Sunday, March 23, 2014

Religion: The Cult of The Crow King:

Ves has fewer followers than any other higher powered being, but The Cult of The Crow King is perhaps the most disturbing collective of followers the higher powered being has.  They devote themselves to hunting down those who either should have died according to prophecy or those who have somehow gained immortality who were not born with it.  The cult members are those reanimated and charged by The Crow King after death for their murderous life to become special charges in her service.  Some of these have failed and been taken by Ves to their final resting place, but no one knows for certain if Ves has rewarded them for said service.  There are some even who claim that The Crow King is a disguise of one who escaped Ves that aims to keep her chasing breadcrumbs, or possibly even another higher powered being that is enjoying the cult's work.  None know for certain, as Ves has not been known to comment on the subject of their work or existence even, making some believe Ves is either allowing their work or is actually behind it.  Their icon is a crow skull with a crown on it and a scythe sticking out of it with the handle skyward.

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