming a sacrifice intended to free the Pragur, but sometimes they manage to either find someone mistakenly traveling through Pral, or find themselves in other realms where the prey is more abundant.  Lykons have flight, appearing mostly like flying manta rays with their edges covered in jointed legs and their center being a large mouth with rows and rows of teeth.  Their backs have a camouflage surface which only works while they are alive, to the disappointment of those who collect their hides for the first time.

Creature: Lykon: A flying predatory creature that feeds off of the pain and suffering of others as well as consuming the weak who do not provide them enough sustenance from suffering alone.

HP: 40 / EP: 3 / LP: 2 / SP: 10 / FP: 21

Reaction: 32 / Finesse: 14 / Intelligence: 7
Wisdom: 15 / Willpower: 36 / Strength: 3

Speed: 30 (38 feet per second, 15 movement spaces per turn <10 10="" ft="" per="" square="" x="">)
Elemental Strengths: Air, Lightning, Slime
Elemental Weaknesses: Water, Ice, Blood

Common Drops: Lykonhide, Sharp Tooth

Bite III (0 FP Each): Biting down on a prey, dealing 3 damage per success.

Flight (2 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed + 1 (including any other temporary boosts), for a duration equal to three movement spaces.

Float (1 FP Each): Moving at a character's current max speed for a duration equal to six movement spaces before further focus is needed.

Hover (0 FP Each): Moving at half a character's current max speed, rounded up.

Repeat Message (1 FP Each): The Lykon repeats imagery and sound of something that it has heard which it thinks may torment its prey when passing near them.

Shriek (1 FP): Check Willpower of opponent when used, if less than 15, -1 SP. May only be used once per combat to affect sanity.

Test of Sanity III (2 FP): The Lykon uses its chaotic nature to reveal a horrific aspect of the universe potentially unknown to its foe. This deals 4 damage plus 4 sanity points reduction if the foe has less than twelve willpower.

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