Friday, November 1, 2013

Materials: Albacon, Endata Cubes, Fraglith Crystals, and Syndak:

The Silicon Fields are abundant with items useful within it and if properly extracted, outside of it as well.  However, some of the materials themselves are as valued if not more than the powerful items.  Chief among them are Albacon, Endata Cubes, Fraglith Crystals, and Syndak:

Abacon is a type of material that is harvested regularly in The Silicon Fields to make ultra light but strong fibers and it transmits electricity and light with ease.  One cubic inch has 38 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/6000th lbs, and may transmit 1 electrical damage and 12 electrical hazard points from tip to tip and 5 light damage and full illumination to 1 square through its entire length.  It is often put into decor or even clothing (if properly shielded) for grand spectacles, as well as for lightweight short-range weaponry.

Endata Cubes are condensed data and energy that fuel any portable digital device equipped to take their power.  Each cubic inch has 4 EP, 1 Toughness, 1/9100th lbs weight, and stores 20 electric hazard points, which powers devices for quite some time.  Most Endata Cubes are 8 or 27 cubic inches in size, and each one also stores an extractable memory of every device it has been used or recharged in, and a holographic image of a 2 square radius of each use or recharge location.  Endata Cubes may be used in any realm, but only recharged in The Silicon Fields.

Fraglith Crystals are found adjacent to or near tears between The Silicon Fields and other realms, or from one portion of The Silicon Fields to another.  While tears do occur naturally and are shut down when the Fraglith is removed from them, they may also be caused by tuning the Fraglith with harmonic resonance to a particular location.  When the Fraglith is then shattered or destroyed by heat, light or electrical damage, a new tear will open in its place for 1 hour in one direction only.  Each cubic inch of Fraglith has 2 EP, 9 Toughness, weighs 1/4500th lbs, and is capable of creating a spherical tear four times its size.  Fraglith grows only from absorbing melted Albacon, Silicon and Copper, and an equal portion to its size will grow it by 1 cubic inch per week.  Putting more than equal batches of melted Albacon, Silicon and Copper will cause the Fraglith to dissolve.

Syndak is an addictive substance formed from digital dna, synthol, sugar, and a mixture of ingredients each creator keeps to themselves.  It can be liquified and injected, glazed over something, re-hardened within baked candies, or kept crystallized and broken into powder.  As it contains digital dna, it has the potential to carry infections if not prepared properly, but it also can temporarily bestow traits of the source and secret ingredients to the individual using it.  Its addiction starts as a simple craving, but those that have used it more than six times within a month find themselves having a sugar crash every morning and the need for hot and acidic consumables every two hours until they get a fix, with a lasting fever and slight purple around their irises as symptoms of their addiction.  Each cubic inch of Syndak has 1 EP, 1 Toughness, weighs 1/750th lbs, and is 8 units of Syndak dosage.

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