Saturday, September 24, 2016

[Playtest Stream 2] Episode 1: The Blazing Sun

Start of the second playtest livestream campaign, Stalwart March, running each alternate week when Rise of the Chimeric Dominion is not being run.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Population Center: Solvilla:

Southwest of The Temple of Terror, within the Rajulahd Mountains lies one of oldest protected draconis dragon habitats still standing.  Atop that habitat, protecting it, rests the city of Solvilla, nestled in the intersection of two leylines, one of which does not remain as perpendicular as other such intersections usually remain, but rather curving to go nearly parallel to the other.  As a result, the land between is awash in wild magic, small arcane storms brewing up even despite the heavy restrictions on magic usage within the city and its outer territory.  Some believe that the aberrant leylineis the result of the shape of the underwater trenches further north guiding it away, while others point to the topography of the ocean floor and migration of its denizens around a large area as evidence of some other force driving them away.  The ocean currents and storms themselves make exploration difficult, especially without the aid of wild magic for recharging foci crystals used in most exploratory vessels.  However, as technology has increased in recent decades, expeditions in Solvilla are forming to try to find a non-magical way to survey the deeper ocean in order to seek answers.  Though the draconis dragon-kin population is more plentiful in Solvilla than other species, they have slowly ceased trying to stop such endeavors despite their foolishness, as they have at least managed to utilize past failures toward reinforcing the underwater and underground structural measures used to ensure the draconis dragon-kin keep their habitats as untouched as possible.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Region: The Temple of Terror:

Atop the Galdabahn Mountains, spread across and through six miles of rock and darkness lies a haunted place known as The Temple of Terror.  Northeast of Solvilla, it was once a testing ground for acolytes of Xyib during The Foundation War, onward for four centuries after the war before its population ceased coming to market weekly to try to get new followers from the nearby settlement that would later become Solvilla.  Eventually, seven brave souls went to find out what had happened to them, and the two who survived described in grisly detail the state of the temple,its mutilated residents, and the deaths of their friends.  Many have visited since, but few have returned alive, let alone unharmed.  Though it is not know why, the place has become a festering wound in the land, and attempts to excise it, the specters and terrors that have come up from its depths...  Have proven utterly useless.  Thankfully containment has largely worked, with large warded beacons to alert Solvilla and travelers if something has made it past the myriad of traps outside the temple, and The Great Suarn Empire has saw fit to station some of its bravest soldiers close by to quickly deal with incursions...

Friday, July 29, 2016

Atlova Continent: City Locations:

East of Adslein lies the other continent still under the rule of The Great Suarn Empire, Atlova.  As the site of the major final battlefields of the Foundation War over twelve hundred years ago, the continent was devastated by the technological and arcane weaponry unleashed during those days of desperation.  However, over time the glacias draconis dragon-kin and other draconis dragon-kin races worked toward reclaiming the continent, over a few centuries it became habitable once again.  Due to the harshness of the environment, however, few choose to settle there initially until a few military and noble lineages started to build the four major population centers on the continent.  Driven quite mad by the still-chaotic nature of the land over the next few centuries, several powerful figures in the ninth mage wars were born and raised on Atlova, and a great many of their secrets are still contained within its shores.  While the mutative materials in the environment have largely been neutralized or exported to countries desiring them, it is still a dangerous frontier with only four major havens of civilization.  In addition to the environment, a few dragons still hibernate in caverns underneath the hills and mountains, as well as many cursed grounds regularly filled with specters and other sinister entities...

Friday, July 22, 2016

Population Center: Gormthair

On the far Southwest of Lucorene lies the capital of Gormthair.  Built surrounded by meadows and fields, the city is the center of power for the Winter and Summer Fey Courts.  There, crystalline architecture is latticed with vines and shaped stone, metal being in small quantities in the gitwerg and goblin districts, as well as the courts' keeps.  The surface and elevated heights are primarily populated by pixies, with gnomes at the surface and slightly below, and then the goblins and gitwerg having their districts underneath, separated by two large chasms with a neutral market between them.  Beyond the fields and meadows lie other districts where other species settle, but the downtown center of the city is largely designed for the height of goblins or even smaller, having been built prior to the other populations moving a few miles from the city's center.  The naiads, despite being invited by the pixies to have their own district downtown, primarily settle close to the ocean and beyond the meadows and other districts near lakes and rivers in the forests.

Friday, July 15, 2016

System Mechanics: Items Revisited

With the overhaul of the ability creation system, one of the two largest hurdles of mechanics seems to have been nicely handled.  Now we look on to the other, items.  As with the abilities, we want to have a narrative focus, so we're going to start with that as the core, and simplify the old mechanics while dealing with updating them a bit.

Item Name Proficiency:
    *(Base Value, Quality, Rarity, Perceived Value)
    *(Up to 4 Item Flavor Domains)
    *(Weight, Complexity, Source)
    *(Base Stability, Current Stability)
          Description text.
               *Up to 3 Ability Slots.

First and foremost, the item name may be either the type of item that it is if it has not yet been named, or it may be a more personal name given to it by its creator or owner.  The proficiency specifically deals with how adept the user is with that particular item, and as with leveling abilities, proficiency may be leveled through experience only on items used within a particular session.  If the item remains in the group's domicile storage, in a backpack, or otherwise not used, they may not increase their proficiency with it.  At a base of I proficiency, any failure associated with an attempt to use it will result in a negative consequence tied to the statistics used during the attempt.  For example, using strength and failing when using an axe could have the potential to have it merely miss the mark, to drop it or have it fly out of the character's grip, or even to have the handle or blade break if its stability has been reduced to 20% or less before a failure.  More on that further below.

The base value remains much as it was, with the quality and rarity multiplying with it to give the perceived value.  At bare minimum, a player should expect that an item with 20% stability or more will fetch its base value when sold.  To some individuals who recognize its quality, rarity or both, it may reach upwards of its perceived value, or even higher if the individual has a personal reason for wanting it badly enough to pay more, such as it being necessary to their studies, being a lost family heirloom, being charmed by the seller, and so forth.  Market value will also cause adjustments to what people are willing to pay for items, but the perceived value will stay the same.  Only those who are skilled in appraising would be able to quickly judge how the market value of the item has changed, and only in areas where they have frequent interaction or have done a fair bit of investigation, eavesdropping and research.

The flavor domains in this particular case with items do not necessarily go into what abilities it may have slotted, but rather how others or the user may be able to manipulate the item as needed for narrative.  A steel sword, for example, would have the Metal flavor domain, and those who can bend metal could choose to alter its structure either to weaken it if facing someone using one, or to constantly hone its edge and aid in repairing cracks.

The weight and complexity remain the same, with weight affecting how many items a character may carry, and complexity affecting how easily another individual may utilize the item from their pre-existing knowledge prior to adding it to their increasing proficiency.  The source affects how it may be wielded effectively, for example, a bow with a sporestone infused grip would not only make it have a chaotic effect applied to the arrows fired from it, but also make it usable as a held sporestone medium to utilize additional abilities with it.

The stability is somewhat different from the stability of an ability, but similar in function.  When an item is created, the total EP and toughness of the materials are multiplied together and averaged by the amount of material types utilized.  This number is divided by the number of abilities it has slotted to it, and finally averaged with the base stability of those abilities.  Each failure with an item decreases its current stability by 5%.  Different repair attempts and failures may net an increase in current stability, up to its base stability amount.  Attempts to craft with other materials and items to try increasing its stability further results in prerequisite knowledge to maintain any abilities it may have, as well as to decrease the chances of failure and damaging the item even further.

The archetype, reloaded and refueled remain mostly as they were, with a colon being used with reloaded and refueled to indicate what material or item is used to reload or refuel it.  Archetypes should also have a colon simply to designate the type of item it is, such as 'longsword' or 'shield'.

The description text details what is known about the item itself, with the abilities it has listed beneath that, and finally, the prerequisites needed in order to utilize the item.

Friday, July 8, 2016

System Mechanics: Updated Ability Creation:

As there were a great many details missing from the old ability creation mechanic needed for clarification, as well as too many categories of domains, the mechanic has been vastly modified since its last update.  Below, you will find all you need to create an ability in FARAD, using the following listing format:

Ability Name Rank:
    *(Destination, Shape, Concentration)
    *(Duration, Resistance, Conditional)
    *(Source, Stability, Blowback Cost)
    *(Flavor Domains [Base Domains applicable per Flavor Domain])
    *(FP Cost, Attempts for First Cost, Checked Attribute)
          Description text.

First, let's bring up the destinations, shapes, and concentrations again, with their modifications, as they affect every ability and set the lowest possible cost for an ability.  As before, after the initial cost and attempts are spent, any additional attempt of that ability uses the full cost for however many attempts its initial cost gave, per new attempt.  Additionally, even 0 FP abilities cost at least 1 FP to attempt after the initial attempts are spent.

The destination of an ability affects its cost, increasing with complexity.

The user is initially affected by the ability.
     0 FP Starting Cost

The user touches what is to be initially affected.
     1 FP Starting Cost

The user designates something within range to be affected.
     2 FP Starting Cost

The user releases the ability to wander aimlessly, activating on the first entity other than the user which it encounters. On using the ability, a 1d10 roll is made, rerolling if 9 or 10. Starting with 1 as North, the Cardinal and Primary InterCardinal directions are marked by the roll, and then it fires off up to range until it hits something or that turn ends. If it has not used its full range and bounces, it may travel the remaining range in another direction during the same turn. This occurs once per turn until it ends.
     3 FP Starting Cost

The user fires off the ability in a direction and the first being or obstacle within range encountered is affected.
     4 FP Starting Cost

The user designates all targets within their defensive range outside their adjacency to be affected with the ability.
5 FP Starting Cost 

The shape of an ability affects how many times it may be used per time its cost is spent, decreasing the number of uses with complexity.

An aura surrounds and stays at a point.
     5 Initial Attempts

Expanding out from a point toward another point.
     4 Initial Attempts

Expanding out from a point toward another point, in a 45 degree arc spread, with -10% damage every 10% beyond the defensive range.
     3 Initial Attempts

Expanding out from a point vertically and horizontally, but not forward or back.
     3 Initial Attempts

Expanding out from a point in either the Cardinal directions or InterCardinal directions (but not both) as well as up and down, this shape has the corners as the maximum range and the intersecting lines as edges making its boundaries.  Smaller than a sphere, it still permits a sizeable area of effect.
     3 Initial Attempts

Expanding out from a point in all directions.
     2 Initial Attempts

Expanding out from a point within the range of the user from the destination out to full range in two dimensions and double range in another.
     1 Initial Attempt

The more concentrated an ability is, the more focus it costs.

A curved release that moves to the destination via line of sight around obstacles, allies or foes at the time of release, or moves from the destination to another point via line of sight if the destination is self or touch.  While on mostly even elevation: For a loose curve upward to the the full range, and curving around one obstacle, ally or foe.  For a medium curve, upward to two thirds the full range, and curving around two obstacles, allies or foes.  For a tight curve, upward to one third the full range, and curving around three obstacles, allies or foes.  When aiming upward: Further reduce range by 5 meters per 5 meters higher the destination is compared to the user.  When aiming lower: Increase range by 10 meters per 5 meters lower the destination is compared to the user.  If the drop in elevation is a between half and the full range of the ability, the arc will continue until it hits an obstacle, ally or foe.  Lower and it will stop at full range, and higher it will impact at twice the range.
     +1 FP Starting Cost

A cylindrical release that continues upward to the remaining range beyond the initial point of impact.
     +1 FP Starting Cost

A release at the point of impact that hits a radius up to 1/2 remaining range available.
     +2 FP Starting Cost

A release at the point of impact that branches out to a radius equal to the remaining range.
     +3 FP Starting Cost

A release that continues out in an arc segment from the initial point of impact out to a renewed range that is not perpendicular to the initial point of impact's initial path and termination point.
     +4 FP Starting Cost

A release which expands out from the destination in a spiraling pattern, out to a diameter equal to half the range as maximum.  For a loose spiral, it will curve around once and hit those in its path only once, and keep its maximum diameter.  For a medium spiral, it will curve around twice and hit those in its path twice, and halve its diameter.  For a tight spiral, it will curve around three times and hit those in its path three times and quarter its diameter.
     +5 FP Starting Cost

Duration, Resistance:
Next, we have the duration and resistance of the ability in question, which previously was decided by sole discretion of the GM, rather than something more concrete, as it is now.  Every duration has a specific resistance tied to it, and as such, they are listed together.  The longer the duration of effect, the higher the cost of the ability.  The less resistance benefit there is allowed, the fewer uses it has per cost.  For reference, two quick actions are equal to a full action, and up to a maximum of three quick actions may be used in an active turn (a reactive turn being used for dodging, parrying, blocking or attacking a being passing within range at a speed lower than the reaction of the player).

Lasting, Detrimental
The ability's creation is a full action, but its effects may last one turn further if concentrated, and one additional turn per level of the ability, whether concentrated or not.  This ability is intended to be harmful to the one it is used upon, and they may reduce it by half with the use of an EP.
Costs: +1 FP Cost, -3 Initial Uses

Instant, Shrugged
The ability's creation is a quick action, but its effects may last one turn further if concentrated, and one additional turn per level of the ability, whether concentrated or not.  This ability if resisted lets the individual resisting ignore all effects at the cost of one endurance if their willpower is less than that of the user of the ability.
Costs: +2 FP Cost, -1Initial Use.

Swift, None
The ability's creation and effect are equal in time, and fades immediately after use, taking a quick action. Resistance is disallowed for the ability as a whole, but individual effects may still be resisted if an individual has resistance toward them, reducing them by their resistance score.
Costs: +1 FP Cost, -2 Initial Uses

Standard, Halved
The ability's creation and effect are equal in time, and fades immediately after use, taking a full action.  This ability if resisted reduces the effects to half, rounded down, prior to to any resistance score reduction.  This has no additional cost to the user or individual resisting.
Costs: No additional FP costs or initial use reductions.

Lasting, Beneficial
The ability's creation is a full action, but its effects may last one turn further if concentrated, and one additional turn per level of the ability, whether concentrated or not.  This ability is not intended to be harmful, but an individual may resist it if so desired for no cost.
Costs: +1 FP Cost, -2 Initial Uses

Willful, Severance
The ability's creation is a full action, but its effects may last as long as the user is able to exceed the willpower and sanity requirements to maintain the ability, whether against the environment, a member of their party or otherwise friendly being, or against a foe or hostile being.  If the ability is forcibly ceased, the user suffers an additional focus point loss.  This ability if resisted reduces the effects to zero, and creates a feedback focus point loss to the user, at the cost of a sanity point to the individual resisting, if their willpower is less than that of the user of the ability.  Severance also disallows an individual from dying to the ability unless their sanity has reached or gone below zero.
Costs: +2 FP Cost, -1 Initial Use

Free, Splendorous
The ability's creation is a free action, typically not intended to be harmful in and of itself, but an individual may use it to boost other abilities, basic checks or abilities that are tied to an existing item.
Costs: -1 FP Cost from total, 1 FP cost for ability minimum, -3 Initial Uses

Rebuff, Spiteful
The ability's creation is a free action, typically intended to be harmful, but an individual may use it to boost other abilities, basic checks or abilities that are tied to an existing item, however, they may only use this when they, one of their allies, companions or mercenaries is harmed, or an object or other goal is threatened by the action of another within their defensive range.
Costs: -1 FP Cost from total, 1 FP cost for ability minimum, -3 Initial Uses

A conditional affects the way an ability functions, sometimes limiting one aspect for the sake of flavor of design, sometimes offering additional benefits or just a delay from the time the ability is activated to when its effect occurs.  One may add one at the costs listed below, or list none if deciding not to add any conditional.  One may designate a 'Chosen Nemesis', 'Chosen Enemy', 'Chosen Enemy Type', 'Hostile Entities', 'Passive Entities', and 'Allied Entities' on a daily basis once per day as a potential conditional (among other ones allowed by a GM) if an ability describes its conditional as such, but it must be designated either after waking or prior to any combat initiating in an audible manner, or the conditional shall not be activated.  If an ability has multiple effects, the entirety or one or more effects may be activated when the conditions occurs.  However, every effect must be assigned to either happen when the ability is first used or when a condition occurs.

This conditional limits the effect of the ability in a manner that either prevents it from working unless certain conditions are met, or reduces its effect if circumstances are met.  One example of the former is limiting an ability from functioning if a particular terrain is not beneath the user, and an example of the latter is limiting an ability from affecting those who seem to in dire straits physically (having rolled a Desperation Die their previous turn), and so forth.  A maximum of 6 limits may be place by this conditional.
     +0 FP Starting Cost

This conditional allows an ability to have its effect(s) activate when a particular situation occurs, such as a particular status effect being active, a bonus die of a particular type is rolled, a strategic positioning or another sort of situation happens.  A maximum of 5 limits may be place by this conditional.
     +1 FP Starting Cost

This conditional allows an ability to have its effect(s) delayed from the point the ability is used to a later point when one or more certain conditions are met.  A maximum of 4 limits may be place by this conditional.
     +2 FP Starting Cost

This conditional allows an ability to toggle between its effect(s) while it is active when certain conditions are met.  Each effect may be equal to the potential of the domains as a whole, but only one effect may be active at a time.  This condition is extremely useful for abilities such as stances, though it does not extend the duration of the ability.  A maximum of 3 limits may be place by this conditional.
     +3 FP Starting Cost

This conditional allows the ability's effect(s) to activate every time a designated condition occurs, regardless of the phase of combat, if in combat.  A maximum of 2 limits may be place by this conditional.
     +4 FP Starting Cost

This conditional allows an ability to switch between one normal effect using one attempt as per normal, and two attempts afterward if a particular condition occurs, allowing for a doubling of that or an equally designed effect.  One the condition ends, the ability switches back to the original effect, unless the duration of the ability has ended.  If an ability has 1 or 2 attempts, this conditional cannot be used.  If an ability has 3, it may be used as described.  If it has 4, it may be used as described and its normal effect may be used again without spending additional cost.  If it has 5, it may be used as per the normal effect and two instances of the same condition occurring, which do not combined together if the secondary effect has not yet ceased.  A maximum of 1 limits may be place by this conditional.
     +4 FP Starting Cost

This conditional causes the ability's effect(s) to activate when it is used, not only for the first use of the ability, but for every use simultaneously, as if used separately, without needing to wait for an additional action or turn to utilize it.  A maximum of 1 limit may be place by this conditional.
     +5 FP Starting Cost

Next, we'll cover the ability source, stability, checked attribute blowback cost.  Now, blowback was previously mentioned, but not really detailed on this dev blog.  When an ability fails by a significant margin (stability dropping to 25% or less of the original stability due to reductions and resistances) not only will the user have spent focus on a tactic that did not work to their expectations, but it has caused a drain on them as a result.  The lower the initial stability, the higher the chance of blowback.  As such, preparation and innate skill will aid in keeping the chance of blowback reduced.  On the other hand, the lower the stability of the ability, the higher a chance of gaining a luck point or fluctuation adding bonuses to the ability use for taking the risk.  By utilizing 100 degrees of stability, there is room to expand to newer types of abilities at some later point, as well as how different ability builds can affect increasing the stability of the ability.  Every level of the ability achieved, the stability increases by 1 point of stability, in addition to any other stability alterations.  As well, no ability can go over 100% stability, and even while stable an ability might still be used incorrectly or fail, but not have a blowback potential.  Finally, while almost every ability source has its own specific attribute check (with the Natural and Mundane having GM-Discretion), a GM always should consider what other attributes or statistics may apply to a given situation if it is somewhat risky or complex.  Blowback cost is equal to the amount of total effect points on the ability subtracted from the stability score, then increased by the sum of 1d10 + the rank amount percentage.  For example, a spore magic ability with 9 points of effect failing at rank III would have 13% stability initially, reduced to 4% from even failing by one point.  Failing by 11 points, would then put it at -6% stability.  However, being rank III, it would increase back to -3% before the 1d10 were rolled.  A roll of 8, for example, would put it back up to 5%, which is more than the 25% needed to prevent backblow.


Primal Magic:
Failure constitutes 1 HP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing primal magic requires a reaction check to balance how widely unstable the material and ability type may be.
     0% Starting Stability
     HP Blowback
     Reaction Check

Spore Magic:
Failure constitutes 1 SP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing spore magic requires a willpower check to counter the Pragur influence and spiraling madness the material and ability type may cause.
     10% Starting Stability
     SP Blowback
     Willpower Check

Wild Magic:
Failure constitutes 1 EP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing wild magic requires a wisdom check to guide the instability of the wild magic.
     20% Starting Stability
     EP Blowback
     Wisdom Check

Leech Magic:
Failure constitutes 1 HP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing leech magic requires a willpower check against the being it is being used upon.
     30% Starting Stability
     HP Blowback
     Willpower Check

Failure constitutes 1 SP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing psionic abilities requires an intelligence check to balance how subtly the user of the psionic ability can manipulate other beings or the environment to reduce how difficult their attempt may be.
     40% Starting Stability
     SP Blowback
     Intelligence Check

Failure constitutes 1 MP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing soul magic requires time and concentration which prevents the user from moving until after the ability has been completed, or maintaining a steady pace and even pulse to accomplish, and wisdom to recognize the mood of their higher power, or otherwise be able to utilize wit or cunning to convince them to offer assistance.
     50% Starting Stability
     MP Blowback
     Wisdom Check 
Failure constitutes 1 MP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing foci magic requires time and concentration which prevents the user from moving until after the ability has been completed, or maintaining a steady pace and even pulse to accomplish, and intelligence to remember how much energy capacitance their particular foci crystals have, how much is currently available from that capacitance, and how close to over-saturation they may be when attempting to refill them.
     60% Starting Stability
     MP Blowback
     Intelligence Check

Failure constitutes 1 MP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing alchemy requires time and concentration which prevents the user from moving until after the ability has been completed, or maintaining a steady pace and even pulse to accomplish, and finesse to finally manipulate the alchemical mixtures and stealthily adjust them with accuracy, or to charm others into not realizing what they are doing.  Alchemical abilities may have 1 status effect caused at no additional cost, all other abilities adding a status effect must add +1 FP cost.  Any ability may have a maximum of 2 status effects on it.
     70% Starting Stability
     MP Blowback
     Finesse Check 
Failure constitutes 1 EP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing natural abilities requires any attribute check that a GM feels is applicable and appropriate.
     80% Starting Stability
     EP Blowback
     GM-Discretion Check 
Failure constitutes 1 EP loss per FP usage with this ability.  Utilizing mundane abilities and items requires any attribute check that a GM feels is applicable and appropriate.
     90% Starting Stability
     EP Blowback
     GM-Discretion Check

Previously, ranking up an ability increased the amount of damage or other effects that it produced by one point per domain per rank.  After consideration and playtesting, this was deemed insufficient for narrative purposes and the feeling of reward that came from investing experience into ranking existing abilities, instead of simply always opting for new ones.  Certainly, increasing how quickly experience was gained and the benefit of domain-specific knowledge accrual were options that were explored, but neither alone or together felt quite right.  Instead, the ranking has been changed considerably for abilities.

Ability Ranking
By practicing an ability, a being gains experience with its source and domains, accruing applicable knowledge pertaining to them.

Rank I
     The ability has been learned and has its standard effects at 1 point per effect, and 1% increase to stability (compared to attempting to use it before it is learned).

Rank II
     The ability has increased each effect by 1 point, as well as having a 1d10 / 2 pool to utilize across any of the used domains in any given situation, letting the being further shape how they utilize the ability in any given situation.  If they've encountered a creature who is resistant to fire, but weak against stone, then a magma-styled ability would be of more use with a lower temperature and more stone in the mixture.  Additionally, they would have a 2% increase to stability.

Rank III
     The ability has increased each effect by 2 points, as well as having a 1d10 pool, and a 3% increase to stability.

Rank IV
     The ability has increased each effect by 3 points, as well as having a 2d10 / 2 pool, and a 4% increase to stability.

Rank V
     The ability has increased each effect by 4 points, as well as having a 2d10 pool, and a 5% increase to stability.

Rank VI
     The ability has increased each effect by 5 points, as well as having a 3d10 / 2 pool, and a 6% increase to stability.

Rank VII
     The ability has increased each effect by 6 points, as well as having a 3d10 pool, and a 7% increase to stability.

     The ability has increased each effect by 7 points, as well as having a 4d10 / 2 pool, and a 8% increase to stability.

Rank IX
     The ability has increased each effect by 8 points, as well as having a 4d10 pool, and a 9% increase to stability.

Rank X
     The ability has increased each effect by 9 points, as well as having a 5d10 / 2 pool, and a 10% increase to stability.

And so on...  While the cost does increase considerably as one ranks up an ability, after passing Rank V with any ability domain infection may begin to set in, even if a being has not yet reached Level III for their overall statistics, attributes, etc.  Now, on to the base domains!

Base Domains:
The base domains are the structure of the ability, affecting which axes of design it may influence, with variation to both ends of each individual axis utilized.  One base domain must be used per ability, per category of domains, listed immediately after the individual domain itself in brackets.  For example, Ember [Legacy] would be used as part of an ability listing to specify that it allows for the ability to use fire and ash, either for creation or destruction.  As such, the ability could be used in a large variety of ways creatively, with the player deciding how to use it in any given situation, and the GM deciding if it seems reasonable or needs another domain instead or in addition to that.  A maximum of two base domains may be used per flavor domain category, a maximum of three flavor domains within a category in the same ability, and a maximum of four categories used per ability and a maximum of ten flavor and base domain combinations being possible per ability.

Transfer and transformation are the key concepts for this base domain.

Those wanting to affect sanity and willpower would be wise to use this base domain.

If seeking to decrease or increasing a pre-existing flavor domain's effect already in an area, then fluctuation is key.

Merging and separating are the core concepts of this base domain.

Creation and destruction go hand in hand, and the legacy base domain emphasizes this point.

Communication and sensory input manipulation are useful for those using this base domain.

If wanting to make something intangible or invisible, the phased base domain is vital.

Physical condition and stamina are greatly modified by the vim base domain.

Pulling and pushing are much easier with the redirection base domain.

Releasing and trapping uses the stratagem base domain for many purposes...

Finally, we come to the flavor domains and their categories.  Previously, elemental, physics, order and chaos, life and death, celestial and infernal, vibrations and luminosity were all grouped into their own categories which made it difficult to easily piece together abilities given how one would have to switch back and forth between the categories to work out how to do what they wanted with an ability they were creating.  Now, with the reduction of the number of domains and the new categorizations, the process should be much easier.  Flavor domains, as they are now called, offer insight into how the abilities might be used narratively, as well as mechanically.  Those that seem to clash as opposites in the same category (the ordered Illuminate versus Ember in the Energy category, for example), add +1 FP additional cost per clash, but otherwise the costs and alteration to stability are set per domain.  Those which are celestial or ordered add more stability, and those which are infernal or chaotic remove stability.  More advanced domains of the highly useful former physics category add +2 FP additional cost per use, versus +1 FP additional cost for any others.

The Energy category of flavor domains is primarily centered around enthusiastic interaction with other beings, gaining new knowledge, and affecting the environment and those within it with a variety of physical means.  Typically those who utilize these domains are not satisfied easily, if at all, and are quick to jump in and do what they can to work toward their goals.

The Illuminate domain is the spark of inspiration, the light in the darkness, and the font of knowledge.  Usage of the Illuminate domain adds +1 FP Cost and +2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Light, inspiration inception and subliminal hypnotics.

The Temperance domain is primarily used by passionate individuals who temper attraction with decency per the interaction of cultures involved, and is often used by charming rogues and bards who are of a more noble romanticism, and diplomats using specific phrasing, tone and intonation to dissuade disagreements swelling into larger problems.  Usage of the Temperance domain adds +1 FP Cost and +1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Passion and moderation.

The Magnetism domain is oft used literally for use affecting the physics of an object or being, but paired with other flavor domains it may also be used figuratively for a variety of means...  Usage of the Magnetism domain adds +2 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Magnetism, attraction and repulsion.
The Electricity domain is great for powering various devices, as well as striking down foes, among a myriad of other potential purposes.  Usage of the Electricity domain adds +1 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Electricity, lightning, power.
The Lechery domain is for those who are seeking to satiate their own desires or to try to manipulate others into being distracted by their own, or putting them into exploitable situations.  Usage of the Lechery domain adds +1 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Carnal lust, lewdness, profanity and indulgence.

The Ember domain is especially useful for those who just want to watch the world burn.  Or, you know, help prevent forest fires.  Among other purposes.  Usage of the Ember domain adds +1 FP Cost and -2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Fire and ash.

The Presence  domain is especially useful for those who just want to communicate with the dead.  Also used for those of a more spiritual nature or those who wish to stop a haunting.  Among other purposes.  Usage of the Presence domain adds +2 FP Cost and -3 Stability to abilities.  Think: Specters, ectoplasm, soul, and cor.

The Depth category of flavor domains is frequently utilized by those who seek to understand psychology, sociology, architecture, metallurgy and geology.  While many who use it seek to help their neighbors, species, their world or the universe as a whole, the majority tend to be highly motivated toward accruing power and wealth.

The Stone domain is perfect for those who love manipulating rocks and minerals.  Usage of the Stone domain adds +1 FP Cost and +2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Rock, stone, minerals, pebbles, boulders.

The Charity domain is perfect for those who like to help others with their actions, donations and advice.  Usage of the Charity domain adds +2 FP Cost and +1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Generosity and honesty.

The Density domain is perfect for those who like to condense and stretch objects, slowing their opponents, and those who wish to try defying gravity.  Usage of the Density domain adds +2 FP Cost.  Think: Gravity and size.

The Metal domain is perfect for those who like to shape and remold metal.  Usage of the Metal domain adds +1 FP Cost.  Think: Metal and alloys.

The Avarice domain is close to heart for those who are slumlords, con artists and thieves especially, as well as many government officials.  Usage of the Avarice domain adds +2 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Greed and falsehood.

The Morphean domain is perfect for those who like to peek into the dreams of others, manipulating them, causing or removing nightmares and those who seek to manipulate grains or even entire beaches and deserts of sand.  Usage of the Morphean domain adds +1 FP Cost and -2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Sand, dreams, nightmares and imagination.

The Preservation domain is perfect for those who seek to protect the quality of food and water, disperse heat and other dangers across a surface area, and construct a durable structure out of ordinarily soft materials.  Usage of the Preservation domain adds +1 FP Cost and -3 Stability to abilities.  Think: Ceramic, clay, china, salt, clay and adobe brick.

The Rooted category of flavor domains is primarily centered around the notion of knowing the core of one's being and one's surroundings.  This is not to necessarily mean one reaches a sort of inner peace, though many do, but merely either acceptance of who one is and the way of the world and realms presently, in order to either become contented or to work toward altering circumstances more toward a more favorable outcome...

The Harvest domain is highly favored for those of farming, tea-ceremony or other botanical backgrounds, mostly concerning plants and soil, the ordered structure of both, and how to manipulate them.  An example of usage might be to stimulate the grown of crops, or to speak with ancient pines to investigate a disappearance decades earlier...  Usage of the Harvest domain adds +1 FP Cost, and +2 Stability to abilities  Think: Plants and soil.

The Humility domain is well-known to many acolytes who serve a numina or other being far greater than them.  Usage of the Humility domain adds +1 FP Cost and +1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Humbleness, profound thought, and modesty.

 The Position domain is perfect for navigators, mapmakers and explorers.  Usage of the Position domain adds +2 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Spatial coordinates, the realms, space, maps, teleporting, and movement.

The Umbral domain is appreciated by rogues, ninjas, assassins, thieves, hunters and a great many others.  Usage of the Umbral domain adds +1 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Smoke and shadow.

The Vanity domain is well-known to those who seek beauty and fame over anything else.  Usage of the Vanity domain adds +1 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Pride and shallowness.

The Rot domain is frequently used by individuals trying to combat it, or to further accelerate its effects.  Morticians seek to slow it until a body is in the ground, and sometimes even beyond that.  Mushroom farmers seek for it to a bolster their crops, and most healers try to study its effects in order to counter it.  Usage of the Rot domain adds +1 FP Cost and -2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Fungus, mushrooms, and decay.

The Extract domain is typically used by physicians, the syrup industry and some inventors.  Primarily it is focused around the inner power of floral life and not the external form or extensions such as apples and the like, which falls under Harvest.  Usage of the Extract domain adds +1 FP Cost and -3 Stability to abilities.  Think: Amber, sap, syrup, resin and rubber.

The Bodily category of flavor domains is most often used by those seeking physical prowess, the healing arts, employment in the forensics field, biological experiments and other assorted interests.  Though a great many are drawn to it for the sake of helping others, there are some who seek it out for much more nefarious purposes...

The Mortis domain is very favored by morticians, taxidermists, and especially liches, alongside the Presence domain.  Usage of the Mortis domain adds +1 FP Cost and +2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Skeletal, bones, and death.

The Diligence domain is well-known to martial artists, monastic orders and individuals seeking to better themselves through training.  Usage of the Diligence domain adds +2 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Discipline, training, and compassion.

The Irradiate domain is dangerous if used improperly, but typically used by doctors and scientists for examination abilities and equipment, and by those seeking to enhance mutations.  Usage of the Irradiate domain adds +2 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Ultraviolet rays, X-Rays, Gamma Rays and mutation.

The Flesh domain is well-known to physicians and other healers, as well as those who seek to further alter their own body-weight distribution either for vanity or for disguising themselves.  Usage of the Flesh domain adds +1 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Organs, tissue, fat and muscle.

The Torpor domain is mostly known to those who are too lazy to try learning other domains, but if utilized properly it can become a major distraction and some suggest its use behind the scenes in major government machinations.  Usage of the Torpor domain adds +2 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Sloth and apathy.

Those who use the Vitality domain a lot typically use it for rituals or physical therapy, but some species which consume blood may use it to make their feeding habits less difficult either for themselves or for their donors if the being is willing.  Usage of the Vitality domain adds +1 FP Cost and -2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Blood, life and stamina.

The Instinct domain is typically used by animals and more primal species, giving them a higher natural wariness, as well as almost a guiding hand toward defending themselves or avoiding a fight through camouflage or bluffing.  Usage of the Instinct domain adds +1 FP Cost and -3 Stability to abilities.  Think: Skin, hair, claws, camouflage, animals, and defensive mechanisms.

The Storm category of flavor domains is primarily utilized by those who seek to either understand, or manipulate nature's more extreme events, as well as to peer past the veil of the seeming chaos of it all into its more ordered processes, including natural events and interactions with individuals which can affect empires and galaxies.

Those who use the blizzard domain may use it for simple amusement and refrigeration, but others may use it for devastating effects in the right areas.  Usage of the Blizzard domain adds +1 FP Cost and +2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Ice and snow.

The Respect domain calls to many soldiers and officers of the law, family heads and sometimes to governmental or military officials even.  More often than not, it helps manipulate those who aren't aggressive to the user, but it can also be used to simply give a boost to an ally in need.  Usage of the Respect domain adds +2 FP Cost and +1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Honor and loyalty.

Those obsessed with the Chronal domain are typically trying to either see the future and visit it, or to somehow alter the past.  Others use it for recalling information, and some even use it simply to further bolster their movement capabilities.  Usage of the Chronal domain adds +2 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Speed, temporal flow, time stop, time travel, visions and memories.

The Breath domain is favored by singers, musicians, sailors, those utilizing natural or assisted methods of flight, and those simply seeking to amplify their own voice.  Usage of the Breath domain adds +1 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Wind and sound.

Those who use the Derision domain tend to be manipulators who seek to do great political and psychological harm to another being.  Usage of the Derision domain adds +2 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Scorn, betrayal and perfidy.

The Flow domain is much utilized by sailors and fishermen, as well as a great many inventors and environmentalists.  Usage of the Flow domain adds +1 FP Cost and -2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Water and steam.

The Swarm domain is much utilized by those who gather resources from insects, other arthropods and migrating animals, as well as those who would wield them for strategic purpose.  Usage of the Swarm domain adds +1 FP Cost and -3 Stability to abilities.  Think: Honey, empty husks, exoskeletons, arthropods, and migration groups.

The Murk category of flavor domains is centered around substances and interactions with individuals which leave lasting impressions upon other individuals and the world around them.  While much of it is most desirable for those seeking to inspire fear in others, there is also a great deal which might be utilized by artists of various mediums, alchemists and chemists, physicists and paranormal investigators...

Usually used by dancers and artists, the Stain domain has a great many subtle uses which make it perfect for espionage.  Usage of the Stain domain adds +1 FP Cost and +2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Ink, dyes, fabric, silk, paper and canvas.

The Grit domain is a strong aid to those who have gone through stressful situations, trauma and harrowing battles, as well as those seeking inner peace or simply to wait for the right moment for a necessary action.  Usage of the Grit domain adds +2 FP Cost and +1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Patience and courage.

The Frequency domain is used by a lot of advanced cultures in their technology, and with the Stone domain it can be extraordinarily catastrophic.  Usage of the Frequency domain adds +2 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Radio, microwaves, and vibrations.

The Goo domain is used often by Liches in creation of their phylactery and some of their minions, as well as its use by sanitation workers, paranormal investigators and a multitude of individuals fighting simple creatures and terrors that thrive near leylines and haunted areas.  Usage of the Goo domain adds +1 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Slime, ooze and other sticky substances.

The Tension domain is often used by those who go berserk, those who seek to stir riots or to manipulate others through fear, and also by those who seek to counteract those efforts and face their own fears.  Usage of the Tension domain adds +2 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Rage and fear.

The Toxin domain is often used by environmentalists to clean up an area, but it is also highly used by animal handlers, alchemists and assassins.  Usage of the Toxin domain adds +1 FP Cost and -2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Acid, poison and venom.

The Slick domain is often used by individuals trying to clean up environmental areas, cooks, candle-makers, industrialists and assorted other beings.  Usage of the Slick domain adds +1 FP Cost and -3 Stability to abilities.  Think: Oils, wax and plastic.

The Stagecraft category of flavor domains is centered around performances as well as viewing reality itself as a large stage upon which to tell a narrative, often against the wishes of others drawn onto the stage with one using these domains...  It is favored by many bards, puppeteers, actors, and other individuals with a flair for the dramatic, but also shrewd politicians and others vying for power...

Usually used by writers, directors and con men, the Script domain has a great many subtle uses which make it perfect for manipulating others.  Usage of the Script domain adds +1 FP Cost and +2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Narration, putting words in people's mouths, and affecting memory.

The Comedy domain is often used by those who seek to amuse others, through a variety of different means, seeking to bring a little joy into their audience.  Usage of the Comedy domain adds +1 FP Cost and +1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Humor and joy.

Curtain Call:
The Curtain Call domain is used by a lot of escape artists, grifters and those seeking to trick a crowd into giving them cover as they flee or need a distraction.  Usage of the Curtain Call domain adds +2 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Audience, interruption, or exit stage right in a way.

Casting Call:
The Casting Call domain is used often by those seeking to show off their talents with a flair for misdirection, even to the point of putting blame on someone else for their actions depending on their skill with it.  Usage of the Casting Call domain adds +1 FP Cost to abilities.  Think: Longer Summons, showmanship, and disguises.

The Tragedy domain is a looming danger to certain individuals, but even the mightiest warrior may be driven to wail in anguish given the proper motivation for their scene...  Usage of the Tragedy domain adds + 1 FP Cost and -1 Stability to abilities.  Think: Depression and sadness.

The Madcap domain is often used by mimes, illusionists, summoners, comedians and the mentally insane.  Usage of the Madcap domain adds +1 FP Cost and -2 Stability to abilities.  Think: Theater of the Absurd, Temporary Summons, bending and breaking reality.

The Setting domain is often used by individuals trying to alter environmental areas to create a bleed through or passage to another realm.  Usage of the Setting domain adds +2 FP Cost and -3 Stability to abilities.  Think: 'The world's a stage', namely Realm Travel.

(Final Note: Yes, there will be more graphics for this page, but no, they will not be on this page fully until this bottom text is removed)

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Region: The Rose Door

South of Scarlet Acres lies The Rose Door, guarded by representatives of every fey court and government on Lenida.  As the portal itself was was hastily made and designed to try to lock it behind them, it is not stable, and the warding lock on it is highly faulty.  Due to these issues, The Rose Door is an entire labyrinth of passages lined with cold iron, ash, gold, crystallized ectoplasm, electrical and arcane circuits and other forms of protection to attempt to trap any being that might come through it.  Barracks, administrative offices and other structures exist amidst the region, and those who wish to enter Tirae's Spritehallow Region (which the courts call 'The Mad Queendom') must either be bound and exiled to it, or bear permission from multiple governments and court leaders, and given a multitude of equipment to forcibly pull them back to The Rose Door should they be in danger.  While Queen Mab (called The Mad Queen by the courts) may keep her citizens from causing outright butchering immigrants seeking to reclaim their lost heritage, scholars seeking to study their ancestral homes, or other individuals seeking sanctuary or safe passage to other regions of Tirae, her citizens are still given a wide berth regarding their activities, and a great many naive souls have ended up permanently stuck in Tirae or otherwise affected by what the sprites and other 'savages' (as the courts call them) may do to them.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

System Mechanics: Chance, Luck and Desperation:

In the process of designing FARAD, I put heavy emphasis on the choices that players and the GM would make, with a dash of randomness thrown in to represent unforeseen consequences, as well as the randomness of nature, including not getting to pick everything about character creation (dice rolls for mutations, dice rolls for affinity unless the GM allowed differently, dice rolls for statistics, etc).  There was also a bit of randomness allowed with luck as well.  While the majority of the system remains unchanged, there is a slight tweaking being done today.

Every day (not session), any being gains 1d10 for use in combat and 1d10 for use outside combat which do not roll over to the next day.  These are known as chance dice, and not using them may be rewarded by the GM, but if one does use them, they burn it until the next day.  In doing so, the 1d10 is rolled and the result is added to whatever attempt was made, as per the type of chance die used.  Once a combat chance die is used, a roleplay chance die may not be used until the battle ends, through victory, defeat, retreat, or truce.  Likewise, once a roleplay chance die is used, a combat chance die may not be used until entering into battle, though combat training sessions against an opponent do still count as battle, while those without an opponent would utilize roleplay chance die if not yet burned.  Chance dice must be declared before use, not after the result of an action is narrated.

Players and other beings may also gain luck points, a pool of dice which may be either positive or negative, gained through risky choices, due to actions that their culture believes bring good or bad luck, in addition to their karma choices.  They, and all other characters, gain LP based on their actions, positive for any action that helps an individual and are selfless, and negative for those that only help the character or another individual selfishly without regard for others involved.  Actions done out of self-defense such as in combat initiated by someone or something else, do not affect LP unless a character is superstitious and harming the particular foe brings positive or negative luck according to their culture, such as shooting or stabbing an unarmed man, etc.  Previously luck points utilized various different dice, but due to the shift to solely 1d10 quite some time ago, that needs adjustment and further revision.  That said, luck point die have five possible outcomes, with the resulting roll shown here as to what effect it has, with the first portion before the slash being for positive luck point die results, and after the slash being for negative luck point die: 1) roll 1d10, the result is a penalty when a positive die is used, and a bonus when a negative die is used.  2-3) no change.  4-5) roll 1d10, divide the result and round down, bonus when positive, penalty when negative.  6-7) roll 1d10, the result is a bonus when positive, penalty when negative.  8-9) roll 2d10, the result is a bonus when positive, penalty when negative.  10) roll 2d10, the result is a bonus when positive, penalty when negative, and double whatever statistic or attribute current score is used specifically for that action if positive, halve it if negative.  Luck point dice must be declared before use, not after the result of an action is narrated.

Finally, we come to the latest addition to the system mechanics, desperation dice.  This particular dice come into play any time a being drops to 10% of any particular statistic (excluding luck points) or attribute in a challenge.  They cost 1 point per statistic or attribute they have dropped that low on, but allow a 1d10 chance of doubling their actions until the statistic or attribute either reaches zero, or has gone above the 10% line.  If rolling: 1) roll a 1d10 penalty to their actions that turn due to blindly flailing.  2-4) there is no change to their actions that turn, and still costs the point.  5-7) no change, but recover the point that would have been spent.  8-9) roll 1d10 bonus to their actions that turn.  10) roll 2d10 bonus to their actions that turn and double their updated score for a single action taken that turn.  Desperation dice must be declared before use, not after the result of an action is narrated.

Finally, a player or being may not use a combination of chance, luck point or desperation dice within the same turn.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Character Building: Character Design Simplified and Updated

In The FARAD System, there is a mixture of randomness and choice used for character generation.  A player can choose up to the grandparents of their character in terms of their Genetic Traits and special abilities...  But the dominance of genes means that only a 10 on a 1d10 would allow them to have a recessive gene that was dominant in an ancestor pass on to them instead of a more prevalent recessive gene found in more than one of their ancestors.  Then, if the GM chooses a campaign setting with areas of mutation chance via magical, psionic, radioactive or other mutative influences, the GM can roll to determine what mutations apply to the character depending on where said character was born or raised.

Next, the player rolls to see what Affinities their character has, ten in total, which affect a bit of the character's backstory, starting resources, etc, including some being rare items or unusual natural abilities.  These affinities are categorized into ten suites of twenty possibilities each.  A GM might opt to allow a player a roll of 2d10 on each suite, disallow certain Affinity suites in their campaign, replace them with custom Affinity suites, or allow a smaller number of suites with rolls determining which ones a particular player is allowed to gain Affinities on.  Affinities are meant to be a starting point for a player to work on their character's story, but not a limitation on their capabilities or quirks.

The next step is based on the level of play which the GM has decided to start players on.  For level 0, four 1d10 are rolled for the Statistics, with any result under a 5 re-rolled.  These results are used in order of roll for Health Points (natural hits), Endurance Points (defense and stamina), Focus Points (concentration for abilities), Sanity Points (affecting comprehension of different species, the world, the greater universe and the realms, etc, as well as defense again strange maladies of the mind), and Movement Points (speed).  The final Statistic is Luck Points, which are determined by the character's Genetic Traits, Affinities, and GM discretion initially, and gained through a myriad of ways through roleplaying.  Burning positive Luck Points may give a chance to improve a situation, while negative Luck Points may be burned to try to reach equilibrium (and a chance to gain positive LP) at a risk of detriment and disaster.  For higher levels, the first four statistics gain an additional point per level.

After Statistics, a player at level 0 has a pool of 24 points to slot into six of their Attributes.  These are Reaction (Agility, Balance and Reflexes), Finesse (Accuracy, Charisma, and Stealth), Intelligence (Knowledge, Memory and Reason), Wisdom (Cunning, Observation and Wit), Willpower (Courage, Learning and Morale) and Strength (Carrying, Dragging/Pushing, and Lifting).

Finally, a character may take on a core starting class, or build one from scratch depending on the GMs discretion using Trained Traits.  The core starting classes are divided into three archetypes: Fighter, Caster and Strategist.  The Fighters are Beserker, Burdener, Huntsman and Tumbler.  The Casters are Acolyte, Sorcerer, Warlock and Wizard.  The Strategists are Bard, Psion, Rogue and Tinkerer.  Each of these classes is set with a suggested set of initial Combat Training, General Training, and Knowledge Training, with Vocational Training having the final set of Trained Traits.

As the Trained Traits are only a starting point for a character, and the design of the system is to level up Attributes and training through roleplaying challenges in and out of combat, the tech-tree design of leveling and ability creation lends itself to customization and the option to always pick a different branch of a lower level ability or training to develop at any time, without breaking immersion.  A character that has been studying electricity for some time and dabbled with metal abilities might create a magnetic ability, for example, but one who has devoted themselves solely to the study of elemental fire would not suddenly gain the ability to create a spontaneous forest sanctuary simply because they had achieved a high enough level to take on the ability.  A player can always try to min-max their character for their idea of either a focused discipline of training, or a more rounded but less focused character that dabbles in a myriad of small but versatile abilities that might be used creatively...

The power to shape the roleplaying experience isn't in the hands of the system's limitations, but in the discretion of the GM and imagination of the players.  Want to create an ability that causes a dragon's skeleton to try ripping out of its flesh?  Sure, study how to manipulate and animate the bones of small animal skeletons, you know, when they aren't quite as large and surrounded by muscles and a will that is trying to fight off your attempts.  Want to use a psionic ability to see a highly potential near-future, hoping to dodge attacks better?  Well, you might get lucky enough to be born with it, but chances are you'd need to hone your innate precognition to eliminate less likely possibilities and bring the focus more toward the immediate future instead of cataclysms centuries into the future.  Want to create a sword that swallows specters in order to create an edge that cuts through most obstacles and only harms your intended target?  You'd probably need to find a way to capture specters and draw out enough ectoplasm to forge your blade, as well as a way to bind them to it.  The possibilities are endless.  The Fully Adaptable Roleplay Adventure Design System is not yet finished, but its concept is to be a bridge between the two primary schools of RPG design: Randomness and Determinism.  Both have their place in other systems as the chief design goal, but balance between them is where FARAD stands.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Region: Scarlet Acres

North of The Rose Door, Scarlet Acres is an innocuously named region of Lucorene which sounds rather idyllic, but  is in fact the largest graveyard on the continent.  Following The Great Fey Migration, a large percentage of the fey immigrant population struggled to learn how to adapt to the flora and fauna of the planet that had evolved since their last official exploration into it and those they had never encountered before, as well as the lower amount of wild magic saturation, pollution, the skirmishes and almost wars that broke out between the courts, and of course, those who had lingering injuries from the vilru infection that surged through their region in Tirae.  Due to its proximity to The Rose Door, and the number of fey to have died in the area, Scarlet Acres is regularly swarmed by specters as well as sprites.  It is named such as it was stained red from the cold iron used to salt the region during battle, as well as the blood of many species.  Deep beneath the region's catacombs, chambers built to specification were created as the tombs of the rulers of the fey courts, reinforced to keep out flora, fauna, and would be grave-robbers.  A massive number of arcane and mundane traps have been triggered under Scarlet Acre's surface, and yet few rumors have been spread about what treasures lie in the deepest chambers, with most who dare explore the labyrinth of passages leading down toward them never seeing the light of day again...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Population Center: Glasbaile

East of Gormthair, Glasbaile rests proudly, built into the hills and fields of its island.  A very lush town with a high gnome population, Glasbaile produces a great many number of herbs, spices and medicinal plants for The Fey Courts as well as the planet as a whole.  A goblin highway runs beneath it, heavily patrolled by the town guard, and between this highway and its many docks, trade in Glasbaile has been strong for over a thousand years.  Heavily layered beneath the surface, Glasbaile manages to keep the goblin and gitwerg neighborhoods separated by enough rock to keep them civil in more public areas, with the gnomes having turned the underground caverns between their neighborhoods into a thriving subterranean district as well as keeping large fungi farms and gardens.  Those who wander away from Glasbaile proper to the tunnels leading underneath the ocean will find the occasional underground lake or river, most used to cultivate troglodyte creatures.  In addition, thanks to the magical workings of the pixies and gnomes working in concert, large undergound gardens blossom, including some whose wood is harvested for many a gnomish craftsman's trade.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Region: The Doll House:

Northeast of Glasbaile and southwest of The Blind Brook, the haunted region known as The Doll House rest.  Rather, unrest seems to be its typical state, as few living beings survive travel into it, given how dense the various specter populations are.  While the manor itself is rather large, with a large forest, massive hedge maze, huge graveyard, underground catacombs, and rumors of hidden chambers, the mansion itself is the most known, and hence why people refer to the region itself as The Doll House.  The mansion is as haunted as the rest of the manor grounds, however, unlike the majority of forgotten specter density elsewhere, those within the mansion itself are extremely stable, almost mirrors of the beings they once echoed.

The Doll House itself was once part of a small village with a golem-maker being its mayor.  When the hobgoblin Weiland Shars rose to power as a fierce warlock tactician a few centuries after The Great Fey Exodus, he claimed the village and manor as his chief reward.  Some rumor that he was born in the village, though record of his early life has been lost to history.  Regardless, for a time he was a living legend, and though there were many attempts upon his life, none succeeded, and eventually the mayor accepted his courtship and marriage.  The two had a daughter who grew into a fine puppeteer and bard who traveled the world, before word came of her death at the hands of a cult of The Shrouded One.  Enraged, he and his spouse rallied their village to reclaim her body, and to reap vengeance upon the cult.  It is not know all in all what occurred during their battle, but all the villagers were lost in the battle, and though it seems his spouse disappeared, Weiland returned to the manor with his daughter's corpse, not heard from again for nearly a decade.

When next Weiland left the manor, he had become a lich, and a stable specter of his daughter was bound to a golem.  Together the two and their army of specters and other terrifying entities razed across Lenida for a thousand years, snuffing out many villages on different continents before word arose of his new state and rage.  However, when armies were raised to seek him out during this time, he seemed to vanish from a continent and word would come months later of another village slaughtered elsewhere.  This continued during this time before his army simply disappeared, though rumor spread of his influence behind the scenes during a great many other wars and odd circumstances.  Eventually rumor came that Quinn Xhen and their allies seemed to have defeated him, though his daughter remained in The Doll House, as well as the other spectral inhabitants of the region, and rumors have occasionally risen about his continuing influence and possible return after his supposed defeat...