Friday, March 7, 2014

Religion: The Cult of the Fear-Mongers:

Tarne has few followers that are neither deranged or power-mad.  The few that actually worship Tarne consistently, and not just attempting to gain his favor for a short period, are those who have great hatred in their hearts against another in power wishing to see them suffer, or hatred against a species, race, or specific populated area as small as a village or larger than a galaxy.  However, the Cult of the Fear-Mongers is a group of followers who have a shared goal of keeping the population they manipulate from behind the scenes into a constant state of fear so as to keep their power and secret control of government functioning smoothly.  They spread potent diseases to specified areas that fall within their plan, having cures or immunities to them for themselves and if need be, others who will further their goals.  They spread rumor and propaganda, using all resources in their power, the most potent being the various media outlets, to keep the fear of the diseases and other things they are manipulating running on full strength so as to keep Tarne fed more easily and keep their power.  Their icon is a a pile of fresh organs in the center of a crown.

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