Friday, March 28, 2014

Religion: The Order of The Frozen Tear:

The Weeping Woman has few followers grouped together, but The Order of The Frozen Tear is one that has dedicated themselves to collecting The Weeping Woman's tears as they fall in The White Void and freeze in space and time.  They use magic and science to try to find out what is making her weep so as to try to help her in addition to their more well-known works, exploring Mazek and protecting the weak.  They all wear blindfolds during their period of initiation and those that ascend to the first rank wear masks that conceal their face and have the appearance of tears trickling from eyes to chin.  They sacrifice their former lives and identity to her service, constantly practicing discipline exercises together and religious torture so as to transcend the sensations of pleasure and pain in their own bodies, keeping their empathy for others so as to feel their pain and joy and better serve for others rather than for themselves.  Their icon is a frozen tear falling into an incomplete circle.

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